Before I had this position I never was a very violent man, but christ there are some customers that make me want to reach through the phone and tear their hearts out.
It doesn't help that this guy has an annoying southern accent as well. Fuccccck.
May 24 I thinkwhen does overwatch actually come out?
if I can convince some irl friends to get it I'll probably jump on it.
again tho depends on the map.Another thing is how some characters depend on having others near too often. Some of those things are mostly cause of the balancing of the game and wanting to be fair with the damage output and life bars but the thing is that most characters that are heavy damage can be usually easy to dodge around if they are in plain sight.
Also is it me or the crouch in the game is mostly worthless?
when does overwatch actually come out?
if I can convince some irl friends to get it I'll probably jump on it.
I'm really, really enjoying it, and it's been a while since I've enjoyed a first-person shooter. I pre-ordered immediately after playing the beta. It's so bright and colourful, and all the characters are awesome in their own way. I recorded some gameplay last night.So is Overwatch actually good?
I'm really, really enjoying it, and it's been a while since I've enjoyed a first-person shooter. I pre-ordered immediately after playing the beta. It's so bright and colourful, and all the characters are awesome in their own way. I recorded some gameplay last night.
I also have more going up tonight.
Got to talk with Work Crush for a bit, finally. Honestly I don't even care anymore if something romantic happens or not, I just really like talking with her. She's great.
Crud, I can't add you rn cause i'm at work
bs you're in love
It's always something...
what do you know about love
ghouls don't have hearts anyways!
again tho depends on the map.
I didn't know there was crouch tbh
what do you know about love
ghouls don't have hearts anyways!
Lol ctrl IIRC. I only see it useful for the sniper characters so if you dont use them you dont miss much.
may 24th is soon
last dumb question... do you get all the characters in one go or is it microtransactioned to hell and back?
That way I'll ignore the PM until I get home and then I can add you.
may 24th is soon
last dumb question... do you get all the characters in one go or is it microtransactioned to hell and back?
may 24th is soon
last dumb question... do you get all the characters in one go or is it microtransactioned to hell and back?
You get them all since its not free.
Also Misha crouching is smaller target, easier to hide. I havent seen any benefits to it except maybe when taking cover on the Escort mission.
What's Genji's main use? Ambush?
Is Tracer broken? She feels broken
Anti sniper, he's a pretty effective counter to annoying Bastions and an ulting Soldier: 76. It's important to utilize his swift strike properly as it will go off cooldown if he kills someone with it, so you get around behind an entrenched sniper/Bastion and deflect their shots then swift strike them down and move on to the next target. So he's more of a constant offense type than an ambush type.
At least, that's how I use him.
I sexually identify as Joe Mangianello.
What is this a Monster High movie?
Is Tracer broken? She feels broken
you can't fight her 1v1 if the person knows how to play
Someone else chose Reaper so I went with Tracer. teleporting in, leaving the mine, and teleporting out seems hilariously useful.
Mcree shits on Tracer as well if you can catch her with your stun.
I hope Blizz makes a Hero eventually that has the equivalent of a silence just to mess with some of the more head-strong heroes... though I don't know how you'd be able to justify a silence in a game like this, it would be too strong.
Maybe as an ultimate, but it seems too weak to be an ultimate. Too strong to be a normal ability, too weak to be an ultimate ;(
silence an ultimate maybe instead? like shut it down when its starting to be engaged. would work especially well vs
either that or it could be an aoe silence that silences your team also
I hope Blizz makes a Hero eventually that has the equivalent of a silence just to mess with some of the more head-strong heroes... though I don't know how you'd be able to justify a silence in a game like this, it would be too strong.
Maybe as an ultimate, but it seems too weak to be an ultimate. Too strong to be a normal ability, too weak to be an ultimate ;(
yeah but the only thing thats difficult, is how to handle passive abilities.Now this is an interesting notion. Would make the build around you have to be very specific.
But I can already effectively silence ultimates with Roadhog. Nothing better than pulling an Ulting Pharah back down to the ground with his hook.
Although, I hooked an Ulting Winston once and it ended very badly for me lol
yeah but the only thing thats difficult, is how to handle passive abilities.
I haven't really used roadhog so i'm not sure how he works. generally i don't like characters as slow as him
you could silence ultimates in a different way, like reset every ultimate's gauge in an area or have a secondary gun that as you shoot it, damages the ult gauge instead of health
You're a much better game designer than me.
I like the idea of having a secondary gun that damages the Ult gage. Eventually they're going to have to do something like that to shake up the meta.
are there any characters with a root ability? I feel like they have barely scraped the surface of just MOBA abilities and theres way more they can do beyond them
Only played a bit of Overwatch.
So far liked the Rocket Launcher Girl and the Transforming Robot.
Though I need to play more characters in depth.
Mei's primary weapon function eventually stuns (not root), Mcree has a stun... uuuh... I don't think anyone has a proper Root yet though.
So are new characters characters going to be monetized?
Or will there be a bunch of free patches?
Can new characters be earned?
Blizzard plans to release new heroes for the game for free