Phrasing Lana!
That sounds nice and relaxing. I had a long day of garbaj, and now watching my teams (Sharks and Warriors). Sharks can clinch series, Warriors are looking rough. Gahhhh D:
Also had another nice talk with girl after she came back from camping about how we're still both on the same page about things. It's nice.
I need to play more Overwatch for my sanity tonight though.
I realized that but didn't want a huge info dump at the time so I left the phrasing as-is.
Have fun with the sports! Your teams deserve to win more than the other people's teams, so I hope they do.
I woke up and the first thing I did was call my grandmother. We don't normally get on very well because she lives pretty far away and she has a lot of very strange opinions and she's the most passive aggressive person I've ever met. But I put that aside for the day and decided to be a nice little granddaughter and see how she's been doing. I was a little generous with my remarks and she was surprised to even be getting a call from any of her grandchildren, so that made her day.
Then I went to lunch with my boyfriend's family and met his sister for the first time. They were very accepting of me and appreciative that I would take some time off from my own family to be with them.
Though in the mean time apparently my sister got into a heated argument with my dad at lunch about something petty. They were both misunderstanding each other and jumping to conclusions about stuff they didn't really know about. But I managed to quell the fight by providing some mutual insight and the rest of the day went off without a hitch.
We went to this street fair/market thing that happens on Mother's Day each year and my mom really likes. There's all kinds of art and tchotchkes that are fun to browse, and it eats up a good portion of the day so you don't have to plan a whole bunch, and it had been five or six years since we last went so it was good to be back. Mind you I have three siblings, so we're quite the entourage when we're all together.
Then my sister and I took our mom to the salon to get a mani pedi while the boys set up a picnic dinner. Then we ate in a park with an ocean view and watched the sunset and played some charades-style games.
On the way home I wanted to text my mentor because she's been incredibly helpful to me this past year and in many ways like a second mother to me, so I sent her a message saying I loved her and was so grateful for her being in my life. Then she called me and we talked for a good while.
After all that my boyfriend came back over and we watched Game of Thrones and Silicon Valley, and then stayed up for a while talking and watching The OC, plus some other stuff.
Oh I love it! It's easily my favorite area of programming I've been involved in so far.
So much to learn. The industry changes so quickly, and there's always more work than workers. Plus $$$.
I think I struggled because I wasn't very good at it. I was always mucking up the tool chain, often couldn't get apps to sign properly, and I just don't like Obj C. Plus doing development work on a Mac instead of a PC always feels much more cluttered and harder to keep things straight, but that might just be a matter of familiarity.
That and I had some bad experiences with flaky clients.