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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
God, he's so hot. The thoughts going through my head rn....

What's the situation? He's making pancakes for you, why don't you jump his bone?

I was hanging out on the ocuch and I was cuddling with my [female] cat mel, and I called her "mister baby" five times in a row in a baby voice. Nikki had a giggle fit for about the next ten minutes

now I'm up trying to working on on my walking animation because I have been thinking about it all night

Cats are adorable and dumb and infuriating and adorable.
Good luck with the walking animation.

edit: Somewhat related, but I love pet names that are "human" names. Although I named my cat Baloo because he was 19lbs at the shelter and he's the same color as Baloo from the Jungle Book.



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Somewhat related, but I love pet names that are "human" names. I named my cat Baloo because he was 19lbs at the shelter and he's the same color as Baloo from the Jungle Book.
My cat was Leon S. Kennedy


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
My cat was Leon S. Kennedy



Time to get the fuck to sleep.

I've talked about this before but I have always disliked "dumb" pet names like "Spike" or "Fluffy" or "Bubbles" or whatever. I think if you're going to be friends with something it deserves a bit of dignity.

Damn right. Plus from a selfish point of a view I would hate to call out "Fluffy" all the damn time.


edit: Somewhat related, but I love pet names that are "human" names. I named my cat Baloo because he was 19lbs at the shelter and he's the same color as Baloo from the Jungle Book.

I've talked about this before but I have always disliked "dumb" pet names like "Spike" or "Fluffy" or "Bubbles" or whatever. I think if you're going to be friends with something it deserves a bit of dignity.
When I was watching that dog this weekend I just called it doggie all the time instead of Brewster. It was empowering.

one of the rare rare times I actually go "heh" about my own stuff

I love it! :D

Game of Thrones spoilers:
Not Tormund eye fucking Brienne.

Brienne pisses me off so much. She had one good arc with Jaime but everything else of her is trash. I can't wait for
Davos and Melisandre to repay her for what she did.


Why does Matt never call me his mister baby :(

this is a very rare privilege

Brienne pisses me off so much. She had one good arc with Jaime but everything else of her is trash. I can't wait for
Davos and Melisandre to repay her for what she did.

uhh wot?

I think brienne is overhyped too, generally, but
repay for what? killing stannis? stannis the guy who burned his daughter at the stake? the daughter davos cared for so immensely? he's going to get revenge on brienne for that? this makes no sense


It's been ages since I read the books, and I'm a season behind, but last I remember didn't Brienne
get one of her tits bitten off?


Ah RNH, prepare yourself for ghosting and try not to take it personal.

I fully understand the reasoning behind it, but I still find it rude as fuck.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Fucking hell, I might have to call animal control.
There is this shitbag dog that has been coming around my apartment complex late at night. My apartment is basement/1st floor, so my windows are about ground level. Well this fucking dog comes by and growls and snarls at Baloo when he's chilling in the window and scares the living shit out of us both.
This is the third time it's happened. It's either a stray, or some fuckwit is letting their dog run loose at night.

Xiao Hu

this is a very rare privilege

What do I have to do to achieve it, Meister?


You know

It'd be nice to know why Liz didn't reply :/

And don't take this as me being overly hung up on it. It would just be nice

Rule Nr. 1: Don't give a fuck about this kind of stuff
Rule Nr. 2: If they at least don't have a good reason for not replying back then they are not worth your attention. Do you really want to spend your precious energy on people who lack manners and common courtesy? Love yourself and the world will love you back. In short: It's healthier for people like the two of us to be a little bit egoistic
send her increasingly desperate follow up messages, she'll respect your tenacity
Nah it's fine I'll just swing by her work and yell "YO WHAT THE FUCK"
Rule Nr. 1: Don't give a fuck about this kind of stuff
Rule Nr. 2: If they at least don't have a good reason for not replying back then they are not worth your attention. Do you really want to spend your precious energy on people who lack manners and common courtesy? Love yourself and the world will love you back. In short: It's healthier for people like the two of us to be a little bit egoistic
If it was someone I didn't already know I'd feel shitty about it but kind of get it. But it's not, and I think that's what's tripping me up. Like I remember her being rly kind & polite, so it's just weird, y'know

Xiao Hu

If it was someone I didn't already know I'd feel shitty about it but kind of get it. But it's not, and I think that's what's tripping me up. Like I remember her being rly kind & polite, so it's just weird

People change, and sometimes you discover certain aspects of their personality that are straight out shite. I've met so many people here in Shanghai of whom I had very good first impressions but in the end they turned out to be not even worth breathing the polluted Chinese air. And then other people who you have known for years show character traits that are disgusting. Folks I've been to high school with, folks I've been loyal to and then they, and I swear to god it seems like they it on purpose, act like utter opportunistic trash that will disregard you being a human being with feelings.

They don't value you and you shouldn't value them in return. It is wise though to uphold a facade, displaying weakness is the last pleasure you should give them.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I had Coconut Chicken last night, it was great. Will post recipe later for chef types in here.
Watermelon gif is incorrect.

You start out a buffet by taste testing, seeing what you like and what works. Small portions. Teasing it out.

And then, when you figure it out, you go for it. You take what you like and slowly pace yourself for the inevitable tummy grumble that signifies you're full as fuck. But you feel something else building, too. There's a pressure down under. You can't fight it anymore. And so, you finally release a huge bodily movement and rest, sated and content.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Watermelon gif is incorrect.

You start out a buffet by taste testing, seeing what you like and what works. Small portions. Teasing it out.

And then, when you figure it out, you go for it. You take what you like and slowly pace yourself for the inevitable tummy grumble that signifies you're full as fuck. But you feel something else building, too. There's a pressure down under. You can't fight it anymore. And so, you finally release a huge bodily movement and rest, sated and content.
I've been going to the wrong buffet's.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm so bad that I hand the cashier my crumpled up money without flattening it
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