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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Funky Papa



Jake's idea of parenthood, prolly.

Funky Papa

Jesus Christ @ this hijacking scene from The Americans.

Liz. Liz. Whatchodoin gorl. LIZ.

FakeGAF, if you are not watching this show you are FUCKING UP.

Funky Papa

What's the show about?
also hi you people are weird

Spionage thriller/drama set in the early 80's. The show follows a couple of Russian spies trained from a young age to embed in the American society as a married couple as part of the Soviet Union's illegals program, allowing them to carry missions that wouldn't be possible for people working at the embassy nor Russian citizens, who'd be monitored by the FBI as soon as they stepped off from their planes.

They are more or less a beautiful couple with beautiful children and a good job living in a posh-y suburb, but in reality they are living in a some times fake-ish marriage forced by the KGB in order to make their identities more credible, their kids are unaware of their activities and more often than not they are doing all kinds of shady shit, from plotting assassinations in American soil to stealing blueprints in order to smuggle American military tech for reverse engineering in Russia.

Production values are on point, writting is the tightest this side of Justified and acting is generally outstanding, kids included. If you are an 80's kid you'll fucking love it.

I've been wanting to watch that show but it's not on Netflix.
S1 and S2 sets are out, but you can also stream them from Amazon Video (I'm not sure if that's a viable option for you, tho).

Funky Papa

Aw. YIS.

And I really need to get properly into The Americans. Finished the first two eps, but I want to save the rest until I can have a nice binge :)

The first two episodes are the slowest and least engaging of the show IMO. S2 if fire, and S3 is kind of wild already. Episode 8 left me legit shook with one of the most brutal murders on TV. Don't fuck with angry
South Africans


Early into The Witcher and I'm already loving it more than Dragon Age.

Haven't had a lot of time for it because Lowes decided to make me their work horse all of the sudden. -_-

Funky Papa

All caught up with GoT. Definitely the weakest episode so far, all seasons included. There were some fairly crummily edited scenes, too. It just felt half baked.

"Shut up about the butter."

Helena. 😍

Orphan Black's innuendo is too much. I'm definitely getting into it as soon as I finish with The Americans.
"You, baby Jesus. Follow me."

"And leave you alone with Rosemary's baby. Not likely."

Yaaassss Felix. Good episode only brought down by the lack of Alison shenanigans.

All caught up with GoT. Definitely the weakest episode so far, all seasons included. There were some fairly crummily edited scenes, too. It just felt half baked.

I actually really liked it all things considered. No Dany and Meereen was a huge plus. And the famous tart Queen Cersei was everything.

The Dorne shit needs to go tho. None of the Sand Snake actresses can act and none of them can fight either. That fight scene in Dorne was terribly choreographed. Bring back Pedro Pascal and have him play all the Sand Snakes if they must be included.

Funky Papa

The Dorne scenes were AWFUL.

I like the setting and I love how colourful Dornish people are
, but that fight was amateur hour. Neil Marshall laughs at that shit.

Funky Papa

Theon is mildly attractive there and Ramsay doesn't look like he's going to beat the shit out of you while he rapes you.

I'm shocked.


The Dorne shit needs to go tho. None of the Sand Snake actresses can act and none of them can fight either. That fight scene in Dorne was terribly choreographed. Bring back Pedro Pascal and have him play all the Sand Snakes if they must be included.

That fighting was so bad...
You think that because they couldn't act,
maybe they were professional acrobats or something. :|
[11:39:29 PM] Jake: Em, I'm about to reblog an incredibly lewd picture. Just giving you fair warning.
[11:39:33 PM] Adam C.: Yennefer tho
[11:39:54 PM] James: Lewdacris
[11:40:53 PM] Jake: It involves her favorite part of anatomy. A butthole.
[11:42:07 PM] James Lee: Lewd Skywalker?
[ 2:39 AM] Adam C.: Yennefer tho
[11:42:50 PM] Emily L.: but nooo
[11:42:54 PM] Emily L.: jake's got shit taste as per usual
[11:43:23 PM] Emily L.: wow
[11:43:26 PM] Emily L.: it's a butthole
[11:43:41 PM] Jake: lmao
[11:43:44 PM] Kevin: well. he did say
[11:43:49 PM] Kevin: oh man
[11:44:18 PM] Jake: That guy and the pose is so fucking hot. I can't.
[11:44:40 PM] Kevin: smh
[11:45:21 PM] Emily L.: real talk tho
[11:45:25 PM] Emily L.: how does a dick fit in there
[11:45:31 PM] Kevin: ...
[11:45:32 PM] James: Sigh, it's all Witcher and butt holes in here
[11:45:39 PM] Kevin: well, em
[11:45:48 PM] Kevin: when a man loves another man...
[11:46:02 PM] Emily L.: I mean how is that not super painful
[11:46:07 PM] Emily L.: I get lube and all
[11:46:23 PM] Kevin: pretty sure it would be, but i dont know what pic you're referring to
[11:46:29 PM] Kevin: i'd rather not know, either
[11:46:54 PM] Emily L.: and I'm not homophobic either, I mean if you want to pound a dude into oblivion go right ahead, I'll stand on the sidelines and cheer you on and offer you snacks
[11:47:05 PM] Emily L.: but anatomically
[11:47:11 PM] Emily L.: that sounds really uncomfortable
[11:47:22 PM] Kevin: probably is
[11:47:27 PM] Kevin: porn is a lie
[11:48:01 PM] Emily L.: jake I need to know
[11:49:36 PM] Jake: If you're rihlaxed and your partner takes his time it's not uncomfortable at all. If you're not used to having a dick up your ass you generally feel like you're constipated or something but that dissipates the more you do it.
[11:49:50 PM] Kevin: gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

I wasn't kidding about what I put under that spoiler, FYI. Nobody said anything to me, so I just assumed the worst. Not to mention I already had a rep here as "The Worst" too.


I actually really liked it all things considered. No Dany and Meereen was a huge plus. And the famous tart Queen Cersei was everything.

The Dorne shit needs to go tho. None of the Sand Snake actresses can act and none of them can fight either. That fight scene in Dorne was terribly choreographed. Bring back Pedro Pascal and have him play all the Sand Snakes if they must be included.

Ugh. They absolutely butchered Jaime's story this year.

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