When does S3 start?
Summer. Kind of weird because it feels like a Winter show. It might help the ratings though.
When does S3 start?
He's semi-closetedand apparently boning Lee Pace.
It was discussed in the Hannibal thread after it was announced that he's playing a major character in Season 3(FUCK YES!).
Lee Pace is gay?!
It seems so.
So um, I keep seeing this thread pop up in OT Community and I have no idea what it is. I read the OP and I'm still confused/frightened. @_@
Am I already dead?
Tbh, I don't even know what this thread is about, but that doesn't really matter.
I'm not sure I'm cool enough.
What day in April?
Mine is also in April.
So um, I keep seeing this thread pop up in OT Community and I have no idea what it is. I read the OP and I'm still confused/frightened. @_@
Am I already dead?
neither do i. just force yourself in here. that's what i did. they don't bite in here.
The last Sunday of the month.
Noice. Wait, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
It will be two decades that I've walked this earth.
Wait... walked?
Hmmm... so that's ignoring your baby years when you couldn't walk?
Oh so that's what this is.semi-naked guy avatar? you'll fit in.
Don't be a smartass.
I'm only evaluating the number of possibilities, of which "walked the earth" could mean. ;_;
Also, respect your elders young man!
Shut up and take your heart pills, grandpa!
Damn you! Those are viagra pills, not my heart pills!
This'll probably be the first Persona I really try playing. Looks neat.
Ugh. If only someone managed to leak out that gameplay footage from QuakeCon.The lack of Doom 4 news is bothering me to no end.
Ugh. If only someone managed to leak out that gameplay footage from QuakeCon.
I really want Doom 4 to have open level designs, kind of like open world/sandbox.
One of the things that made Doom great was its intricate maze design. You can't have those in a sandbox setting.
I'm rewatching the first Fast and the Furious.
At the beginning
*disclaimer about driving safe by Paul Walker*
"He's got enough nos in there to blow himself up."
Cringing intensifies.
Such a fun movie, I think I'll marathon the series next weekend.
I feel bad for the cast. Must be hard for them to watch that movie. The first 20 minutes is them treating Brian like shit.
Aaaand his car exploded
That was pretty hype.
Made some homemade burgs, forgot to take pictures but they turned out pretty well.
Its not like I could top funky anyway ;;
Nothing too fancy with them, beef, onion garlic, cajun, soy sauce and egg.
Might add oats to my next batch
I would mark out if the Doomguy said "packing 80 pounds of heavenly joy" if he picked up the chaingun.Don't tell me about it. Ugh.
It really sounded as insane as the infamous Doom comic.
Asked PoF girl for her # for shits 'n giggles. Her response? "You seriously don't know how to speak English". The fuck? You're the one with grammar issues in your description, honey.
It was kinda funny, though.
My burger game is kinda weak, tbh. They are hardly fancy.
The last time I tried making some homemade burgers they came out nicely done, yet a bit dry on the inside. I should probably buy fattier meat at the butcher.
Madness. Crusty rolls give me life.Not a fan of crusty rolls
Love yourself, Windy.
FakeGAF ended up on page 3 of Off-Topic Community? What happened to us, man.
Cross-post because why the hell not
What is a PoF girl?