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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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Didn't have trouble dating before, but currently I am.
Probably due to the GF.

Unless going out with her falls under the date category.



are you doing anything to actually fix it because honestly man it just seems like you enjoy coming on here to complain about it for attention

I'm really not trying to be a dick here btw

I think you should resolve your chronic anxiety issues before trying to date because if they are as bad as what they seem like from your posts what exactly do you think you can bring to a romantic relationship?


irresponsible vagina leak
We'll see who's laughing after my dog seal and I fight our way to the top while my Charizard burns your owl alive.

The 100's not my thing.
I'll piss on your Charizard while my owl fans my face with his wings to keep me fresh from the summer heat. XOXO

I swear that I've mentioned this to you outside of GAF in passing MULTIPLE times hahaha

Off topic, I hope I get home in time from work to catch some more Overwatch before they shut that shit down until release, all I can think about is sneaking in a couple more games
Dating issues?


I want to move out of my dad's house before I even try anything and godalmighty I would kill to be able to sleep a full 6-8 hours without waking up and going to the bathroom 2-3 times a night.

I have a CPAC machine but about 3 years overdue for a new sleep study, which is finally happening this week.

Also I don't really trust strangers all that much to bar hop and
still a virgin at almost 30 D:

Online dating eeeeehhhhh
No one's getting tux pics because I don't own a tux.

I'm just gonna do suit and tie. It's work-related anyways.
post suit pics.
it's worth giving a chance.

she goes from this


to this




And this is representative of the show in general, which goes from dawson's creek to the opposite of dawson's creek over the course of one season

(And that's not even to mention Raven, who is one of my favorite characters on TV right now)

This is probably the best show on TV
yeah I can see it getting better already but I fucking hate the cgi. especially the ugly blue cgi and all the creatures in general. why is it still like this, people need to notice they're putting shit in the movies/on tv poerc poewr,cow erp o,weci€rewfergdag4wT
actually fuck that shit watch the americans with me

my face is basically this the entire time o_O

I'm 33
everyone keeps talking about the Americans so I probably check it out too.

cmon jb, you're not keeping up!


one of the dumbest things I've ever done was date someone almost immediately after my divorce.

it was fun to rebound and such but in the end it wasn't fair to her and it wasn't really fair to me because I had not worked through my shit yet.

my point is, you don't have to be perfect to date someone but you should have your shit at least somewhat straight before you do. too many fucked up people in this world getting together and producing fucked up spawn as a result

what does this even mean?

it's like "hipster". it's just a way of saying you don't like thing.

tryhard to my understanding is someone that is being fake to fit into a certain perception that they wish people would have about them. it's like you can just tell that they spend so much time in front of the mirror trying to get everything perfect so they will fit that one image.

essentially, a poseur
one of the dumbest things I've ever done was date someone almost immediately after my divorce.

it was fun to rebound and such but in the end it wasn't fair to her and it wasn't really fair to me because I had not worked through my shit yet.

my point is, you don't have to be perfect to date someone but you should have your shit at least somewhat straight before you do. too many fucked up people in this world getting together and producing fucked up spawn as a result

this is true. I'm also noticting that I couldn't get involved with someone that quickly anymore. well I couldn't really do it before either but I was a bit more careless. the next person I settle for will have to be the fucking best.

also just a shoutout to all the virgins here since I've seen this floating around several times now. don't let it make you feel self conscious, just continue to be the cool and decent dudes that you are and things will work out. It would not be a dealbreaker to anyone who really cares. just get your dick out there.


in other news my nurse just called with my monthly lab results and apparently my potassium is low!?

this means I get to eat cool stuff I've had to avoid for the past year such as:


you guys have no idea how boring food is without this stuff


What sort of diet restrictions are you on, if you don't mind me asking?

low sodium - as to not elevate my blood pressure
low potassium
low phosphorus - this hurts because I guess beer and alchohol contains high amounts of phosphorus

list of fun things I can't (shouldn't) enjoy anymore:

Dairy - I miss cheese so fucking much
Tomato - Try eating Italian food without this


The wife's working tonight so I'm going to spend my evening playing with my daughter and watching Uncharted 4 YouTube walkthroughs.

I have no shame.


just get your dick out there.

how long before it grows back and I can virgin shame you

The wife's working tonight so I'm going to spend my evening playing with my daughter and watching Uncharted 4 YouTube walkthroughs.

I have no shame.

I JUST got the game minutes ago. I don't feel any strong compulsion to play it yet, I think part of the fun will be complaining or at least reacting to it -- and for that I need someone else here
I watched a couple hours of Uncharted 4 last night. I would continue to do so except my boyfriend told me he wants to play the game so I'm going to pick it up after work and we can play tonight. Should be fun! :)


I JUST got the game minutes ago. I don't feel any strong compulsion to play it yet, I think part of the fun will be complaining or at least reacting to it -- and for that I need someone else here

I'm coming over with the baby.

I'll need you to provide breast milk diapers and lubrication in that order.
are you doing anything to actually fix it because honestly man it just seems like you enjoy coming on here to complain about it for attention

I'm really not trying to be a dick here btw

I think you should resolve your chronic anxiety issues before trying to date because if they are as bad as what they seem like from your posts what exactly do you think you can bring to a romantic relationship?

Oh come on dood, I was answering your question!

And you are...heavily misreading my posting :p

I am either being dumb and joking or just vomiting out whatever's on my mind like 95% of the time. I very rarely purposefully complain (unless for comedy reasons), and if I do it's certainly not for attention, good lord no.

And the thing is, I know I can deal with it. I mean christ, I moved across the country to go to a university where I knew a grand total of 1 person, who I didn't even know would be there. Start of second year I moved out of a flat with a load of people who I hadn't met before moving in, into a house with 5 other people I had never met. And me and the people from the house are still good friends. I don't hide away at work, I spend a lot of time joking around with my coworkers. I can deal with this shit, it's just the starting hump is a massive pain if I'm not forced into dealing with it.


Oh come on dood, I was answering your question!

And you are...heavily misreading my posting :p

I am either being dumb and joking or just vomiting out whatever's on my mind like 95% of the time. I very rarely purposefully complain (unless for comedy reasons), and if I do it's certainly not for attention, good lord no.

And the thing is, I know I can deal with it. I mean christ, I moved across the country to go to a university where I knew a grand total of 1 person, who I didn't even know would be there. Start of second year I moved out of a flat with a load of people who I hadn't met before moving in, into a house with 5 other people I had never met. And me and the people from the house are still good friends. I don't hide away at work, I spend a lot of time joking around with my coworkers. I can deal with this shit, it's just the starting hump is a massive pain if I'm not forced into dealing with it.

I'll keep this in mind. I guess I haven't been around here long enough to quite get your humor.

good to see that you are adaptable and social in some kind of capacity

A lot of people, apparently. Including me.

and I hope you lot enjoy it but I personally think the Tomb Raider reboot, last of us and uncharted style of "cinematic" games are fucking killing video games
and I hope you lot enjoy it but I personally think the Tomb Raider reboot, last of us and uncharted style of "cinematic" games are fucking killing video games
What... How? That would be like me saying Final Fantasy and Persona are killing games just because I don't give a shit about RPGs.


and I hope you lot enjoy it but I personally think the Tomb Raider reboot, last of us and uncharted style of "cinematic" games are fucking killing video games

Nah. I think you'd have a better argument if you said that this deluge of open world games are killing video games, though.

(I don't like open world games.)


some games have an influence on other games. gears of war, call of duty, uncharted, and dark souls are all examples of games that had an impact on other games and the way other publishers/developers operate - for better or worse.

only so many games can be made per year, and this is especially true of AAA. if vacuous gameplay experiences are positively reinforced by critics & consumers, then a greater majority of our games will be that.

Trends come and go and it's hyperbolic to say shallow cinematic games are killing video games, but few of us are completely above engaging in hyperbole. I've said in the past that Uncharted games represent the death of the artform, after all.

(We'll see if I still think that after 4 -- I'm willing to go in eyes open because I genuinely loved TLOU)


Luckily there's a large selection of games that can be all things to all people.

i thought we left this talk behind last gen.

We get this talk every gen with popular games. Tomb Raider and Uncharted are such easy targets but the argument that they're the worst is paper thin, and I've played enough Phoenix Wright to blow holes in most arguments.


irresponsible vagina leak
I enjoyed Tomb Raider gameplay but the story was atrocious while Uncharted has great cutscenes with what I think is mediocre gameplay.

Open World games are a bigger offense to me cause the world usually ends up getting boring to explore cause its following usually a theme and the way to fill the game with side quests end up feeling MMOish on some cases with mindless shit. The open world game I would technically say I enjoyed but still didnt finish was The Witcher 3 because the quests are actually engaging, the dialogue is good and the characters are memorable. The world is well crafted but my attention span cant really take it lol.

I started playing Hotline Miami 2.
Having too much fun with the game.
Love it.

Im enjoying it a lot too even when I die too much at times. :p
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