The problem is its not like social media. They know I'm following them on instagram because there's a real name and picture. My tumblr just has my username and a picture of Tomba, much like here.
I don't see how this is a problem. Troll them >
The problem is its not like social media. They know I'm following them on instagram because there's a real name and picture. My tumblr just has my username and a picture of Tomba, much like here.
This code is going to be the death of me. I just want this thing to print into the array one letter at a time.
Edit: I did it...sorta.
what did you have to do?
I had to print these letters from two different files to two different 2D arrays. I kept getting outofbounds exception errors, but I managed to find another way to get it to read one letter at a time without getting the error, but when it prints it starts printing multiples of the same letter. Idk if it's a problem with the compiler or not. I'm probably going to get a shitty grade fro this one. I already did terribly on the professor's initial knowledge test because it had been so long that I had forgotten a lot of basic programming.
If you're running into a problem, it's probably not the compiler
Do you know the size of each file you are reading? Youre just running out of space in the array(s).
What language are you using? You might not be reading a null terminating character. IE you're counting the number of characters you need to read and print you're not getting everything in the file, but when you're reading the contents you're getting a bunch of junk that overflows the arrays.
Also having the one professor using your class as guinea pigs might also mean the grading might be less harsh.
where's jake
lol @ people who think Star Wars movies are great. Sure they're good, but holy fuck are there a lot of stupid things in them.
Stupid and fun > long and boring and oh my god who gives a shit about a fucking ring?
They weren't fun. Only Revenge of the Sith was. Return of the Jedi was just stupid. Soldiers being killed by fuzzy little bears? wat
They weren't fun. Only Revenge of the Sith was. Return of the Jedi was just stupid. Soldiers being killed by fuzzy little bears? wat
I swear there was a movie with Ewoks and some kids family gets slaughteredThe Star Wars universe is cool but I wish it was aloud to go into a more mature route.
It doesn't have to be some R rated Game of Sith movie(that would be cool though) but does it have to be a children's movie?
The Star Wars universe is cool but I wish it was aloud to go into a more mature route.
It doesn't have to be some R rated Game of Sith movie(that would be cool though) but does it have to be a children's movie?
I swear there was a movie with Ewoks and some kids family gets slaughtered
This thing?
that looks fucking horrifying
I'm just here for the return of the upside-down Charizard :þ
Oh, way to have your thread locked sucka
uh ..
okay ;A;
If only modbot locked it ONE post earlier... Got to 54 posts. Goddammit.
Hey Jake
I joined the RPJ now. (I know, lttp)
How's everybody doing? :3
Cried my eyes out earlier after visiting the thread about feels. Now I'm sleepy...
but you look so happy in your avatar
Aw. Yeah, OT hits sometimes very close.Cried my eyes out earlier after visiting the thread about feels. Now I'm sleepy...