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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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I get the concern with gif avatars and that it could kill bandwith and all of that but if you keep them limited to the file size of a normal avatar what is the damage?

are the powers that be afraid that it might make the sight look tacky? pretty sure the ads already do that.

No it's an aethstetic choice. Same reason there are no signatures nor fancy font formatting. The idea is to focus as much as possible on the actual content of posts.

- Today I realized I actually can't be bothered to date or think about dating anymore. I just don't care. I'm not even sad about it, I think. It does feel kind of empty, but in a weird accepting kind of way. Very hard to explain. Will probably check into Tinder stuff from time to time but only 'cause the act of browsing through people is kinda fun.

- Today I played Valkyria Chronicles again, this time for PS4, and it's still every bit as fantastic as it was on PC. I will hopefully finally finish it even.

These two realizations are individual and not connected at all.

Also I finally feel like my daily biking and home excercising is getting me in shape again which is great. Also thinking of going on a Road Trip through Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Friend came up with the idea and she might be on to something, it sounds pretty exciting.

Tattoo countdown x-7 days.

This is all.

Ooh, what tattoo? :)

I've been riding my bike to and from work most everyday (7.5 mi/ 12km round trip) and I really enjoy it. I don't get a lot of exercise otherwise, although I'm hoping to go swimming more often now that it's getting a little warmer.


Just saw it on there...
It's now on my list of things to play. :p

Plus it has nudity, must be good.
Especially if it's polygonal... :|

It's not the type of nudity you want. That game is pretty heavy on the body horror. There's a lot of "And I must scream" going on in that game.


I get the concern with gif avatars and that it could kill bandwith and all of that but if you keep them limited to the file size of a normal avatar what is the damage?

are the powers that be afraid that it might make the sight look tacky? pretty sure the ads already do that.
I think it's for the aesthetics like the portrait avatars and lack of sigs. They tend to explain it when it's brought up so maybe searching for q thread about it would give an answer


Finally have a phone again. New model moto x is pretty dope. The only real weakness of the last one was its mediocre camera. The new model seems to have addressed that.

Also I've been sitting on Soma meaning to play it for months. I love scifi horror and thinking through the tougher questions about ai and consciousnesses.

Also tiddum said that animated avatar are not approved of for obvious reasons


It's not the type of nudity you want. That game is pretty heavy on the body horror. There's a lot of "And I must scream" going on in that game.

Hehe, I don't care for video game nudity at all, just saw one of the warnings. ;P

Ugh, I'll probably have a heart attack with the game.
You think it's a good game to watch, if I had my GF with me?

I don't believe you

I can't imagine it ever had good content

har har... ;P


Hehe, I don't care for video game nudity at all, just saw one of the warnings. ;P

Ugh, I'll probably have a heart attack with the game.
You think it's a good game to watch, if I had my GF with me?

Probably. It's similar in gameplay to Amnesia with no dedicated hide mechanic and more monster variety.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Use me as a college blow up doll and forget about dating tbh 😛

I'll keep it in mind!

Ooh, what tattoo? :)

I've been riding my bike to and from work most everyday (7.5 mi/ 12km round trip) and I really enjoy it. I don't get a lot of exercise otherwise, although I'm hoping to go swimming more often now that it's getting a little warmer.

Dark Souls >_>

Yeah, biking to/from work every day (about 1h each) made me feel a lot more healthy heh. Not super effective I guess, but can't hurt either.


- Today I realized I actually can't be bothered to date or think about dating anymore. I just don't care. I'm not even sad about it, I think. It does feel kind of empty, but in a weird accepting kind of way. Very hard to explain. Will probably check into Tinder stuff from time to time but only 'cause the act of browsing through people is kinda fun.

Aw. I'd totally date you, dude. You're hot and you speak a foreign language. That's sexy as hell.


Dark Souls >_>

I bet it's this


NO ONE will dare question your nerd cred

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Aw. I'd totally date you, dude. You're hot and you speak a foreign language. That's sexy as hell.
You're silly and I'm really not :D

I bet it's this

NO ONE will dare question your nerd cred
While I'd never ever EVER consider that as an actual tat, I do appreciate the humor of it and may or may not have laughed.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
True or false:

[...] scene in Home Alone 2 was [...] humor.


edit Vaz you're a charmer
and also probably drunk
and if I'd be gay I'd be totally in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I've never been attached to a game strongly enough to get a tattoo for it. It'd have to be a text tattoo like the one I already have (my name in quenya). Hmm. Hm.

:: gets Sic Parvus Magna tattoo ::


irresponsible vagina leak

edit Vaz you're a charmer
and also probably drunk
and if I'd be gay I'd be totally in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm sober at the moment so if I think you're hot now imagine how much hotter you would be when Im drunk!

In other news when do I get this guy?

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
I've never been attached to a game strongly enough to get a tattoo for it. It'd have to be a text tattoo like the one I already have (my name in quenya). Hmm. Hm.

:: gets Sic Parvus Magna tattoo ::

already branded for life with a mario thing over the shoulders and a zelda tat on the chest, so whatever the fuck I'm game. While I consider those tattoos being somewhat part of my past growing up and games sort of making me what I am today, I'm not of the opinion that tattoos must have some deep mystical connection with the wearer :)
For myself, I see them as sort of landmarks on things in my life that were special to me, and if it's games it's games lol.
I should probably care more about things in general, but whatever, you only live once.

How does your name look like in quenya?


No, that's Off Topic. Where everyone is a gym expert.


Yeah, I've come to realize that virtually every person, regardless of their life experience or fitness level, is an expert on diet and fitness.

I just want to know how to get tits--- And, of course, everyone knows exactly how, but for some reason I still can't seem to.

I'd maybe like to get my nieces faces tattooed somewhere but I'm too scared the artist would fuck it up and make them look weird. It'd have to be a god tier job.

Since I'm too scared to do that I'll just settle for getting their names


irresponsible vagina leak
I want to find a guy who is in similar build to mine and maybe similar face so I get asked if we're brothers and then kiss my partner on the lips and say "Yes, my brother" and hold hands and walk away. That would be just fucking hilarious tbh.
already branded for life with a mario thing over the shoulders and a zelda tat on the chest, so whatever the fuck I'm game. While I consider those tattoos being somewhat part of my past growing up and games sort of making me what I am today, I'm not of the opinion that tattoos must have some deep mystical connection with the wearer :)
For myself, I see them as sort of landmarks on things in my life that were special to me, and if it's games it's games lol.
I should probably care more about things in general, but whatever, you only live once.

How does your name look like in quenya?

Yeah, that's cool.

My tattoo's high up on my arm so usually shoulder caps or sleeves on shirts cover it. I'll try to get a good pic when I'm at home. This is the basic form, except all on one line and much more fancy:



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
The way quenya works (like a lot of middle eastern languages) is consonants are written first and then vowels are added as diacritic marks if you so choose. The consonants here are LL CRLL, which then gets fleshed out to Lili Carlyle with the dots.

Ooooh, it's the Elvish language. My Tolkien lore is seriously lacking.
Very cool though! You are the second person I know now that has an awesome Tolkien world tattoo.


Had a friend who wrote Indian like that
Always a top line with words underneath making it seem like roots in the ground
Pretty dope


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Was that Star Wars game any good for it?
Also had the best console versions of Doom and MK2 back in the day. :p

I think the SNES versions of both were better. The SNES version of MK2 was definitely better, Doom on 32X didn't have Inferno and it sounded like shit. For all the problems Doom SNES had, the music was kickass.
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