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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Jesus tap dancing Christ

"Hey Josh I'm going to cook some food"

Cool broski

"Your stove didn't work so I just used the microwave"

Cool broski

*twenty minutes later*

Why does my whole house smell like gas? Oh, because they turned the gas on but didn't hit light on the stove and never turned it off

Hmm, it stinks in here. Better light a match.


I've only been at my grandma's for an hour, and there have been like three meals alteady. I'm staying here until sunday :S

"Cosima and Delphine are locked in some kind of transgressive lesbian geek spiral bound to end in tears."

I love Felix.

[edit]: "I don't want to talk to him. He's an enabler."

"You want us to check his crevices?"

Alison+rehab=endless life

Funky Papa

Eva Green and Tatiana Maslany got snubbed.

Why yes of course.

Alison+rehab=endless life
Watch out for the best Donnie scene yet. Super mild spoiler:
You are still a few episodes away.

Edit: Oh, you are still on ep 4. Come back when you finish it and discuss your feelings
on the ending. Holy fok, Helena.
Why does Tatiana get snubbed every goddamn year?

Ain't no other bitch in the game doing what she does. And she's actually able to convincingly portray all those characters. Like damn. #phucktheGoldenGlobes #atleastshewasnominatedforaSAG


I've only been at my grandma's for an hour, and there have been like three meals alteady. I'm staying here until sunday :S


Wait... three meals in an hour?


You are already fat.


Pasta 4 hours late.

I'll have this for today.

Hannibal, The Knick, Fargo, Sherlock.... and probably what the others have said.

If you have the patience for it, Boardwalk Empire just ended. You could steamroll through the 5 seasons. Really underappreciated show.

Never heard of boardwalk empire until now, will look for it.

I've only been at my grandma's for an hour, and there have been like three meals alteady. I'm staying here until sunday :S




So when I see something that I think someone might like, I usually buy it for them and then surprise them with it later, regardless of whether or not there's an occasion for a gift. So it's the last day of finals for me and my friend and her's is later and I was at Barnes and Noble last night and found the Nightmare Before Christmas picture book and she's really into Nightmare Before Christmas stuff so I bought it last night and planned to give it to her today, but I decided to drop it off at her house and text her to tell her that I left something on the porch along with some Starbucks with a note saying "Good luck on finals!" So I parked and walked up to the door to leave the stuff and right when I got to the porch, her dad and boyfriend opened the door and saw me and said "Oh! Hi." and I just stood there and said "Uh, hi. These are for her." and walked past them to give the stuff to her. Her dad is pretty cool but I don't like meeting my friends' dads because reasons.


Boardwalk Empire is great

But The Wire is the best thing


I saw this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sgj78QG9Bg

Fun stuff... :p

So when I see something that I think someone might like, I usually buy it for them and then surprise them with it later, regardless of whether or not there's an occasion for a gift. So it's the last day of finals for me and my friend and her's is later and I was at Barnes and Noble last night and found the Nightmare Before Christmas picture book and she's really into Nightmare Before Christmas stuff so I bought it last night and planned to give it to her today, but I decided to drop it off at her house and text her to tell her that I left something on the porch along with some Starbucks with a note saying "Good luck on finals!" So I parked and walked up to the door to leave the stuff and right when I got to the porch, her dad and boyfriend opened the door and saw me and said "Oh! Hi." and I just stood there and said "Uh, hi. These are for her." and walked past them to give the stuff to her. Her dad is pretty cool but I don't like meeting my friends' dads because reasons.

Hey! Let's be friends!! :D

I really like that GTX 980... hmmm :p

Because reasons... yeah I know the feeling.


Because reasons... yeah I know the feeling.

I think we're thinking of different reasons.

It's because a lot of dads don't like their daughters hanging around black dudes, you see.

Her dad isn't like that but it's just a generalization that I make with all dads.


I think we're thinking of different reasons.

It's because a lot of dads don't like their daughters hanging around black dudes, you see.

Her dad isn't like that but it's just a generalization that I make with all dads.

You really need to tell us these reasons though.

I totally didn't see that post.


If a dad doesn't want to see his daughter with you because you are black, it is his fucking problem, not yours though.


That's terrible... if a father doesn't want her daughter around black guys then that father has issues... Not all dads of course, but the racist ones.


So when I see something that I think someone might like, I usually buy it for them and then surprise them with it later, regardless of whether or not there's an occasion for a gift. So it's the last day of finals for me and my friend and her's is later and I was at Barnes and Noble last night and found the Nightmare Before Christmas picture book and she's really into Nightmare Before Christmas stuff so I bought it last night and planned to give it to her today, but I decided to drop it off at her house and text her to tell her that I left something on the porch along with some Starbucks with a note saying "Good luck on finals!" So I parked and walked up to the door to leave the stuff and right when I got to the porch, her dad and boyfriend opened the door and saw me and said "Oh! Hi." and I just stood there and said "Uh, hi. These are for her." and walked past them to give the stuff to her. Her dad is pretty cool but I don't like meeting my friends' dads because reasons.

Let them talk and just don't listen
Most people don't mean anything by it
It's their monotonous life that bothers them
And the day becomes much more interesting when you tell stories

And they probably don't feel ashamed
They lack discretion
And repeatedly prove: [that] they are petty,
inescapable, xenophobic

As the song "Lasse redn" (Let them talk) goes.

You sound like a really good boyfriend and that is all that counts. It's certainly depressing when you think about that so many people have an irrational hatred for you because of your skin colour, but for now block it out and focus on the good times with your love. :)

Edit: I hope you don't think I am dismissive of your concerns. It's certainly a tough time for everyone with everything but a pale skin in most parts in the this world. I just think that it would do yourself good to focus on the positive sides of life a bit.




You come at the king, you best not miss

I could not resist... I'm a huge sucker for anything that says "spoilers" - it's like a part of me that just wants to watch it. It's like an evil force that makes me watch any type of spoilers even though I clearly don't want to. It's hard to explain.
I'm weak
I could not resist... I'm a huge sucker for anything that says "spoilers" - it's like a part of me that just wants to watch it. It's like an evil force that makes me watch any type of spoilers even though I clearly don't want to. It's hard to explain.
I'm weak

Well I mean now you have to watch it, right?


I'm....not going to respond to that :p

Nope nope nope.

Let them talk and just don't listen
Most people don't mean anything by it
It's their monotonous life that bothers them
And the day becomes much more interesting when you tell stories

And they probably don't feel ashamed
They lack discretion
And repeatedly prove: [that] they are petty,
inescapable, xenophobic

As the song "Lasse redn" (Let them talk) goes.

You sound like a really good boyfriend and that is all that counts. It's certainly depressing when you think about that so many people have an irrational hatred for you because of your skin colour, but for now block it out and focus on the good times with your love. :)

I'm not her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was there though, but he knows that we're just friends so I don't think he cares. And I should clarify again that her dad isn't like that. I've had problems with that before with other people's dads so it's always in the back of my mind when meeting anyone's dad.
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