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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Scaley member
I think it was actually from Fantasy games like Warcraft where you had a Human campaign and an Orc campaign

So to answer this question:

Since 1994 :p

Isn't Warcraft still a war game? I mean... it's in the name! And the humans are at war with the orcs...


RIP Log Lady.


Fates and Furies said:
She sat on the leather chair and sank into the divot made by long years under her husband’s weight. She rested her head on the wall behind her, where it was shiny from his head. She looked at the window where he’d dreamt for so many hours, lost in his imaginings, and was filled with a kind of dark tingle. She felt enormous, the size of the house, crowned with the moon, wind in her ears.
[Grief is pain internalized, abscess of the soul. Anger is pain as energy, sudden explosion.]
This one would be for Lotto. “This will be fun,” she said aloud to the empty house.

Some women just wanna watch the world burn.


Leave musical hipster bae alone.

Also, can you provide a translation of this song at the part around the 26 second mark that sounds like "something Swedish my wiener" because I kind of don't think that's what he's saying but I need to know. Pls, bb. xoxo
aiiit brah

Alltid samma sak för varje dag som är rutiner
Försöker passa in men det är som levande maskiner

Always the same thing every day is routine, or: for every day, which is routine(s?).
Trying to fit in but it's like living machines

Translating lyrics never works, but you get the idea. Sort of.
aiiit brah

Alltid samma sak för varje dag som är rutiner
Försöker passa in men det är som levande maskiner

Always the same thing every day is routine, or: for every day, which is routine(s?).
Trying to fit in but it's like living machines

Translating lyrics never works, but you get the idea. Sort of.

I C.

And oh @ me hearing maskiner as my wiener. Oop.
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