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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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:lol @ the bolded. I don't know why, but it reminded me of this 90's classic performance.





I don't mind changing stuff from the books, as long as it's done well. This was just ass.

Last season's flashback was incredible, the best episode by far. Hope there's another one soon, more Sir Malcolm please!

Hey, they got them spot on. I always imagined them as a bunch of Michelle Rodriguezes minus the cool.

Just so I don't seem too negative about GoT, "cock merchant" is pretty much the best thing ever.

Indeed. On the positive side, Jon and Stannis have been my favorite part of this season(finally).

I think flashback episodes should be a once a season thing for Penny Dreadful because 1) they're really good at it and 2) it boosts interest in the main plot considerably.

I'd love to get a look at whatever the hell was going on with Ethan and Native Americans. Of course, seeing Sir Malcom in Africa would be great as well. :)
Mad max was good. Tom hardy needs to work on his accent tho forreal. It's metal as fuck, there's a rusty truck with boombox in the front and a dude playing live electric guitar for the battles


I'm having the shittiest day, so I need to take a long-ass walk/run to feel a bit better.
I also need some upbeat chunes/albums, any recommendations? :)

Funky Papa

Forgive me my fuccbois for I have sinned.

Yesterday I cheated on my diet with the most incredible grilled Gouda sandwich, which I made using this recipe. It was my first grilled cheese sandwich, too. This is what happens when you visit the supermarket with an empty stomach. You buy shit you don't need.

God bless the Netherlands*.

I won't say that again, so Dutch-GAF better savour the moment.


Unconfirmed Member
What happens in mumble, stays in mumble

Funky Papa

Crap Taxidermy is pretty much the best thing on Twitter.



dat Amsterdam doe

All over my tits.

Norway keepin' it real with the struggle dog. I eat that shit like twice a week lol.
Dat Brazil tho. I need it.

South American street food is a class of its own. Check this br00tal AF Venezuelan burger.


Is it sanitary? Who the hell cares? #allthetapeworms

I still have hair you cunt :p, so have all my friends. Where do you get your 'information' from?
And why the bitterness? Got dumped by a Dutch chick once?

I cannot take seriously a country that has Robben as its national hero.

What happens in mumble, stays in mumble
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