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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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irresponsible vagina leak
Do you have any passion projects?

Is that what people call masturbation and sex these days?


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I'm sitting here in a bra and pt shorts replacing the 72pin connector on my NES. I'm sure this is someone's fetish
Guten morgen. Heute so weit ist sehr gut.

What makes it a good day so far?

I don't actually speak any German. English has a few loanwords (and is itself half derived from German) but that's the extent of my knowledge sans Google.

The weather's kind of gloomy right now. I'm hoping it clears up later 'cause I have lots of plans today. I need to pick up my friend in a couple hours so we can go to lunch, and then we're seeing a play afterwards. Then my little sister is throwing a barbecue back at our house so I'm going to try and make it back for part of that. But in the mean time I have to get this house straightened out because the homeowners are coming back today.

So that house party I hosted yesterday went on roughly 12 hours. Various friend groups would stop by and stay for hours at a time or come back. There were family and so many different social circles showing up.

I very rarely hang with people for such a long period of time so I think my quota for socialization is met for the month.

Oh, that would drive me insane. I prefer knowing more or less when the party is going to end and I'll be able to duck out. As much as I like hanging out with people, I also need a lot of personal space. But I'm glad you had fun! :)


I'm still having trouble getting excited or interested about stuff. I know what I want but I can't quite work up the level of excitement required to motivate myself to get it done, and it's screwing with too much of my life.

Depression? Sounds like depression. Sounds like my entire life
I just realized I've owned every game Ceallach offered for a long time and played none of them yet. I didn't even know I owned Remember Me until I checked my Steam.

I'm terrible

I've been doing it for some time now, usually I know but there have been a few times where I bought a game I already had.

There's little motivation to share saccharine stories.

I squeezed my partner's butt this morning— still feels nice.

Is that better?



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
What makes it a good day so far?

I don't actually speak any German. English has a few loanwords (and is itself half derived from German) but that's the extent of my knowledge sans Google.

The weather's kind of gloomy right now. I'm hoping it clears up later 'cause I have lots of plans today. I need to pick up my friend in a couple hours so we can go to lunch, and then we're seeing a play afterwards. Then my little sister is throwing a barbecue back at our house so I'm going to try and make it back for part of that. But in the mean time I have to get this house straightened out because the homeowners are coming back today.

Neither do I, but I just think German is a fun language. It feels so direct with the hard T's and such.

Today is great because of the lack of things I need to do, haha. The sun is finally out and it's warming up (the past couple of days have been 30-40's). All I have to focus on today is finishing up this app feature. Then next week I can focus on to packing and preparing for my move. I like finishing things and putting them out of my mind, so I'm excited to finish building this feature.

Enjoy the day out and about!

I didn't catch onto this at first, but it is damn adorable.
One of my side projects is a little side-scroller game where you play as "Godzilla" rampaging through a city, but the head is replaced by a photo you take of yourself or your friend. It has dorky childish style graphics, so this reminds me of it.


My nieces are coming over. After that I plan to work on artwerk. That's about it.

RIght now I'm watching my mompelganger on twitch.
Neither do I, but I just think German is a fun language. It feels so direct with the hard T's and such.

Today is great because of the lack of things I need to do, haha. The sun is finally out and it's warming up (the past couple of days have been 30-40's). All I have to focus on today is finishing up this app feature. Then next week I can focus on to packing and preparing for my move. I like finishing things and putting them out of my mind, so I'm excited to finish building this feature.

Enjoy the day out and about!

Ooh... are you excited to move?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Ooh... are you excited to move?

Anxiously excited, yes. I miss living in the city, so it will be nice to be back in a bigger city surrounded by activity.

Up until very recently though I have stayed pretty nomadic you could say. Never kept much around, and I tried to stay out of long commitments. Now though I have this apartment and all of my belongings, friends, and baggage that it all entails. I can't just pack up a suitcase and be gone anymore. It's a different experience, but not necessarily bad.
Anxiously excited, yes. I miss living in the city, so it will be nice to be back in a bigger city surrounded by activity.

Up until very recently though I have stayed pretty nomadic you could say. Never kept much around, and I tried to stay out of long commitments. Now though I have this apartment and all of my belongings, friends, and baggage that it all entails. I can't just pack up a suitcase and be gone anymore. It's a different experience, but not necessarily bad.


Yeah, I'm so entrenched where I live that I'll probably never leave. Or at least I can't fathom it. But I still try to visit other places from time to time. I don't think it's healthy to sacrifice all of your breadth for depth, but fortunately cities can be pretty broad!


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Yeah, to be clear that's what I used to do. It made moving super easy. But now I'm moving for work specifically after being in the same area for ~5 years and getting the whole experience of a "normal" person moving.


They don't want to play uncle matt ball. One is playing Minecraft the other is watching MLP stuff on Youtube.


It's also funny how far out of their way they go to spoil every plot detail of movies they've seen, it's a good thing I don't really care about that kind of thing


Depression? Sounds like depression. Sounds like my entire life

It is. I'm working my way out of it but that part never really went away. Not quite as suicidal so that's an improvement.

I finished UC4. Now to continue the adventure.

Amazing that the whole series was a prequel to Crash Bandicoot. It makes so much sense now.

Do you have any passion projects?

I have projects that I SHOULD be passionate about but I don't really feel it so I have a weird pseudo form of passion filling in for the time being.

I'm sitting here in a bra and pt shorts replacing the 72pin connector on my NES. I'm sure this is someone's fetish



Thanks again Ceallach, just played it for about an hour. I completely forgot that it was a metroidvania, which is pretty neat.

Snow? What.

Oh right, they changed the new one to a Metroidvania, right? Because I remember the old one being a straight up platformer.


McKenna was playing minecraft on the PS4, and then she changed over to PC Minecraft once it was vacated. I asked her for her top ten reasons for the game being better on PC. She made a valiant effort, giving five pretty solid reasons.


Some thoughts on UC4:

I really liked that final boss fight

It gave me what I was asking for the entire game

Elena was the best she's ever been in any of the Uncharted games

The AI partners were actually useful to some extent

The cinematic platforming moments were better integrated with the rest of the gameplay

The series got a nice conclusion but not one so airtight that they couldn't do another game if they wanted to though I'd prefer that they didn't

They didn't overuse the bullet sponge enemies, at least not initially

I was invested in where the mystery was going even though I figured it out before the reveal

It probably had the most unique mystery of any of the games despite being the most basic with its "we're finding pirate treasure" storyline

I appreciated the little back and forth dialogue although at times I'd end up going too fast and the characters would cut themselves off to say something else

I questioned the villain's motive initially but as I kept going it started making more sense
the puzzles were a little easier than the other Uncharted games, I felt

I also felt like there were fewer of them, but I don't know if there actually were less

I wouldn't mind a crossover where a character like Nadine just showed up in the Tomb Raider universe.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
McKenna was playing minecraft on the PS4, and then she changed over to PC Minecraft once it was vacated. I asked her for her top ten reasons for the game being better on PC. She made a valiant effort, giving five pretty solid reasons.
My daughter swears by the Wii U port for the Mario items.
I can't wait to see the raging dumpster fire that will be RE7.

I'M await with baited breath on how badly Stockholm Syndrome will rob that fandom of critical thought.


I can't wait to see the raging dumpster fire that will be RE7.

I'M await with baited breath on how badly Stockholm Syndrome will rob that fandom of critical thought.

If it's anything like Revelations 2 then it'll be great.

And if REmake 2 is anything like REmake then that will also be great.


Just saw captain america. Fun movie. Shaky cam was awful tho and it seemed like the entire plot was just an excuse for a series of fights (which really is what it was but they did a bad job at disguising it)
Spidey and antman were the best part of the movie and
was a crappy villain

Also with how the mcu is set up at this point every character that they dont properly introduce makes you wonder "did I skip the movie where that person came from?"

It is. I'm working my way out of it but that part never really went away. Not quite as suicidal so that's an improvement.
I'd give you advice but I'm not over that either. Finally started to enjoy games again and that's only somewhat
Snow? What.
Doesn't seem like there will be accumulation fortunately


Just saw captain america. Fun movie. Shaky cam was awful tho and it seemed like the entire plot was just an excuse for a series of fights (which really is what it was but they did a bad job at disguising it)
Spidey and antman were the best part of the movie and
was a crappy villain

Also with how the mcu is set up at this point every character that they dont properly introduce makes you wonder "did I skip the movie where that person came from?"
I agree that
was a pretty poor villain considering the other villains that we've gotten in the crossover-heavy Marvel movies, but he wasn't really supposed to be the source of conflict. If they had a strong villain wrecking shit in the background it would take away from the civil war aspect of Civil War.

I'd give you advice but I'm not over that either. Finally started to enjoy games again and that's only somewhat
I understand. I appreciate knowing someone who can relate, though.

no dogs though

No but there are zombie babies and zombie children.

Why were there so many babies on a mining ship?

Edit: Oh, there WERE dogs



I agree that
was a pretty poor villain considering the other villains that we've gotten in the crossover-heavy Marvel movies, but he wasn't really supposed to be the source of conflict. If they had a strong villain wrecking shit in the background it would take away from the civil war aspect of Civil War.

Most of the other villains were pretty bad too tbh

I'm not sire if I agree that a stronger villain would ruin it. The main issue I had is that
his motivation is incredibly generic and the final fight was incredibly contrived for someone who put together an elaborate plan to get to that point. It was a pretty big letdown

But some more good things: it made me like falcon more and put Hawkeye back in the role that works best for him

Oh and not so good: I don't care about vision

Also at the beginning had the best black widow action sequence. First time I was convinced she could hang with the super powered people


Most of the other villains were pretty bad too tbh

I'm not sire if I agree that a stronger villain would ruin it. The main issue I had is that
his motivation is incredibly generic and the final fight was incredibly contrived for someone who put together an elaborate plan to get to that point. It was a pretty big letdown

But some more good things: it made me like falcon more and put Hawkeye back in the role that works best for him

Oh and not so good: I don't care about vision

Vision's just kinda there. It doesn't help that his character was never really fleshed out that much besides being an "I love life" robot. *cue the Doctor Who speech about humanity's potential*

I'm happy with their introduction of Black Panther though.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
72 pin connector successfully replaced. My daughter is now playing Mission Impossible. Of all our NES games I dunno why she chose this one.
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