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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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your perception needs reevaluating

How do ya mean?

girls spend a lifetime being judged and learn to judge each other in return. It's why we're so hard on ourselves and on others.

I'm not trying to excuse people for being bitchy, but it's learned behavior.

Ya, it's a product of the society, rather than a failing of the individual woman.

By the same token, men have trouble expressing or accepting emotions other than happy, angry, and sad.


How do ya mean?

Ya, it's a product of the society, rather than a failing of the individual woman.

By the same token, men have trouble expressing or accepting emotions other than happy, angry, and sad.
I hear it all the time. It hasn't gone away by a long shot

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
I feel fantastic and I don't even know why :) Weather's great though, weirdly enough Australian summer made me appreciate sunny hot days more instead of less. Just sucks to be inside in the evenings, but I dunno what else to do :x

Managing to adhere to my training and at least somewhat good nutrition, my body just hates me and doesn't want to actually lose the belly I guess. Eh, I'll be fine.

Tattoo on its way in 2 weeks so that's cool. And finished Dark Souls 3, now begins the real yadda yadda.

No dating yet though, so no juicy stories, I'm sorry.

THATS IT. How have you been weirdos


irresponsible vagina leak
I was watching your video and my boss came into my office and was like "she sounds hot".

I was like "-_-" should have told him you've already promised yourself to that one actress lady whose name I forget.

ADC. I often forget the name but not those letters.


I hear it all the time. It hasn't gone away by a long shot

Within the greater Pittsburgh metro region it's prevalence has completely dropped off when compared to even just 20 years ago, which is why my friend wanted to study the socio-economic impact of this. The going theory is that the "Eds and Meds" economy has driven out native Pittsburghers from the metro area and pushed the accent into more suburban and rural areas as the diversity of people and pay scale of jobs increases in the "golden triangle".

A similar thing happened to the Pidgin dialects of New Orleans.


Within the greater Pittsburgh metro region it's prevalence has completely dropped off when compared to even just 20 years ago, which is why my friend wanted to study the socio-economic impact of this. The going theory is that the "Eds and Meds" economy has driven out native Pittsburghers from the metro area and pushed the accent into more suburban and rural areas as the diversity of people and pay scale of jobs increases in the "golden triangle".

A similar thing happened to the Pidgin dialects of New Orleans.
Oh that makes sense but the new people wouldn't have a consistent accent anyway so are they really worth paying attention to?


irresponsible vagina leak
I think this is the only video up in which I speak. Through the analytics I found that a teenaged girl had posted it to Gaia Online saying I was "yummy", which was flattering and weird.

Im a 27 year old gay guy and I want to have your babies. Play me a song to sleep d... daddy


Oh that makes sense but the new people wouldn't have a consistent accent anyway so are they really worth paying attention to?

Well, specifically she wants to find out if there is a prevalence scale between an identifiable Pittsburghese construction (the "needs" construction) and socio-economic status to help give proof to the "Eds and Meds" theory.

I'd be interested to see if the new people would pick up some of the more easily integrated constructions personally.

Like, I've been here 8 years and I'm mixing my Burqueno with Pittsburghese now.

"Al la verga this car needs warshed all up in here"

I mean did he lie?

He ain't never lied.


Well, specifically she wants to find out if there is a prevalence scale between an identifiable Pittsburghese construction (the "needs" construction) and socio-economic status to help give proof to the "Eds and Meds" theory.

I'd be interested to see if the new people would pick up some of the more easily integrated constructions personally.

Like, I've been here 8 years and I'm mixing my Burqueno with Pittsburghese now.

"Al la verga this car needs warshed all up in here"

He ain't never lied.
It's probably going to partially depend on English teachers for new generations. Mine never even bothered correcting that and I didn't learn it was wrong till like 11th grade


alright... so can we be real a second? I know I pissed all of you off yesterday and I'm sorry but I'm bored and I'm probably over thinking and I want to talk to someone

let's talk about standards a moment.

What are your non-negotiables when deciding to date someone? Do you have any or do you just let it happen and figure out red flags as you go along?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm being too selective


alright... so can we be real a second? I know I pissed all of you off yesterday and I'm sorry but I'm bored and I'm probably over thinking and I want to talk to someone

let's talk about standards a moment.

What are your non-negotiables when deciding to date someone? Do you have any or do you just let it happen and figure out red flags as you go along?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm being too selective

I assume everyone is a boring asshole until I get to know them.

So I automatically select out everyone from my dating pool.

But I'm aloof and egotistical so don't follow my lead.


alright... so can we be real a second? I know I pissed all of you off yesterday and I'm sorry but I'm bored and I'm probably over thinking and I want to talk to someone

let's talk about standards a moment.

What are your non-negotiables when deciding to date someone? Do you have any or do you just let it happen and figure out red flags as you go along?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm being too selective
I mean like lgbt friendly but beyond that everything else depends on context.


alright... so can we be real a second? I know I pissed all of you off yesterday and I'm sorry but I'm bored and I'm probably over thinking and I want to talk to someone

let's talk about standards a moment.

What are your non-negotiables when deciding to date someone? Do you have any or do you just let it happen and figure out red flags as you go along?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm being too selective

I guess there needs to be chemistry/attraction -- as far as requirements for going out, that's about it (not talking about getting married or whatever, that's obviously a higher bar).

Like, I would have thought someone using the word "faggy" would have been a major red flag, but I guess it's not the end of the world because I have determined that I don't think she has any malice and is a wonderfully compassionate person

I can't tell if he's speaking english
I don't either, don't worry.

Pittsburghese sounds like a made up thing. It's real.

"I told yinz once, I told yinz a hundred times. No playin' ball in the has."

lol you think that sounds made up

"going aht" means "going out", but more mind blowingly, going "aht-aht" means going out to something really important.

so if I had a REALLY exciting event to get to, I'd be going aht-aht.
Meanwhile in geordie: "ganoot"
alright... so can we be real a second? I know I pissed all of you off yesterday and I'm sorry but I'm bored and I'm probably over thinking and I want to talk to someone

let's talk about standards a moment.

What are your non-negotiables when deciding to date someone? Do you have any or do you just let it happen and figure out red flags as you go along?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm being too selective

Not a douchebag. Like, for real. A huge turn off is when people are rude to random strangers, like to their waiter, or someone in customer service, or just generally giving me the vibe that you'd fight someone over something stupid (when I say it it's a joke).

I just really value kindness. I like seeing the good in people and I'm kind in real life. I seem like an ass here but I've got a big heart and I like people who share that.

Also I hate hate hate hate when people have some preconceived notion that I need to be pampered or taken care of just because I'm a girl. I'm a fucking grown adult thank you I don't need you to act like I'm incompetent.


Not a douchebag. Like, for real. A huge turn off is when people are rude to random strangers, like to their waiter, or someone in customer service, or just generally giving me the vibe that you'd fight someone over something stupid (when I say it it's a joke).

I just really value kindness. I like seeing the good in people and I'm kind in real life. I seem like an ass here but I've got a big heart and I like people who share that.

Also I hate hate hate hate when people have some preconceived notion that I need to be pampered or taken care of just because I'm a girl. I'm a fucking grown adult thank you I don't need you to act like I'm incompetent.

yus, pay attention to how people treat waiters/retail workers/etc -- being rude to them is indeed a MAAAAAJOR red flag that you've got an asshole on your hands.

As far as being taken care of, I like it, and wish people would stop assuming I have to be a tough man. I'm a little boy, god damnit, and I'm scared all the time


I need someone to tell me if I'm being rude.

Most of the time I think I'm being perfectly personable and shit, but then every once in awhile a friend will be like "man, you were kinda rude to that guy?" and I'm like "what? really?"

Is there a boot camp for being a normal personable human being?
I need someone to tell me if I'm being rude.

Most of the time I think I'm being perfectly personable and shit, but then every once in awhile a friend will be like "man, you were kinda rude to that guy?" and I'm like "what? really?"

Is there a boot camp for being a normal personable human being?

Yes it's actual military bootcamp

If you're rude to anyone they will fucking scream your head off


alright... so can we be real a second? I know I pissed all of you off yesterday and I'm sorry but I'm bored and I'm probably over thinking and I want to talk to someone

let's talk about standards a moment.

What are your non-negotiables when deciding to date someone? Do you have any or do you just let it happen and figure out red flags as you go along?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm being too selective

Nothing major. They just have to be a nice person. Being clever and funny are good bonuses.

I need someone to tell me if I'm being rude.

Most of the time I think I'm being perfectly personable and shit, but then every once in awhile a friend will be like "man, you were kinda rude to that guy?" and I'm like "what? really?"

Is there a boot camp for being a normal personable human being?

You have a slight tendency to come off that way.

And you just have to consciously monitor what you say for a while until it becomes second nature to be nice. It takes a lot of focus
alright... so can we be real a second? I know I pissed all of you off yesterday and I'm sorry but I'm bored and I'm probably over thinking and I want to talk to someone

let's talk about standards a moment.

What are your non-negotiables when deciding to date someone? Do you have any or do you just let it happen and figure out red flags as you go along?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm being too selective

I'm actually pretty open re: standards, so I can't really think of anything that would immediately make me say "nope." Even smoking, which I'm typically against since asthma, I can tolerate as long as they're not a chain smoker or blatantly ignoring me and smoking near me or something.

- Not be a jackass either, I guess. I'm very non-confrontational (long story), but not passive-aggressive, so I can roll with a lot of things except outright nastiness.

- Be a clean person. Should be obvious, but GAF has proven me wrong with common sense...

- Be employed. It's one thing if the person has lost their job and is going through a rough patch; I just went through one myself and I more than understand the struggle. But if you're not even bothering to better yourself via school or looking for a job, then that's a gigantic red flag that even I can't overlook.
yus, pay attention to how people treat waiters/retail workers/etc -- being rude to them is indeed a MAAAAAJOR red flag that you've got an asshole on your hands.

As far as being taken care of, I like it, and wish people would stop assuming I have to be a tough man. I'm a little boy, god damnit, and I'm scared all the time

Working retail, even though I was generally polite to all workers beforehand, made me truly realize how nasty people can be to retail workers, so I will typically do what i can to make the experience easier for retail workers when I have to shop inside a store. This of course goes out the window if it's obvious that they don't give a shit about their job, and I'll remember the tricks of the trade to make things worse for them behind the scenes.


Oh yeah smoking is definitely something that's immediate.

Pretty much everything else though I can't see making a blanket statement on.
Not to say I'm not picky but it's the sum of the parts that matters rather than individual attributes


I already think I'm nice though, I don't know when I'm not being nice. :(

Whenever someone tells you may have been rude, think back to whatever it was that you said and make a note to not do that in the future.

You don't have to be constantly worrying about it like you're defusing a bomb, though. You can be confident without being rude. That's the best possible personality that you can have.


break you down to build you up.

I don't know if that's really necessary or if it's just part of military tradition at this point
Positive reinforcement needs to be done at a more personal level so I can understand why they don't want to put the necessary effort in. I still think it's wrong though


Whenever someone tells you may have been rude, think back to whatever it was that you said and make a note to not do that in the future.

You don't have to be constantly worrying about it like you're defusing a bomb, though. You can be confident without being rude. That's the best possible personality that you can have.

Ya, constantly worrying about it sounds exhausting tbh.

There are only a few times where I really care, which is probably part of the problem, but when those times crop up I'm like "maybe I should do something about this".

The funny thing is, I'm the front face for a large manufacturing company, I have to be personable and chatty in order to help drive sales and I've never had a complaint on that front. Blah.

Whatever, this isn't about my rare failings! This is about standards lol


irresponsible vagina leak
alright... so can we be real a second? I know I pissed all of you off yesterday and I'm sorry but I'm bored and I'm probably over thinking and I want to talk to someone

let's talk about standards a moment.

What are your non-negotiables when deciding to date someone? Do you have any or do you just let it happen and figure out red flags as you go along?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm being too selective

I think if there is not much in common things might not work cause there might be conflict with the disagreements and such. I do like learning and taking new things from people but not everyone is calm when someone has a different belief or opinion on something. I do not like being belittled when I have a different opinion than someone and I try my best to actually explain why I believe something or think something is right.

Other things I care about is people being expressive, caring and that looks that is into things. I really hate when people seem void of emotion or interest despite saying they are interested and enjoying themselves. Im not asking you to gimme a gigantic smile but I expect some visual feedback to show something.

Also be able to hold a conversation and be respectful of others and know when its fine to joke or not.

In short I wouldnt deal with is someone that seems emotionally void, too serious, disrespectful and self centered.
They spend the first three weeks breaking your spirit, and then when you're a shell of a human, they can fill you with whatever they want.

Bootcamp is actually brainwashing if you think about it.

From what I've read, it's so there's less pushback when it comes to following orders on the fly. Since in an actual combat situation you can't really afford to hesitate, it makes some sense.


From what I've read, it's so there's less pushback when it comes to following orders on the fly. Since in an actual combat situation you can't really afford to hesitate, it makes some sense.

I don't think orders should necessarily be followed on the fly in a combat situation. If I was fighting for my life I wouldn't mindlessly follow an order that might get me or my buddies killed or would otherwise violate my conscience. Fuck that. Ever see The Thin Red Line? They were trying to get the guy to order his unit into certain death and he was resisting because he had a brain and cared about the actual human beings under his charge.

If I received an order to take some action that would almost certainly result in civ casualties, for example, I'd be reluctant to follow that order, because I have a conscience

but then I don't think I'm cut out for military stuff so I'm the wrong person to ask


for me I've come to 2 pretty big things:

1) I have to be proud of what you do. For much of the marriage my ex-wife was a barista at starbucks. then she quit because it was too much for her to handle work and school. I was proud when she decided to finish her degree tho. I want to at some point be able to introduce who I'm with to my parents and feel proud about it.

2) You have to be equally invested in the relationship as I am. If I'm putting in work to be a better person and give who I'm with a good life they better be doing the same for me. my ex-wife hardcore took advantage of me and I'll be damned if that ever happens again.

so is that being totally unreasonable or what?


for me I've come to 2 pretty big things:

1) I have to be proud of what you do. For much of the marriage my ex-wife was a barista at starbucks. then she quit because it was too much for her to handle work and school. I was proud when she decided to finish her degree tho. I want to at some point be able to introduce who I'm with to my parents and feel proud about it.

2) You have to be equally invested in the relationship as I am. If I'm putting in work to be a better person and give who I'm with a good life they better be doing the same for me. my ex-wife hardcore took advantage of me and I'll be damned if that ever happens again.

so is that being totally unreasonable or what?

It's for you so how is it unreasonable?

I've never quantified it like that so it looks weird to me, but you do you man.

My standards are "I don't like you, I get to know you, I either still don't like you or you're pretty cool and I like you"

It doesn't get more complicated than that. I'm much more interested in a person who doesn't bore me to death than whether they're a garbage truck driver or a milk stocker or UN Envoy or whatever.


for me I've come to 2 pretty big things:

1) I have to be proud of what you do. For much of the marriage my ex-wife was a barista at starbucks. then she quit because it was too much for her to handle work and school. I was proud when she decided to finish her degree tho. I want to at some point be able to introduce who I'm with to my parents and feel proud about it.

2) You have to be equally invested in the relationship as I am. If I'm putting in work to be a better person and give who I'm with a good life they better be doing the same for me. my ex-wife hardcore took advantage of me and I'll be damned if that ever happens again.

so is that being totally unreasonable or what?

Generally, maybe not, but it depends on how far you're taking those.

If you're putting an obsessive amount of effort into the relationship bordering on insanity and the other person is putting in the average amount of effort for a relationship then it might be unreasonable to ask that the other person should also be obsessive and dedicate their existence to you. But if it's average amount of effort and the other person is putting in no effort whatsoever then it's completely reasonable.

And for the first one, what do you mean? It has to be something that you wouldn't be embarrassed to tell people that your SO does? I feel like it's more important that THEY enjoy what they do. Again I guess this would be dependent on the situation

But in general, no those aren't being unreasonable. Someone who has a good job and is willing to put effort into a relationship seem like acceptable base requirements.


for me I've come to 2 pretty big things:

1) I have to be proud of what you do. For much of the marriage my ex-wife was a barista at starbucks. then she quit because it was too much for her to handle work and school. I was proud when she decided to finish her degree tho. I want to at some point be able to introduce who I'm with to my parents and feel proud about it.

Your 2) sounds reasonable but this one is fucked up IMO. If I am attracted to someone and like them or care about them or love them then what their bullshit dayjob is makes no difference to me and I couldn't give a shit what anyone else thinks.


Your 2) sounds reasonable but this one is fucked up IMO. If I am attracted to someone and like them or care about them or love them then what their bullshit dayjob is makes no difference to me and I could give a shit what anyone else thinks.

Word, they could be an underwater basket weaver or a street performer at some Denver CO open air mall and I'd not care.


Nikki is a nurse, which is the most admirable profession on earth, but if she was a barista or worked in a poop factory or had no job at all it wouldn't matter to me

Fuck jobs
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