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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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Aside from being tired I feel pretty good this morning. Probably helped that I fell asleep relaxed to music. It usually seems like I wake up similarly to how I feel when I fall asleep

Xiao Hu

I don't know if I'll have the money :S youre staying there in july?

Yep, before I fly back to Germany. Everybody else is already leaving begging of July so I'm kind of on my own (I don't like traveling alone even though spending almost a week alone on Bali was quite refreshing). Plus you can save money on accommodation.


This presentation needs to be ready by Thursday. I'm the only one who's done any work on it and no one's responding to my emails. I'm gonna have to yell at people tomorrow.


Group projects are always bullshit.

Didn't really help that he didn't tell us our groups until about 2 to 3 weeks in, and I use the term "tell" loosely. More like he went to his attendance sheet and scrolled through it and you had to pick out your name and group number fast enough. That first day we had maybe 3 people when we should've had 5. I've only seen my entire group once. Probably would've helped if we had gotten to choose or if we saw him make the groups.

I have a damn multivariable calculus midterm to study for and a wedding to worry about, both on the same day as that presentation.


Redmond's Baby
I have ordered some Iron Maiden t-shirts from their official shop and it is 14 days since they dispatched the order

Still nothing

Probably parcel went to Slovakia instead (happened before)

Other dev: "Are you working on this page?"
Me: "Not right now, no"
Other dev: "We've noticed this thing won't get called so this thing won't happen"

...great? Want to fix it? Take some initiative?
Yep, before I fly back to Germany. Everybody else is already leaving begging of July so I'm kind of on my own (I don't like traveling alone even though spending almost a week alone on Bali was quite refreshing). Plus you can save money on accommodation.

I'll let you know if I suddenly become filthy rich :D


hm should I take a bath? y/n?


Lunch time, think I'll have Five guys, hyuk hyuk


I love the game's gleeful rejection of modern video game bs

The amount of times in the intro where it interrupted its own tutorial or scenes with actual game was incredible.

The game seems almost embarrased that the story is there.

More importantly, the feel of actually playing the game is so satisfying.


Like, was he raised by wild animals?

Kids eat weird things. I used to like to eat the white part of the watermelon.

Whenever my niece comes over I put a little salt into a saltshaker for her to carry around because she absolutely loves to eat salt.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
he never notifies me though. I feel discriminated against. :<

does anyone else does the terminator thumb thing in the tub? [talking about the scene in the actual movie, not a crazy masturbation technique]

Now I want to know what the terminator thumb masturbation would be.

I love the game's gleeful rejection of modern video game bs

The first time he finds one of those energy things and
kicks the shit out of it while Hayden tells him how to shut it down
had me laughing like an idiot.
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