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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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the new TMNT movie got all kinds of hate too and now it's getting a sequel.

people ate crow on that one. I know I did.
I believe a sequel was already planned as it was meant to be a trilogy regardless of reception. There's going to be a 3rd one coming some years from now.

Yeah but Transformers also got sequels. 4 killed me on that series.
Transformers went to shit with the 2nd one and didn't recover since then(I also saw the 3rd and 4th movies and that 4th one is hilariously bad).


true. the first transformers was bad enough for me that I had no interest in seeing any of the others.

it's really a toss up on the new Ghostbusters film but I trust Feig.

Optimus gets progressively more murderous with each film, justifiably so since humanity is pretty bad in that series.


Spent the night exchanging period horror stories...

You mean... horror stories from a specific time period right?

like that time your gf was on her period, that time


I pre-ordered the Squid Sisters Amiibos only God can judge me now.
Apparently I was laughing in my sleep this morning. I didn't even know that could happen, but I guess maybe if your dreams are funny enough it might.

For reasons that are complicated and involve a lot of dream logic, I was at a sort of Disneyland attraction that was ostensibly a haunted house but it was really big and castley. So there were all kinds of people just walking around and taking in the scenery. Anyway, I hid myself in a small room that people would routinely visit, and for some reason most of the visitors were toddlers with their parents close behind them... I guess because it makes the joke funnier. So whenever they would open the door and see me there, I'd ask the poor kid if he or she wanted to see a puppet show. Upon assent, I would ball my hands up into fists and then stick each middle finger out. With the rude gesture in place, I would bring one hand to the front saying in a high voice "Hi I'm Dick" and then "And I'm Richard!" with the other one. Then I would giggle and have the two hands dance around until the parents quickly ushered their kids away, disgust washing over their faces.

I think I must have the opposite of nightmares.


Apparently I was laughing in my sleep this morning. I didn't even know that could happen, but I guess maybe if your dreams are funny enough it might.

For reasons that are complicated and involve a lot of dream logic, I was at a sort of Disneyland attraction that was ostensibly a haunted house but it was really big and castley. So there were all kinds of people just walking around and taking in the scenery. Anyway, I hid myself in a small room that people would routinely visit, and for some reason most of the visitors were toddlers with their parents close behind them... I guess because it makes the joke funnier. So whenever they would open the door and see me there, I'd ask the poor kid if he or she wanted to see a puppet show. Upon assent, I would ball my hands up into fists and then stick each middle finger out. With the rude gesture in place, I would bring one hand to the front saying in a high voice "Hi I'm Dick" and then "And I'm Richard!" with the other one. Then I would giggle and have the two hands dance around until the parents quickly ushered their kids away, disgust washing over their faces.

I think I must have the opposite of nightmares.

Or maybe it was someone else's nightmare and you were in it.

One, two, Lilith's coming for you...


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
It's times like these when I wish that dreams could be recorded. That sounds hilarious.
I keep a dream journal intermittently. Usually even if I have vivid dreams I can't remember enough of them long enough to put any into writing.

Or maybe it was someone else's nightmare and you were in it.

One, two, Lilith's coming for you...

lol maybe. But most of the rest of this dream involved everybody being pleasant to each other and lots of nice things happening. I just pulled out this segment because I believe it's why I was laughing in my sleep.


It's made a number of odd moves for a cash grab. Jem was a cash grab. That shit was outrageous. Truly, truly, truly outrageous.

Most remakes are cash grabs...
Trying to cash in on nostalgia.

Glad Jem bombed, fans of the cartoon could tell the trailer wasn't in the spirit of the show.

Ghostbusters does not look to be in the spirit of the original.
The original wasn't the type of comedy displayed in the trailer.
I'll wait for reviews, but they also need a better final trailer.
Hope it's good, cause Ghostbusters was awesome.

I also am a huge Ghostbusters fan.
Can't count how many times I watched the original. (Sequel was crap)
Also watched the cartoon as a kid, even had the proton pack, trap and several toys.


I never cared for Ghostbusters aside from the theme song. The new movie looks bad, but so do the old ones. It's all the same to me.

The theme song sounded good in the new trailer, so I suppose it has already exceeded my expectations.


I like indicating a powerful force is at play by shaking the screen, putting static over it, and separating the colors. I'm a veteran at this by now.
Ghostbusters 1 was good, theme song is still good, 2nd one was meh
the movie franchise ended in 1989 , so who cares if its a all female cast

only problem I have is it should have been a story about their daughters trying to find them x rescue the old crew from ghosts
can't be that hard to write

I just like when movies connect the old movies with the new ones


I keep a dream journal intermittently. Usually even if I have vivid dreams I can't remember enough of them long enough to put any into writing.

lol maybe. But most of the rest of this dream involved everybody being pleasant to each other and lots of nice things happening. I just pulled out this segment because I believe it's why I was laughing in my sleep.

Were you saying "bitch" a lot in your sleep? Because you might be a dream demon at that point.

Dream I had last night just involved me and this one woman that I was attracted to (she's seeing someone so there's no asking her out) and she wanted me to look up something on my tablet and when I opened it, it was full of saved pictures of her and I was trying to strategically direct the screen away from her. Then at some point we were watching a movie and making out and she got a text and had to go suddenly, and I told her that I'd walk her out and the dream ended there.

A lot of my dreams aren't nearly that nice and I remember the ones that matter so I never really felt the need to keep a dream journal. Remembering the realistic dreams gets surreal because you have to cycle through the events to determine whether or not they happened.
Most remakes are cash grabs...
Trying to cash in on nostalgia.

Glad Jem bombed, fans of the cartoon could tell the trailer wasn't in the spirit of the show.

Ghostbusters does not look to be in the spirit of the original.
The original wasn't the type of comedy displayed in the trailer.
I'll wait for reviews, but they also need a better final trailer.
Hope it's good, cause Ghostbusters was awesome.

I also am a huge Ghostbusters fan.
Can't count how many times I watched the original. (Sequel was crap)
Also watched the cartoon as a kid, even had the proton pack, trap and several toys.

Jem was hilarious in how much it had nothing to do with the show. Something tells me that they made a random girl band movie and the execs told them that this is the most generic bullshit that they've ever seen so they slapped Jem's name on it


Jem was hilarious in how much it had nothing to do with the show. Something tells me that they made a random girl band movie and the execs told them that this is the most generic bullshit that they've ever seen so they slapped Jem's name on it

It's just like when execs don't understand/follow the source material for Comic book movies.
Then they wonder why it bombed.

Fans like it when the cartoon/comic/older movie/show comes to life on the big screen,
and it's in the spirit of what they love.


that one ghostbusters game was pretty fun

Movie games don't really have excuses to be shit anymore. X-Men Origins: Wolverine was better than the movie (except for the Wii version), Spider-Man 2 was fun, and most of the Disney move games that I've played were pretty good as well (Hercules, A Bug's Life, Toy Story, Lion King, Tarzan, I think Dinosaur and Atlantis were okay, Aladdin, Ducktales wasn't a movie but it was still good).

It's just like when execs don't understand/follow the source material for Comic book movies.
Then they wonder why it bombed.

Fans like it when the cartoon/comic/older movie/show comes to life on the big screen,
and it's in the spirit of what they love.

You can make it shot for shot if you want to play it safe, but that doesn't mean that you can't change it either. If Cap still had his crappy performer costume that was more accurate to the character's original costume than his current one, it would never look right. But the spirit of the character still has to be there. You don't give Batman a credit card, you don't show Dr. Claw's face, you don't sew Deadpool's mouth shut, etc.


Movie games don't really have excuses to be shit anymore. X-Men Origins: Wolverine was better than the movie (except for the Wii version), Spider-Man 2 was fun, and most of the Disney move games that I've played were pretty good as well (Hercules, A Bug's Life, Toy Story, Lion King, Tarzan, I think Dinosaur and Atlantis were okay, Aladdin, Ducktales wasn't a movie but it was still good).

ehhhhhhh... eeehhhhhhh...

as long as no one says "Goldeneye" I'll let it all slide


Movie games don't really have excuses to be shit anymore. X-Men Origins: Wolverine was better than the movie (except for the Wii version), Spider-Man 2 was fun, and most of the Disney move games that I've played were pretty good as well (Hercules, A Bug's Life, Toy Story, Lion King, Tarzan, I think Dinosaur and Atlantis were okay, Aladdin, Ducktales wasn't a movie but it was still good).
Toy story 2 was a fun platformer. I also enjoyed 102 Dalmatians


You can make it shot for shot if you want to play it safe, but that doesn't mean that you can't change it either. If Cap still had his crappy performer costume that was more accurate to the character's original costume than his current one, it would never look right. But the spirit of the character still has to be there. You don't give Batman a credit card, you don't show Dr. Claw's face, you don't sew Deadpool's mouth shut, etc.

Of course you can change some stuff, as some things might look hokey on the big screen.
Usually these films turn out ok if the directors/producers are fans of the material.

Even some of the changes in the recent Marvel films I haven't been a fan of.
Though they get most of it right.

ugh, sewing deadpools mouth shut,
he's the god damn merc with a mouth!

Also, X-Men Origins - Wolverine game was WAY too repetitive.


thinking about purchasing a portable fire pit for my backyard


I'm inspired to host more parties after last weekend.


Of course you can change some stuff, as some things might look hokey on the big screen.
Usually these films turn out ok if the directors/producers are fans of the material.

ugh, sewing deadpools mouth shut,
he's the god damn merc with a mouth!

Also, X-Men Origins - Wolverine game was WAY too repetitive.

I liked it. The controls were solid and the battle damage system was creative. Either way it's still better than the movie :p.

It definitely helps if they know the source material and don't seem like they just read a plot synopsis of the source material. That's one of the reasons why I disliked The Last Airbender. The events were accurate (montage and earthbender prison being made of rocks instead of metal aside) but outside of their names, the characters had next to nothing in common with their show counterparts. Katara wasn't helpful, Sokka wasn't funny or clever, Ozai wasn't ominous in the least, Zhao did nothing but suck and die and be a dick in the least subtle fashion possible, and Aang rarely looked happy. The exceptions were Zuko and Iroh and even that was done with the least amount of effort...but the effects were decent.


I liked it. The controls were solid and the battle damage system was creative. Either way it's still better than the movie :p.

I felt the movie was doin ok until the last quarter.
Then it just goes terrible. (Liked the actor they got for Sabertooth)

Either or, I'd rather wipe both from my memory. :p

A good movie game...
Can't think of the last legit good movie game.
I swear there's one, just can't remember.


Redmond's Baby
My arms are going to fall off, had to sort 1800 kg of pellets for our furnace. Usually we order 900 kg, but dad went on total overkill this time. Oh and they are packed in 15 kg bags.
Free fitness


What buttons would be set for gun stuff in Rocket League?
A lot of the buttons are already assigned.

You could possibly spare 1 button, but 2 would be pushing it.
(On a classic controller)
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