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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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Thanks! :D

I know a fair bit more about classic games than I ought to. Although my first console was a PS1, there was a close family friend who installed an instance of MAME on our family computer with thousands and thousands of bootleg ROMs on it, as well as a classic 2P 6-button arcade board with a PC interface. So I grew up with virtually unlimited classic arcade games and three siblings and an enthusiastic dad to play against.

When he put MAME on our machine he also installed The Ur Quan Masters port of SC2 and a few other games. I hadn't played anything like it at the time, so I was completely engrossed. I also had to play through multiple times to get to the end because I was pretty naive and bad at video games then (which hasn't changed a whole lot tbh). To this day, only Mass Effect comes close to recreating that feeling, but I simultaneously have a lot less patience now so it's much harder for me to get into other RPGs, leaving the impact of the former all the greater.

Language development has been a fascination of mine ever since I first read Lord of the Rings and started learning Quenya. I'll be the first to admit it's a whole bunch of work and potentially very little payoff, but I'm having fun with it and it's more or less done now.

But you're right about spinning my wheels. That's part of what was happening when I put so many weapons in the game (which also essentially tripled in size when I realized I'd need to draw them from multiple distinct angles as well). I'm not really sure what the path is going forward, but I think I'm nearly out of the rut.

You were born at the perfect time. It would have been so great to have access to video game emulation and huge libraries when I was in the 9-12 range. At that time having a large library of games to play was the stuff of fantasy. Now it's just noise, because, like you, I've lost some of my patience and attention span and the magic has mostly drained out of things. In fact, living my life "behind the curtain" has contributed to a reduced ability to enjoy video games. BB King'd.

Anyway, is your game going to have any elaborate bosses, and what is your philosophy on boss encounters generally? Should they be overly pattern based, find the weak point based, that kind of thing, or more just more beastly versions of regular enemies? I tend more towards the latter. Characters who move and attack in really predictable patterns and reveal weakpoints for no reason just feel overly video gamey to me. I aspire to at least put forth the flimsy illusion of the enemy being a real entity.

it can't hurt!
edit: why on edge btw? what did I miss?

Nothing, she just hasn't said anything since I responded, so obviously now my brain's gone into overdrive "Yo why hasn't she responded was my message bad did I take too long to respond blah blah blah" even though it's only been what, 8 hours?

*looks up when doctor is free*

EDIT: Nothing available in the next 3 weeks, fuck

he tried to talk to a g-g-g-g-g-girl

Gender's not really got anything to do with it
the party was a hit!

hey, congrats! Any luck with the friends, or just an overall good time? :)

Anyway, is your game going to have any elaborate bosses, and what is your philosophy on boss encounters generally? Should they be overly pattern based, find the weak point based, that kind of thing, or more just more beastly versions of regular enemies? I tend more towards the latter. Characters who move and attack in really predictable patterns and reveal weakpoints for no reason just feel overly video gamey to me. I aspire to at least put forth the flimsy illusion of the enemy being a real entity.

Oh my God that's amazing! I can't wait to hear it.

There are going to be seven clear-cut boss fights in the game. Three of these are sapient characters with their own plot strings and the other four are just glorified gates. I think strongly patterned bosses have their place in certain games, especially where the primary method of interaction is traversal (so pure platformers basically), but not in most games. Weak points are fun and fine in "natural" boss characters as long as they are logically consistent and the boss can still be attacked at other points.
Nothing, she just hasn't said anything since I responded, so obviously now my brain's gone into overdrive "Yo why hasn't she responded was my message bad did I take too long to respond blah blah blah" even though it's only been what, 8 hours?

*looks up when doctor is free*

EDIT: Nothing available in the next 3 weeks, fuck

Gender's not really got anything to do with it
still do it. waiting lists will always be there.
Nothing, she just hasn't said anything since I responded, so obviously now my brain's gone into overdrive "Yo why hasn't she responded was my message bad did I take too long to respond blah blah blah" even though it's only been what, 8 hours?

listen man, when you feel like that, it goes against you. You respond when you are ready to, she knows that, and not everyone wants to respond right away. Serious. People i like sometimes i take my time, and respond later.

You need to chill. Do what you want, and see what happens, not every result will be positive.
still do it. waiting lists will always be there.

Yeah I guess, that means I have to do it by phone instead of on the internet though :c

listen man, when you feel like that, it goes against you. You respond when you are ready to, she knows that, and not everyone wants to respond right away. Serious. People i like sometimes i take my time, and respond later.

You need to chill. Do what you want, and see what happens, not every result will be positive.

I mean that's the thing, I know I am 100% overreacting to this. It's just making myself not overreact isn't something I know how to do. I'm just wanting to vent.

And don't worry I'm not going to do anything stupid.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future

FWIW, the language deciphering in Ni No Kuni was one of my favorite parts. I have the full in game wizard's book printed out and bound. It's far less complicated then I'm assuming your language is, but it was fun nonetheless.
I think works of passion like this add a lot of character to a game. It shows the the developer (you) really cared about the work.


RNH, mental health comes before everything else. If you feel your social anxiety is impacting your life negatively, which I'm assuming it is, I would highly recommend seeing a doctor/therapist about it.
Yeah I guess, that means I have to do it by phone instead of on the internet though :c

I mean that's the thing, I know I am 100% overreacting to this. It's just making myself not overreact isn't something I know how to do. I'm just wanting to vent.

And don't worry I'm not going to do anything stupid.

you can do it! I had to make a couple of calls too lately and it worked out fine :)


My distaste for making calls has caused me to procrastinate on silly things so many times. I hate the phone.

And lol @ trab coming in here hoping for smut first thing
I mean that's the thing, I know I am 100% overreacting to this. It's just making myself not overreact isn't something I know how to do. I'm just wanting to vent.

And don't worry I'm not going to do anything stupid.

i wouldnt call it overreacting. Because in reality, we all go through this. I mean seriously how many people do you think youve spoke to in your life, who hasnt over analysed a conversation they have with someone they have a little interest in?

I'm going to with a pretty accurate figure of at least 98% have. Dont feel shame in what you feel, you only feel shame because you feel alone in your feelings to this situation. But honestly, we all go through this, but most of us keep it hidden from everyone else socially.

Im not saying you need to rise above it all, and somehow become better than it because that wont help you either. But you need to accept it to the point you are comfortable with it, understand we all do it, and once you accept it, you can truly not let the stress get to you and bog you down. It wont be easy, for some others its easier than others. but its not impossible, the moment it clicks with you, it will feel like one of the greatest epiphanies you will ever feel, just believe in what YOU want.


i wouldnt call it overreacting. Because in reality, we all go through this. I mean seriously how many people do you think youve spoke to in your life, who hasnt over analysed a conversation they have with someone they have a little interest in?

I'm going to with a pretty accurate figure of at least 98% have. Dont feel shame in what you feel, you only feel shame because you feel alone in your feelings to this situation. But honestly, we all go through this, but most of us keep it hidden from everyone else socially.

Im not saying you need to rise above it all, and somehow become better than it because that wont help you either. But you need to accept it to the point you are comfortable with it, understand we all do it, and once you accept it, you can truly not let the stress get to you and bog you down. It wont be easy, for some others its easier than others. but its not impossible, the moment it clicks with you, it will feel like one of the greatest epiphanies you will ever feel, just believe in what YOU want.

This is good advice.
FWIW, the language deciphering in Ni No Kuni was one of my favorite parts. I have the full in game wizard's book printed out and bound. It's far less complicated then I'm assuming your language is, but it was fun nonetheless.
I think works of passion like this add a lot of character to a game. It shows the the developer (you) really cared about the work.

I think more and more games are doing something like that, though I'll credit Fez and similar games as the main inspiration.

The language I devised is more than just a replacement alphabet though. It's twenty-three new glyphs plus several hundred words at least, so it would be be cruel of me to anticipate people actually taking the time to parse things for themselves.

My main motivation is that you can tell when a language isn't logically consistent even when you don't understand the language at all if you just pay a little attention. Or at least some people would be able to notice that. This used to happen a lot on older shows where people would speak pretend French, or pretend Chinese, or in Star Wars where each of the aliens only have a few different words in their language that somehow communicate several full sentences. So I nip that in the bud by actually creating a consistent language.

I was used to it by now. it's not my fault. :c

Maybe later. I don't have anything to do tonight at this point.


at this point I"m becoming curious what would actually happen if I delivered the smut she asked for and how weird that'd be
I'm not either. I don't take it personally. My avatar isn't inherently memorable.

Yeah but you should feel bad because fumes was chosen over us, have we really been gone for that long?

does this mean too much or not enough mana? I hate both.

no matter what i do, i will always ask these questions. Every deck i build, i statistically to fall into thee traps. So i dont feel like a noob everytime i lose by pure chance
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