With septum piercing wouldn't your nose get itchy all the time and what about boogers backups
I find nose piercings in general extremely unattractive
With septum piercing wouldn't your nose get itchy all the time and what about boogers backups
I find nose piercings in general extremely unattractive
I think piercings and tattoos are generally, for the most part, sexy
I think piercings and tattoos are generally, for the most part, sexy
so uh, that girl I like just rapid fire invited me to two fb events just now. it's not even 10:30am and she's apparently thinking about me.
I find nose piercings in general extremely unattractive
Even I look dapper in a suit.A suit makes any sap look like he has dignity. Also makes people look more in shape
I think piercings and tattoos are generally, for the most part, sexy
so uh, that girl I like just rapid fire invited me to two fb events just now. it's not even 10:30am and she's apparently thinking about me.
Septum and ear piercings are hot af.
Septum and ear piercings are hot af.
you're missing the very obvious thing here: it adds height. obviously not the entire reason for them but shorter women seem to be more willing to wear them
so uh, that girl I like just rapid fire invited me to two fb events just now. it's not even 10:30am and she's apparently thinking about me.
I don't see the big fuss about heels on women. Girls don't need to get all femmed up for me.
I make/made my wife wear heels because her legs look insane with them on.
its only bad when you expect them to wear them for your sake (unless you're in a relationship then its usually okay)
its not really the same thing as with guys. its generally more of an aesthetic thing. being seen next to taller friends or a significantly taller boyfriend they might want to close the gap a bitIs it common for short girls to be insecure about it? I've never found shortness in girls to be unattractive, personally. I didn't know that was a big deal. Seems more common/logical for guys to worry about it.
Still feels like asking her to bind her feet. So I just look forward to the few times a year social convention dictates she wear them. Only good thing about weddings, really.
ask. her. out.
FYI I clapped my hands after typing each period.
Why don't you just ask her to drinks or coffee through Facebook. Like a bandaid, get it over quick one way or the other.
Peoples eyeballs are all about the same size, right? If someone appears to have large eyes, it's really just the rest of their face is smaller.
Peoples eyeballs are all about the same size, right? If someone appears to have large eyes, it's really just the rest of their face is smaller.
A quality woman doesn't do that. She doesn't say "Yes" right away. She says "No" to a man. For years. Like 10 years! That's what a real woman does!
Peoples eyeballs are all about the same size, right? If someone appears to have large eyes, it's really just the rest of their face is smaller.
A quality woman doesn't do that. She doesn't say "Yes" right away. She says "No" to a man. For years. Like 10 years! That's what a real woman does!
large eyes has a lot to do with expression. my normal expression makes me look like I have small eyes but if i'm more engaged my eyes look slightly bigger than average. also makeup can contribute
so theres a few variables at least
I'm going to say no?
I was married for seven of those years so yeahhhhh
complex thing is complex
I know makeup makes eyes appear larger. I see through that though. I'm talking actual eyeball to face reality.
I'm really thinking yes.
well my point was you aren't going to actually get a chance to compare the eyeball to the head so its more about how it appears than necessarily how it actually is. but yes that is a factor, smaller people's eyes tend to look bigger
Ugh job is 10-15k off what I'm looking for but the company seems great and there is plenty of room to grow...
I remember this movie getting shitty reviews, but I LOVE it. Sure it has dumb shit in it that makes no sense, but I just love it. It's so entertaining.
And I'm 10000% in love with Rose Byrne
would it be possible to negotiate the salary? I'm not exactly sure how that works tbh but thats often something you could try for with a bit of leverageUgh job is 10-15k off what I'm looking for but the company seems great and there is plenty of room to grow...
Little kids appear to have large eyes because their faces are tiny. Their eyes aren't larger than those of adults.
That logic extends to ALL appearances of large eyes.
Its worth mentioning it to her that you like it imo. more as a compliment than anything (assuming you haven't already)
Little kids appear to have large eyes because their faces are tiny. Their eyes aren't larger than those of adults.
That logic extends to ALL appearances of large eyes.
Trent Reznor \o/i like this. reminds me of Quake soundtrack, obviously https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8_f8iF2T0g
25 minutes is on the long end, but I've definitely experienced that before. At the time I was still eating other shittier fast food so it was like a godsend.I haven't been to Raising Cane's or Chik Fil A yet on Harbor. I went to In N Out once and I hated it because I waited 25 minutes for a shitty burger.
True, but I like wearing slim fit shirts. It feels like I'm being hugged/held for once.The male equivalent of high heels. Specially with slim fit shirts.
This is seriously good advice. Although sometimes I let the water get stale and then eugh.
Trent Reznor o/
Jobbs irl
Do you think there is wiggle room to negotiate? How much leverage do you have? What kind of benefits does it include?
would it be possible to negotiate the salary? I'm not exactly sure how that works tbh but thats often something you could try for with a bit of leverage