I've seen that one before. i'd rather draw my own
I've seen that one before. i'd rather draw my own
Everyone is talented here :O
Everyone is talented here :O
I'm not talented but I make up for that with my sass.
my talent comes and goes. I'm pretty good from reference though so this shouldn't be too hard
Going to life drawing on Wednesday night...
Gonna practice with my surface pro.![]()
my new goal in life is convincing DC to let me write an Atomic Wonder Woman comicwhile wearing her outfit
my new goal in life is convincing DC to let me write an Atomic Wonder Woman comicwhile wearing her outfit
Well you've convinced me at least!
She had a Chainsaw of Justice.
I mean, what more do you need?
my new goal in life is convincing DC to let me write an Atomic Wonder Woman comicwhile wearing her outfit
Gangster. Can I dress up like Batwoman and write a crossover?my new goal in life is convincing DC to let me write an Atomic Wonder Woman comicwhile wearing her outfit
thats okay but wonderwoman doing more of a mad max thing is better.You could always watch Flashpoint Wonder Woman have an affair with Aquaman, decapitate his wife, take her crown, declare war on Atlantis, hang Steve Trevor with the lasso of truth, and then murder several children.
Gangster. Can I dress up like Batwoman and write a crossover?
You guys need to team up and create an entire Atomic line for DC. Post-apocalyptic DC would be fucking dope.
Don't give Geoff Johns and Dan DiDio any ideas. They'll kill everyone created after 1966 and have Hal Jordan rove the lands with silver age characters.You guys need to team up and create an entire Atomic line for DC. Post-apocalyptic DC would be fucking dope.
i'd think it would start with some massive conflict where captain atom eventually implodes and takes out half the heroes along with a bunch of villains and mutates a bunch more. (I vaguely remember this nearly happening in justice league unlimited)
of course that wouldn't directly be shown ever except through folklore throughout the new tribes, each having their own idea of what happened, sometimes worshiping the few that survived the blast
Isn't the Atomic universe's story that WW III happened by accident because a space rock or whatever destroyed Smallville and the US assumed that they were being bombed?
Isn't the Atomic universe's story that WW III happened by accident because a space rock or whatever destroyed Smallville and the US assumed that they were being bombed?
And for the Justice League Unlimited thing, I don't remember it killing anyone, but Captain Atom's suit got damaged at some point and he exploded
That's Distant Fires, and it wasn't really a Post-Apocalypse story so much as a Cold War story.
About Atomic Wonder Woman: With the world's superpowers threatening nuclear war, Wonder Woman was in training to come to 'Man's World' in hopes of brokering a peace between the parties. As she was preparing to leave, an object from space crashed into Kansas, destroying the town of Smallville. The United States, mistaking the impact for a first strike, retaliated for this perceived attack. Soon, both sides exchanged their full nuclear arsenal. No portion of the Earth was untouched and even Wonder Woman's home island of Themyscira was left in ruins. When the bombs stopped and a deathly silence covered the world, Wonder Woman saw that her mission of peace had become an errand of mercy and restoration. In the rubble of the world, she struggles to help the survivors build a new, and hopefully more harmonious, world.
Although she has seen terrible loss and destruction, Wonder Woman's will remains strong. She is confident the world can be rebuilt and that hope will return to the Earth.
zum wohl. may you all find love
I'm so wired/exhausted I might die. gonna go lay down next to my bro
well yeah but i just want an excuse to kill off all the characters i don't care for.
yeah thats why i said nearly. i think he ended up flying/being thrown into the outer atmosphere to avoid damage
well thats the story they used in infinite crisis
Wonder Woman x Supes is the second stupidest coupling in DC comics.
Scruffy Jobbs is my sexuality.
Jobbs you said you hated beards you BLAZING HYPOCRITE
You could use DC Universe Online's method where all of the founding Justice League members die in a battle royale against Lex Luthor's villain team. Flash and Green Lantern get Shazaam'd by Black Adam, Batman gets strangled with Wonder Woman's lasso by Deathstroke and then they're both blown up by Joker, Wonder Woman gets murdered by Lex in order to call Superman, and Supes get stabbed with a Kryptonite spear after Lex hid Kryptonite tic tacs in Wonder Woman's mouth to weaken him.
I'm not big on the DC Universe. (not a fan of most of the characters, except Batman)
Though I do thoroughly enjoy their 1 off graphic novels.
that was sorta what i was suggesting. its probably a better idea tho to go with the completely alternate universe where not everyone knows each other at the time, and we can kill off the leader of the justice league, cyborg (sorry to say but he has no chance vs the emp blast)
Aww, you're making me flash back to that Teen Titans episode "How Long is Forever" where they disbanded after Starfire disappeared and Cyborg was stuck in the tower because his power cells all burned out.
I feel that way about Marvel (with spiderman being the exception)
never read a comic of theirs that i've enjoyed so far tho. gonna try hawkeye and see how that turns out
and that reminded me of terra
unfortunate that from what i hear thats the only good version of her
I feel that way about Marvel (with spiderman being the exception)
never read a comic of theirs that i've enjoyed so far tho. gonna try hawkeye and see how that turns out
how does she come back in the ttg cartoon?I don't think it's the only good version but I think it was one of the better versions.
She's evil in the Teen Titans Go! cartoon :/
Are you looking for gripping or dumb fun? Because i might be able to suggest a few.
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe is good for dumb fun just to see how he manages it.
how does she come back in the ttg cartoon?
The TTG cartoon is its own thing from what I can tell. In the episode that I saw her in, she was pretending to like Beast Boy to infiltrate the titans.
Technically she never left in the original cartoon.She turned herself to stone then turned back after the Trigon arc and was leading a normal life until Beast Boy found her again in the last episode.
Guys, guys, guys...Giant Bomb has managed to upload Sony's '06 E3 conference, so now we can relive the disaster in the highest quality at 60fps.
"Riiiiiiiiidge Raaaaaaaaaaaaceeeeeeeer"
"Giant enemy crab"
"Five hundred and ninety nine US dollars"
yeah i sorta got that but i assumed it sorta relies on the original to establish the characters. thats really dumb though
i know. though theres questions if she had amnesia or was just avoiding him