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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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"What's going on? Why are you sweatier than usual?"

Alison and Donnie >>>>>>>>>>>>> your faves

That tooth pulling scene, tho

That was my reaction too. But god, what a brilliant scene. The way Philip and Elizabeth can convey shit just by looking at each other. The chemistry and acting ability are real.

Also, nothing's gonna top the suitcase scene in cringe factor. I had to literally pause during it and take a break. The snapping still haunts my nightmares.

Funky Papa

It was hard to look at when they are bending her arms, but that popped leg...


It's like they had to make you cringe one way or another with each episode :negman
JFC, this Helena scene rn. And I thought bone snapping and tooth extraction were bad.


[edit]: Oh man, shit is gonna go down in the next episode. Thank god it's tomorrow.

Funky Papa

Gentlemen, I give you fried caprese bombs.



This GIF takes me back. Had the best end credits music and the scary episodes were legitimately scary. That bride one still creeps me out, mostly because Curly stayed dead through the rest of the series.
WHAT!? You mean he never appeared after that episode? Man, that is creepy.
Oh motherfucker. I really need to remember I have American people on Facebook when I wake up on Monday mornings. American people who watch things and like to post about it. Things like Game of Thrones.


Funky Papa

Oh motherfucker. I really need to remember I have American people on Facebook when I wake up on Monday mornings. American people who watch things and like to post about it. Things like Game of Thrones.


I was spoiled last week's episode by a huge picture on the Wall Street Journal. The fucking Wall Street Journal.

I'd just stay away from the internets.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I'll admit to drinking Steel Reserve if I want to get shit faced in desperation, but any of those sweet drinks are vile.

Plus, a pack of Rasputin is cheap at Total Wine & More or Bevmo.

One of my Spanish uncles looks exactly like the Dos Equis guy.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
A nice sav blanc makes all the sads in my life just that little bit better. Someone come snuggle me. I need snuggles.

Funky Papa


And WOW Penny Dreadful stays winning! Another excellent episode, a bit different from the others, but I loved it.

Will watch tonite. Can't be more fucked up than the previous one.

Meanwhile, today's experiment in cringe science was brought by sweet pedophilia set to the rythm of some classic 80's chunes. The Americans doesn't hold back.


Will watch tonite. Can't be more fucked up than the previous one.
Hahah, yeah, this one isn't that fucked up, just a really interesting episode :)
It really was garbage, overall. And I'm far less cynical than most book readers about the show.

Penny Dreadful was excellent though. Them writers are masters of the flashback episode.
I don't mind changing stuff from the books, as long as it's done well. This was just ass.

Last season's flashback was incredible, the best episode by far. Hope there's another one soon, more Sir Malcolm please!
The show's portrayal of the Sand Snakes is completely laughable.

So fucking bad.
Hey, they got them spot on. I always imagined them as a bunch of Michelle Rodriguezes minus the cool.

Just so I don't seem too negative about GoT, "cock merchant" is pretty much the best thing ever.
Hey, they got them spot on. I always imagined them as a bunch of Michelle Rodriguezes minus the cool.

Just so I don't seem too negative about GoT, "cock merchant" is pretty much the best thing ever.

How dare you. I mean cock merchant is fantastic, yes.

But Tyene is muh queen. She has the innocent septa thing going in the books. A true viper in the grass. No would would ever suspect how deadly she is. And they've made her into an Obara clone in the show. Brash and belligerent. No subtlety about her. Awful.
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