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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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Would you like a film recommendation?

All your film recommendations are depressing. :p

Put on a comedy. Drink a bottle of wine.

This helped me once upon a time.

I try to dodge booze when I'm depressed because it just makes me even more depressed. The comedy idea might be a good one though.

Let me guess, one of them is the
Nameless King

Yes. :(

Play Overwatch with me.

What's that?

(I'm so out of touch.)


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
WWDC app was rejected. Oh well, it wasn't that great anyways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
the important lesson here is that trying is the first step towards failure

Throw that on a motivational poster and sell it.


It is tad disappointed that a Contacts app that added Touch ID login won a $1600 ticket.


irresponsible vagina leak
Migraine and depression at the same time. Im feeling Edgy McEdge tonight.

Don't worry btw as my attempt when I was on that shit before all failed. A bad weed never dies or something


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I'm reminded of all the rejection letters that Stephen King stapled to his wall before he was published.

“By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and went on writing.” – Stephen King



You know, when I first saw that Card Wars episode of Adventure Time, I thought it would be pretty sweet for that game to actually exist. I only now hit me that Card Wars is just a slightly silly Adventure Time version of Magic, complete with lands and tapping (flooping) cards. I guess that's the final nail in my Magic coffin.

Xiao Hu

Ha! Finally run into the Belgian girl because I'm skipped classes and had a smoke. Gonna ask her out tonight after she had classes.
Wish me luck again. But this time more plsssss!
Uh.. AT Card Wars totally exists. My little sister and brother used to play it all the time.

Ha! Finally run into the Belgian girl because I'm skipped classes and had a smoke. Gonna ask her out tonight after she had classes.
Wish me luck again. But this time more plsssss!

Hope she doesn't have a boyfriend (yet)!


Hey Lili how are you doing?

edit: How's everybody doing?
Mcree shits on Tracer as well if you can catch her with your stun.
I realllly need to try out McRee again and get better at the stun grenade. It screws me over so often.
Mei's primary weapon function eventually stuns (not root), Mcree has a stun... uuuh... I don't think anyone has a proper Root yet though.
Mei Bei <3. They successfully made a new Velma with her, she's adorable. I unlocked a skin that made her ice pack look like BB-8 too.
My favorite MOBA is Awesomenauts. I was actually kind of shocked that anyone could be mad while playing that game, or at least mad enough to hurl slurs, but I was wrong!
I got mad at Awesomenauts, not the community, but I felt it was really unbalanced.
Can a FakeGAF meetup ever happen? So many of you seem to live in bizarre, far off landmasses
I've met many from different parts of GAF, and I've interacted with Clyde long enough that I feel like I've met him.

Him calling the radio station studio to ask what's up still haunts me.

cat asshole
That's a tag I could get behind.


Day off from gym awwwwwwwwwww yeeaaahhhhhhh

Can a FakeGAF meetup ever happen? So many of you seem to live in bizarre, far off landmasses

I only seem to be able meet two GAFers at most at any given time. I don't plan on seeing any FakeGAF people until next year at the earliest, despite me not being the only SoCal FakeGAFer


irresponsible vagina leak
I just Googled him.

Seath, you blind son.


And all of you are 1000s of kilometers away from Western Australia.

Which is just how I like it.

What if I decide to take a trip to Western Australia? Will you hose me IRL?

Xiao Hu

Hope she doesn't have a boyfriend (yet)!

I hope ypur prophetical powers are better than trab's ones.

Without clicking on the link one would assume it's a story from mainland China

But he's cute, and so are you. :p

Back off. Before I have to pocke you with my dick!
I'm aware, but I didn't notice until now that the game seems to play like an AT version of Magic because I just recently read the rules of Magic

Oh, gotcha. I've never played Magic but since the whole show is a love letter to Dungeons & Dragons, video games and whatnot I kind of assumed it was going for something like that.

anyone else getting Unsshmurshmured 4 tomorrow?

Most likely. Depends on if I remember to or not. I'm not in a huge rush, but I do want to play it at some point soon.

Hey Lili how are you doing?

I had a super busy weekend and a long day at work today. It was all good, but I've barely gotten any sleep in the last few days so I'm pretty exhausted right now. I'm sitting here in my room having freshly showered, wearing clean pajamas, and sipping a huge mug of jasmine tea. I'm very relaxed at this point, which is nice.

I made a lot of people really happy yesterday. My mom, grandmother, and mentor most specifically, but also my boyfriend and father were quite pleased with me.


I only seem to be able meet two GAFers at most at any given time. I don't plan on seeing any FakeGAF people until next year at the earliest, despite me not being the only SoCal FakeGAFer

The FakeGAFer closest in proximity to me is LookAtMeGo and I'll almost certainly be meeting him within the next few months or so. Most everyone else is pretty far from the Pacific Northwest.

(I did meet AcridMeat at some point. And AFishAficionado.)


irresponsible vagina leak
I'm aware Im never meeting any of you unless I move to US. Not complaining since I dont expect to be liked much anyway ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯

Xiao Hu

Poke me with your dick til you release all your stress. ( &#865;° &#860;&#662; &#865;°)

You get back in shape and I poke till my dick breaks. Deal?
Honestly, you'll look gorgeous. You already have such a nice face so use that potential god damit!



I'm aware Im never meeting any of you unless I move to US. Not complaining since I dont expect to be liked much anyway ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯

why think that? you're one of the funniest people here. yesterday you made me legit laugh out loud 3 times


The FakeGAFer closest in proximity to me is LookAtMeGo and I'll almost certainly be meeting him within the next few months or so. Most everyone else is pretty far from the Pacific Northwest.

(I did meet AcridMeat at some point. And AFishAficionado.)

For FakeGAF I think it would've been Toa Tak if he were still here, but since he's not it's probably Lilith. Closest known general GAFer is bunny.

Oh, gotcha. I've never played Magic but since the whole show is a love letter to Dungeons & Dragons, video games and whatnot I kind of assumed it was going for something like that.

Yeah I was going over the rules and someone in the Adventure Time OT mentioned another Card Wars episode and the whole thing hit me like the realization at the end of a SAW movie.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I'm so glad I don't do iOS dev anymore. Nothing but trouble on that front.

That said, there are plenty of apps I'm quite thankful for.

Oh I love it! It's easily my favorite area of programming I've been involved in so far.
So much to learn. The industry changes so quickly, and there's always more work than workers. Plus $$$.

I'm actually getting new glasses. But I don't like wearing them.

Oh and my new lifting shoes got here.


Which ones did you get? I've been sticking with some old Chuck Taylors for awhile now.


irresponsible vagina leak
You get back in shape and I poke till my dick breaks. Deal?
Honestly, you'll look gorgeous. You already have such a nice face so use that potential god damit!
Why dont you poke the fat away? You can them show me as one of your achievements and that will be more fun.
why think that? you're one of the funniest people here. yesterday you made me legit laugh out loud 3 times
I'm actually socially awkward. On the internet is easier to be more relax and joke around but in person I may actually need a lot of time to warm up to a group. Also if I get drunk the chances are I'll become more quiet and use my phone more like I did the last time lol.


I had a super busy weekend and a long day at work today. It was all good, but I've barely gotten any sleep in the last few days so I'm pretty exhausted right now. I'm sitting here in my room having freshly showered, wearing clean pajamas, and sipping a huge mug of jasmine tea. I'm very relaxed at this point, which is nice.

I made a lot of people really happy yesterday. My mom, grandmother, and mentor most specifically, but also my boyfriend and father were quite pleased with me.
Phrasing Lana!

That sounds nice and relaxing. I had a long day of garbaj, and now watching my teams (Sharks and Warriors). Sharks can clinch series, Warriors are looking rough. Gahhhh D:

Also had another nice talk with girl after she came back from camping about how we're still both on the same page about things. It's nice. :D

I need to play more Overwatch for my sanity tonight though.
I've yet to meet Acrid but we have had several lovely phone conversations...
I wanna visit SD, you in?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Alright, I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt I posted a snippet of my novel on Imgur and it got 1k+ likes, and people were like "this is awesome, go for publishing it man!" I was really happy in the dream, then I woke up and got sad it was just a dream, but... why the fuck did I dream I posted it on imgur instead of getting it successfully published or reviewed or something? What the hell, brain? IMGUR!? Man.
Phrasing Lana!

That sounds nice and relaxing. I had a long day of garbaj, and now watching my teams (Sharks and Warriors). Sharks can clinch series, Warriors are looking rough. Gahhhh D:

Also had another nice talk with girl after she came back from camping about how we're still both on the same page about things. It's nice. :D

I need to play more Overwatch for my sanity tonight though.

I realized that but didn't want a huge info dump at the time so I left the phrasing as-is.

Have fun with the sports! Your teams deserve to win more than the other people's teams, so I hope they do. :p

My curiosity is piqued.

I woke up and the first thing I did was call my grandmother. We don't normally get on very well because she lives pretty far away and she has a lot of very strange opinions and she's the most passive aggressive person I've ever met. But I put that aside for the day and decided to be a nice little granddaughter and see how she's been doing. I was a little generous with my remarks and she was surprised to even be getting a call from any of her grandchildren, so that made her day.

Then I went to lunch with my boyfriend's family and met his sister for the first time. They were very accepting of me and appreciative that I would take some time off from my own family to be with them.

Though in the mean time apparently my sister got into a heated argument with my dad at lunch about something petty. They were both misunderstanding each other and jumping to conclusions about stuff they didn't really know about. But I managed to quell the fight by providing some mutual insight and the rest of the day went off without a hitch.

We went to this street fair/market thing that happens on Mother's Day each year and my mom really likes. There's all kinds of art and tchotchkes that are fun to browse, and it eats up a good portion of the day so you don't have to plan a whole bunch, and it had been five or six years since we last went so it was good to be back. Mind you I have three siblings, so we're quite the entourage when we're all together.

Then my sister and I took our mom to the salon to get a mani pedi while the boys set up a picnic dinner. Then we ate in a park with an ocean view and watched the sunset and played some charades-style games.

On the way home I wanted to text my mentor because she's been incredibly helpful to me this past year and in many ways like a second mother to me, so I sent her a message saying I loved her and was so grateful for her being in my life. Then she called me and we talked for a good while.

After all that my boyfriend came back over and we watched Game of Thrones and Silicon Valley, and then stayed up for a while talking and watching The OC, plus some other stuff.

Oh I love it! It's easily my favorite area of programming I've been involved in so far.
So much to learn. The industry changes so quickly, and there's always more work than workers. Plus $$$.

I think I struggled because I wasn't very good at it. I was always mucking up the tool chain, often couldn't get apps to sign properly, and I just don't like Obj C. Plus doing development work on a Mac instead of a PC always feels much more cluttered and harder to keep things straight, but that might just be a matter of familiarity.

That and I had some bad experiences with flaky clients.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I think I struggled because I wasn't very good at it. I was always mucking up the tool chain, often couldn't get apps to sign properly, and I just don't like Obj C. Plus doing development work on a Mac instead of a PC always feels much more cluttered and harder to keep things straight, but that might just be a matter of familiarity.

That and I had some bad experiences with flaky clients.

Yeah, the whole development process is definitely an all in thing. They control so much of the toolchain and pipeline (which is good IMO) that you need a dedicated machine along with dedicated mindspace. I've been doing this for a little over a year now and still feel stupid every day.

Thankfully Swift is out now which has made development much more enjoyable than Obj-C. The Mac ecosystem is way different than PC, but I honestly think I'm much more efficient here than Windows land. Multiple desktops and gestures make multitasking really nice.

Client wise....yeah, but that'll happen in any sort of freelance or contract based business.
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