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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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Why are you giving me your phone number girl, the whole point of this app is to make things easy for you if we don't click.

And oh look, because your number is now in my phone there's your Facebook.

Nice shades.

thx, you should get one too
My roommate took a selfie with him

We have 3 animals in my house now. Hank and Louie are the cats and Miles is my dog.

There are also fish.

how sweet! when Ripley was a kitten she climbed on my shoulders too :,)
you're lucky!

this image helped me. I felt like my dick was hurting after the Urology thread. :S


I'm designing a new boss right now with no specific mandate for what it is. Someone give me ideas. Concept/gameplay. I don't care. Boss time.

Xiao Hu

CREATE A PERSON! what'sa matter... CHICKEN?

bawk bawk?

I knew you didn't have it in you

I will smoke the nastiest Chinese tobacco in your house, bitch

Im sure you will. there still is time

Well there is still the cute Japanese girl. She told me she hasn't booked a flight back yet when I asked her to accompany me, but I get the impression that she simply doesn't want to and trys to avoid disappointing me. I will ask a Chinese friend drom the Philippines if he wants/can afford to join me...

Sucks to be rich :/

Nah, kidding. I'm just really good managing money. Only spending money on usuful stuff like alcohol, cigarettes and tattoos.
I'm designing a new boss right now with no specific mandate for what it is. Someone give me ideas. Concept/gameplay. I don't care. Boss time.

Mirror match. An enemy of roughly equivalent size and abilities to you. Extra HP and the ability to shift out of phase to become invincible + retreat when you get some good hits in to prevent you comboing it to death instantly. It can't hurt you when it's like that.
Surface area. Mountainous. Evil spirit presence in the area, if that helps. Some possessed droids.

It's a sexy spider woman except she's really sad and somber about... something. Think Davy Jones. Maybe she's old and somewhat decrepit too. She has like a piano organ thing that's been built from starship parts or something. When you come in she's all playing her music with her spider arms. It's sad, haunting music.

She can move fast at times but only after long windups because she's old probably. Maybe in the first stage of the fight she's still trying to play her music and she uses a couple free limbs to try fighting you... at the expense of certain harmonies in the music piece.

Stage two she mostly tries to bundle you up in her webbing. She really would rather not be fighting you right now, just wants to continue with her music. After you've damaged her enough she gets surprisingly full of life and frenetic, trying to drop on you with her butt smash or maybe she has butt spikes.


Mirror match. An enemy of roughly equivalent size and abilities to you. Extra HP and the ability to shift out of phase to become invincible + retreat when you get some good hits in to prevent you comboing it to death instantly. It can't hurt you when it's like that.

I already have something kind of like this, in fact. There's a humanoid NPC that dashes about and becomes increasingly phased out if you land hits in rapid succession. I honestly have a lot of humanoid NPC fights in the game already and I'm looking to do something a bit gnarlier..

It's a sexy spider woman except she's really sad and somber about... something. Think Davy Jones. Maybe she's old and somewhat decrepit too. She has like a piano organ thing that's been built from starship parts or something. When you come in she's all playing her music with her spider arms. It's sad, haunting music.

She can move fast at times but only after long windups because she's old probably. Maybe in the first stage of the fight she's still trying to play her music and she uses a couple free limbs to try fighting you... at the expense of certain harmonies in the music piece.

Stage two she mostly tries to bundle you up in her webbing. She really would rather not be fighting you right now, just wants to continue with her music. After you've damaged her enough she gets surprisingly full of life and frenetic, trying to drop on you with her butt smash or maybe she has butt spikes.

This is thematically very strong. The "source" of the evil spirit energy stuffs in the region is a witch (witch has also yet to be implemented) so I would consider merging this idea with her to some degree. Hm.

I'm feeling some consternation with respect to her attacks affecting her music dynamically. It'd require some decent planning to pull off well.

I like it though. A challenge. Maybe I'll sketch something out a bit later.
This is thematically very strong. The "source" of the evil spirit energy stuffs in the region is a witch (witch has also yet to be implemented) so I would consider merging this idea with her to some degree. Hm.

I'm feeling some consternation with respect to her attacks affecting her music dynamically. It'd require some decent planning to pull off well.

I like it though. A challenge. Maybe I'll sketch something out a bit later.

ha I wrote that thinking this is way more work than he's asking for but whatever. Sometimes to get good ideas you just need to take something complicated and rework it into another thing that fits your style better.


ha I wrote that thinking this is way more work than he's asking for but whatever. Sometimes to get good ideas you just need to take something complicated and rework it into another thing that fits your style better.

Yeah, I was wondering if it was partly a troll, but I also liked it. Don't underestimate me.

There are already pieces on the board that work for this. There's an extraterrestrial (er.. guess that term doesn't apply since it isn't terra.. whatever..) species of crab/spider things that are tunneling about the moon and infecting everything. Their spores can infect organic tissue and cause hybridization/mutation.

A number of enemies and some characters have this happen. It may be fun to design a spider/crab woman.


I'm designing a new boss right now with no specific mandate for what it is. Someone give me ideas. Concept/gameplay. I don't care. Boss time.

Wizard of Oz kind of thing. Little disgusting man sitting inside a giant machine. Can summon or turn the environment into an enemy


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I haven't been around much because work + new gym + Doom 4.

Also my daughter has been super getting into my retro games lately. Like she wants to play the most random shit. We played battletoads up to the level with the unicycle, and all through revolution x, which is AWFUL.

I also beat her ass in Super Street Fighter 2 for like 2 and a half hours.


That sounds like the best time Ceallach. :D

Super cool she has interest in the old stuff.

Have you been able to take her to any arcades? Or at least has she even seen/played on any arcade machines or pinball tables?


Smells like fresh rosebuds
That sounds like the best time Ceallach. :D

Super cool she has interest in the old stuff.

Have you been able to take her to any arcades? Or at least has she even seen/played on any arcade machines or pinball tables?
Just Dave and Busters, but that is like phone games on big screens.


I haven't been around much because work + new gym + Doom 4.

Also my daughter has been super getting into my retro games lately. Like she wants to play the most random shit. We played battletoads up to the level with the unicycle, and all through revolution x, which is AWFUL.

I also beat her ass in Super Street Fighter 2 for like 2 and a half hours.

Hahaha. You and your daughter are so cool. I play video games against my niece all the time (typically Garden Warfare 2 and smash -- I can beat her ass soundly in Smash, but she's actually perhaps better than me at GW2). I haven't been able to get her into retro games. I basically made her watch me play Super Metroid for a while once, and she took some interest, but it as yet hasn't really been her thing.

By the way, speaking of retro games, I randomly played Mighty Final Fight for like 45 minutes today.

Wizard of Oz kind of thing. Little disgusting man sitting inside a giant machine. Can summon or turn the environment into an enemy

The bar has been raised. Give me more to go on than this.
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