Nomadic Sparks
This patient history form wants to know if I'm gay. Not that I mind telling people if I'm gay or straight, but it's odd that a doctor needs to know at the outset.
That's very odd. I agree. Hmmmmm
This patient history form wants to know if I'm gay. Not that I mind telling people if I'm gay or straight, but it's odd that a doctor needs to know at the outset.
he's trying to determine if you're datableThis patient history form wants to know if I'm gay. Not that I mind telling people if I'm gay or straight, but it's odd that a doctor needs to know at the outset.
I don't eat animal products anymore, but I don't think this would necessarily be bad. Something salty and crunchy often goes well with something sweet. Years ago I tried a flavor of Ben & Jerry's that had potato chips in it. Was good.
Finally, this thread might end, so another can be made this century.
Just scribbled in pencil at the bottonhe's trying to determine if you're datable
chocolate covered pretzels
R u gay
Just scribbled in pencil at the botton
"Do you like me?
[] Yes [] No"
who are all these people and what are they doing in my house
This patient history form wants to know if I'm gay. Not that I mind telling people if I'm gay or straight, but it's odd that a doctor needs to know at the outset.
Fuck yes.
Also: anything covered in nutella. Cardboard covered in nutella. Let's do it.
No sir
I've filled out a lot of doctor forms in my life and I can't remember if I've ever been asked if I'm gay in one. It's just a bit unusual.
Kevin you should kill yourself. Why didn't you come to Fake Feb?
Probably just to assess potential STD risk.
who are all these people and what are they doing in my house
who are all these people and what are they doing in my house
This is my house and they are all invited!
What is GAF evenshut it u wells fargo
Didn't do RPJ, either. Didn't feel it this year - hell I don't even GAF much anymore.
This is my house and they are all invited!
who are all these people and what are they doing in my house
only if em does it.
Anywho, it's SUPER TUESDAY! Who wants to get drunk off their assessment while watching primary results!?!?
Who wants to get drunk off their assessment while watching primary results!?!?
you aren't my mother's child!!!!!
Ur not Emily tho
i'm voting for Romney
I'm still holding out hope that Sanders can bring it, as unlikely as it seems :cit's a party... a party on windam's face! Last one on windam's face is a rotten egg!
I'm a habitual politic nerd even though I fucking hate it.. So.. Me...
It's not even goign to be very exciting. Trump's going to have a pretty clean sweep, Ted Cruz will probably hold Texas, which is actually good for Trump because if Ted lost Texas he'd have no more justification to stay in the race, and Trump needs to keep his opposition from solidifying into one person.
Hillary will also win the day and Bernie will effectively be finished
I'm still holding out hope that Sanders can bring it, as unlikely as it seems :c
In 2012 I thought Romney was kind of a weak kneed convictionless douche bot. That douchebot looks pretty fucking hot against the current GOP crop though. The only republican that doesn't make my skin crawl is John Kasich. I don't know how anyone intelligent isn't ashamed to associate themselves with the republican party considering what's going on right now -- the circus that's going on right now. Last I checked they were calling eachother's dicks small.
I'm still holding out hope that Sanders can bring it, as unlikely as it seems :c
I'm still holding out hope that Sanders can bring it, as unlikely as it seems :c
Yea i feel fairly lost this election cycle. I've got a full plate of stress though so I'm not really thinking about it all.
Chimichurri and parmigiano fries.are those loaded fries in the back?
This patient history form wants to know if I'm gay. Not that I mind telling people if I'm gay or straight, but it's odd that a doctor needs to know at the outset
I don't eat animal products anymore, but I don't think this would necessarily be bad. Something salty and crunchy often goes well with something sweet. Years ago I tried a flavor of Ben & Jerry's that had potato chips in it along with fudge and the other standard ice cream stuff. Was good.
Also -- peanut butter and bacon sandwiches used to be very standard ordinary every day things in american homes.
I eat peanut butter with spinach... lol
Chimichurri and parmigiano fries.
I'll just say my piece real quick about parties...
If you came to me and said "I am for a government that spends less money and taxes less" or whatever -- The fiscal argument. I'm open to having that argument. Maybe I could be swayed one way or another.
But the republican platform is full of shit I can never, ever, ever sign on with or support in any way. It's full of non starters. I can't support a candidate who is against gay rights, or who is for supreme court justices who would repeal the voting rights act. I can't support a party whose candidates race bait and in the case of Trump say openly racist things. I can't do it. I'll never be able to do it.
So each cycle I only have one choice. I don't feel like I have a choice.
If I ate meat I'd try this.
Peanut butter, bacon, and bananas. In the above case it's with chocolate swirl bread. I bet it's good.
I love peanut butter and banana. Never had it with bacon and don't have any desire to.
It's definitely hard to take the current Republican party seriously when their main platform seems to be abhorrent social policies and anti-anything Obama rather than fiscal or foreign policies.
That's why I kinda don't mind Paul Ryan. He'll be just as anti-social as any republican if pressed, to be sure, but he mostly seems to be a proper fiscal nerd who has these ideas because he truly believes their best for the country, not because he wants to pander to a base of voters who've been carefully curated over the last 50 years.
your analogy isn't quite right. its more like a principal who tell teachers not to spend extra time on kids that need more help. or in the more extreme cases of people like huckabee and cruz its more like suspending them for getting a bad grade and refusing to give them the material during the time they're away./shrug
It just turned March, yet there's already been 53 mass shootings. smh. The 2nd amendment right to bear arms argument can shove it at this point.
Something needs to happen about guns here. It's comically bad.
It just turned March, yet there's already been 53 mass shootings. smh. The 2nd amendment right to bear arms argument can shove it at this point.