GROAN! Why is this still a thing?git gud
I only got to play one game with Misha cause the servers are wonky on Overwatch
But still, Overwatch is great.
I only got to play one game with Misha cause the servers are wonky on Overwatch
But still, Overwatch is great.
I only got to play one game with Misha cause the servers are wonky on Overwatch
But still, Overwatch is great.
I remember when Diablo 3 had that error 17 bs on launch day.
It taught me to never buy blizzard games on launch days
Matched with my old hookup on Tinder.
Break dry spell? y/n
Why not?
I remember when Diablo 3 had that error 17 bs on launch day.
It taught me to never buy blizzard games on launch days
I added you and Acrid
that was a pretty sucky game
oh well, there will be other opprotunities
It's not that it won't let you play, it's just a bit wonky. Kicking you off of teams and sometimes matches. I'm already lvl 8 and have played probably 20+ matchs
its telling me you're level 5. I'm level 6 btw.
already have 20 wins total (most are v ai)
I think acrid forgot about me
either that or that's the longest game I've ever seen and he somehow leveled up halfway
I hate that I automatically assume that it's my fault when one of my friends suddenly stops talking to me. I mean, I know that she's my best friend and one of the main people that I depend on for my support system to help deal with the depression and whatnot but this is nuts.
My best friend stopped talking to me when he married a crazy woman.
I've only had that happen after they changed the nature of our friendship and added a WB to the end.
Best friends don't just stop talking to each other out of the blue.
Yeah. I saw him once since then. He even cut off ties with his family, which is friends with my family, so when they get together he's not there. She is really crazy though, evangelical orthodox Christian or something who believes all sorts of crazy stuff and likes to judge people and tell them they're going to hell for various reasons. And I say this as a relatively conservatively Catholic man about to enter seminary.This always sucks.
I've only had that happen after they changed the nature of our friendship and added a WB to the end.
Best friends don't just stop talking to each other out of the blue.
you say that but that's how my relationship seems to be with my bfs
Depends on the maturity level of said person I feel.
I've only had that happen after they changed the nature of our friendship and added a WB to the end.
Best friends don't just stop talking to each other out of the blue.
Give me stress relief tips
I'm freaking the fuck out
Give me stress relief tips
I'm freaking the fuck out
smoke weed
get drunk
have sex
write stresses down, gets them out of your mind
They've just stopped talking to you?
I can't do any of those things. Drug use is a huge no no, I have a PT test tomorrow so no booze, and no one will sleep with me.
What's stressing me out is this PT test. It's tomorrow and I feel prepared but I'm also nervous af. I don't want to fail. I can't fail. Fuck.
yeah it happens about once a year for almost half the year then we start hanging out all the time again
I can't do any of those things. Drug use is a huge no no, I have a PT test tomorrow so no booze, and no one will sleep with me.
What's stressing me out is this PT test. It's tomorrow and I feel prepared but I'm also nervous af. I don't want to fail. I can't fail. Fuck.
What does a PT test involve?
I would no longer hang out with them to be honest.
This just makes me feel worse. I haven't done anything that would warrant being mad at me. I haven't even spoken to her in a few weeks and nothing happened the last time we spoke. So for the time being I don't really have anyone close to me to help balance the stress. I'm effectively isolated from everyone outside of family who tend to make things worse.
I'm fine with not being around people 24/7, but not with the knowledge that they might be mad at me for reasons that I don't know.
yeah it happens about once a year for almost half the year then we start hanging out all the time again
First off, of course I'd sleep with you, but that's beside the point. I've got faith that you'll pass it, and the fact that you already feel prepared is great.
Now get in bed and imagine ADC ravaging you right this instant, missy.
well I do it too. literally everyone in my friend group takes turns disappearing
I just slept for like nine hours.
She was in Tulum recently and posted shit to Instagram, so of course this fucking fandom goes to Wikipedia and
How long have you known these people who don't talk to you for 6 months? Because that sounds bizarre.
I can understand if it's a situation where you and your friends become distant geographically or you become too busy for socializing. Purposefully distancing yourself from friends though just because doesn't seem healthy imo. (I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about?)
I can't do any of those things. Drug use is a huge no no, I have a PT test tomorrow so no booze, and no one will sleep with me.
What does a PT test involve?
I would no longer hang out with them to be honest.
So what, you sent her a text and she didn't respond?
I'm sure plenty of people in here would be happy to shoot the shit with you if you're feeling isolated. Jump in the discord and you and Dragonz can try and de-stress together.
Metaphorically blue balled.
Beer and DOOM it is then!
I can understand if it's a situation where you and your friends become distant geographically or you become too busy for socializing. Purposefully distancing yourself from friends though just because doesn't seem healthy imo. (I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about?)
since kindergarten
most of use live within 5 miles of eachother
but "purposefully" is the wrong way to describe it. it just happens for no particular reason. my point is that its not necessarily malice there
Sit ups, push ups, and a 1.5 mile run.
Not exactly. If it were just a "pls respond" thing I'd dismiss it because she never responds to texts right away. I haven't had any contact with her in any way shape or form for some time now and not knowing if your closest friend is upset with you for reasons you don't know hurts because I have an irrational fear of being cast out into permanent isolation from everyone that i care about.
Some sexy texting huh?
most of use live within 5 miles of eachother
but "purposefully" is the wrong way to describe it. it just happens for no particular reason. my point is that its not necessarily malice there
Sit ups, push ups, and a 1.5 mile run.
Hell man, if it's weighing on your mind so much just give her a call? I guess I'm not really understanding the situation here.
Because she's not answering anything. Thats why i wondered if she was mad at me.
Ah, that's a little bit different.