Nomadic Sparks
Is there a mod online I can PM?
Uh, because I'm fucking drinking. I'm not gonna carry when I amoved drinkingI'll drink enough to cover you during that period.
And like Jobbs said, where's the gun? I don't see any suspicious bulges...
Yeah, I remember hearing about The Young Turks going absolutely insane when she won the New York primary over Bernie, which in effect sealed his fate of ever becoming the nominee. Believe me, if I was American, I'd vote for Bernie if he was the nominee, it's just that his promises are pretty much...well, just pie in the sky.Over two decades of being subjected to GOP smear campaigns.
And younger people who get all their Hillary analysis from biased Youtube videos.
tonight's episode of the shitdred is gonna make me emotional
I can feel it
Yeah, I remember hearing about The Young Turks going absolutely insane when she won the New York primary over Bernie, which in effect sealed his fate of ever becoming the nominee. Believe me, if I was American, I'd vote for Bernie if he was the nominee, it's just that his promises are pretty much...well, just pie in the sky.
I want Bernie so I can have 4 years of Larry David on snl
Uh, because I'm fucking drinking. I'm not gonna carry when I amoved drinking
the curb your enthusiasm thing with larry david as bernie was the best thing ever to happen on SNL in years
thank you I am quite handsome aren't ISomeone should make a new selfie thread for the new year...
or maybe not...
But hot damn there's handsome motherfuckers/beautiful women on GAF
and there are a lot more women posters on GAF then I would ever expected, which that's always a pleasant surprise
I miss my nose ring god dammit
(pic is from 2013 lmao)
Whole movie lived up to the hype!Civil war was so good, spiderman delivered on the hype
ant man B^)
me as a baby (right)
thank you I am quite handsome aren't I
I miss my nose ring god dammit
(pic is from 2013 lmao)
You're not the first person to say this. Thankfully beards require less maintenance for me as that is only a week's worth of growth lol. I have to shave every day if I want to be clean shavenBTW I think the beard really works for you Sol and I don't usually prefer beards. that's easily the best picture I think I've personally seen of you
Pillow-blanket no jutsulike no joke what's the point of this picture lmao why do I have it
You're not the first person to say this. Thankfully beards require less maintenance for me as that is only a week's worth of growth lol. I have to shave every day if I want to be clean shaven
Pillow-blanket no jutsu
Great, now that you posted this gif people will start arguing whether there's a bromance or notkeep the beard. it suits you.
Great, now that you posted this gif people will start arguing whether there's a bromance or not
IIRC Oscar Isaac said he played it that way but it was left ambiguous on purposethis is more than a bromance, they're totally gay
srry lillith
srry lillith
You called?
we taking over lilithI even have a pic of me with a luigi mustache adsafdsgfdsgjksd
Beard boys?