Future fruit smoothie?
Future fruit smoothie?
I have placenta wrapped in a brown paper bag in my freezer.
That is something a normal guy would have.
I mean
Define normal
Because I find normal people quite often are super boring and like bland garbage
Your wife saving it for lunch?
kidding aside we are going to dig a hole on her parents property, toss it in there, then plant a tree on top.
As the tree grows with the lifeblood of my daughter, so too will her power over this realm.
normals as in...basic human behaviour/style & common sense. he can be weird as fuck for all I care... as long as it's an ejoyable weird for the most part. not psycho or too dumb to talk.
this is weird. i haven't been quoted once in this thread so far today.
normals as in...basic human behaviour/style & common sense. he can be weird as fuck for all I care... as long as it's an ejoyable weird for the most part. not psycho or too dumb to talk.
this is weird. i haven't been quoted once in this thread so far today.
I mean
Define normal
Because I find normal people quite often are super boring and like bland garbage
normals as in...basic human behaviour/style & common sense. he can be weird as fuck for all I care... as long as it's an ejoyable weird for the most part. not psycho or too dumb to talk.
Is this you?
I have this problem with women. That girl I was talking about a week or so ago is really... really weird.normals as in...basic human behaviour/style & common sense. he can be weird as fuck for all I care... as long as it's an ejoyable weird for the most part. not psycho or too dumb to talk.
thank goodness. i was worried you all collectively decided to ignore me
I have this problem with women. That girl I was talking about a week or so ago is really... really weird.
I blame your hockey avatar.
normals as in...basic human behaviour/style & common sense. he can be weird as fuck for all I care... as long as it's an ejoyable weird for the most part. not psycho or too dumb to talk.
I have this problem with women. That girl I was talking about a week or so ago is really... really weird.
not nearly as good at commanding attention as kuvira
You're only course of action is to move.
Upon trab's arrival in the US
I think people go for wanting to command respect, not attention.
I actually think so too.
both are a result of her authority though
Orlando is very friendly to transplants.
Epcot prefers to hire people from the coutries represented at their park for instance.
I love the German section of Epcot. I've been twice and each time I get a brat and a beer and say something about lederhosen to the German people at the cash register. It always gets a laugh and not a disapproving eyeroll.
the guy seems to be saying this too much.Arranging a date
Everyone in North America is super into rollerblading. The RCMP are thinking of changing their name to the RCRP.
You don't need authority to command attention. The respect was a result proving her capability as a leader, but most of the attention came from her shows of force, which turned respect into fear, which turned into retaliation.
you're lying! LYING! why do the rollerbladers keep following me. when will this farce end
Upon trab's arrival in the US
pretty sure that's an actual line from the movie.
Yes but only because it's too cold to rollerblade in Canada.
It's not rollerblading but Solar Babies was one of my favorite 80's movies when I was a young lad.
fear is just a different manifestation of respect. it would also be acceptable if you fear me. I'm not here to make friends
The Biblical baby name James is the Greek version of the Hebrew name Jacob and it's meaning is supplanter
Supplanter often refers to governments and rulers of countries, and it comes from the verb supplant, which evolved from the Latin supplantare, meaning "to trip up or to overthrow."
Canada is a country, not a state.