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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Instead of asking for a number increase try asking for a percentage. Not sure why, but I've heard it's more agreeable.
"How flexible is the salary? Can it be increased by (10, 15, 20)%?"

Also, sometimes they will roll the benefits package into the total "value". So it could be 75k, but it could be looked at as 80k or 85k total because of the benefits packages.


Jobbs irl


Proof that Jobbs' are real.

Lock up your pickles, etc.


Is it not a highly irrational thing to buy pickles when you don't want them?

I'm omw

I'm omw

I haven't tried those. Maybe I should experiment with more types.

They're the best pickles though Jobbs. Unless you don't like the kind that they give you at restaurants.


I live with my parents and don't do the grocery shopping

And you just called your mom an asshole the other day... Awwkward...

Oh wait that was me.

They're the best pickles though Jobbs. Unless you don't like the kind that they give you at restaurants.

Are they even more expensive than the vlasics? I usually get vlasics because they're the minimum I have found that still taste good. (Store brand pickles are always, always shit.)


And you just called your mom an asshole the other day... Awwkward...

Oh wait that was me.

Are they even more expensive than the vlasics? I usually get vlasics because they're the minimum I have found that still taste good. (Store brand pickles are always, always shit.)

yea they're probably more expensive than a regular jar of vlasic. They're probably 4-5 dollars similar to these(which are similar but not as good):

Edit: I looked it up. They're $3.34 for the sandwich stackers jar(my favorite) where the Vlassic Stackers are $2.37


I normally keep my cool but a certain manager at my job has SERIOUSLY had a stick up his ass for the past few weeks and it's starting to bum me out.

I just hate interacting with this person these days.

ever have someone like that in your life?


I normally keep my cool but a certain manager at my job has SERIOUSLY had a stick up his ass for the past few weeks and it's starting to bum me out.

I just hate interacting with this person these days.

ever have someone like that in your life?

I hate working.

I used to work at a call center doing tech support for Verizon. They had a rule where if you were on a call with a customer, you finish with the customer even if it means going over your scheduled shift, going over your break, going over a meeting, whatever. You don't disconnect the customer. Fine.

..But they still yell at you, get annoyed with you, or even threaten you if you follow this rule in a way that inconveniences them. You miss your meeting or are late to your meeting wiht your supervisor because of a customer? Instant scorn.

They have all these ridiculous mandates that would necessarily and in most cases needlessly add to your call times, but they also get mad at you if your average call time is too high.

It was just a constant state of bullshit there, of being damned if you do and damned if you don't. You succeed by successfully navigating what the ACTUAL rules and ACTUAL expectations were, which were far different from the stated ones.

I don't want to work a regular job ever again.

Funky Papa

Septum piercings are turrible. You are not a cow. Love yourself.

Then again, I have no piercings nor tats of any kind. I'm so damn square when it comes to BM.


I don't consider that a regular job. Call centers are the same as retail, or skeevy knive salesmen or something.

When I say "regular job" I mean anything that requires me to robe every day

I have it really sweet right now compared to a lot of people. I have my own house I'm renting, I have some money, I get to sit around in my underwear and work on a video game. I get to hire people and tell them what to do.

Funky Papa

The only thing worse than a tie is a fucking ascot. Now those things should be abolished.

I just got the news that the security company I worked for in 2013 was closed for tax evasion.

Aw yis. That feeling when you discover that a shitty company you used to work for is now doing bad to terrible. Shame about the people that usually get caught in the bullshit :-/


When I say "regular job" I mean anything that requires me to robe every day

I have it really sweet right now compared to a lot of people. I have my own house I'm renting, I have some money, I get to sit around in my underwear and work on a video game. I get to hire people and tell them what to do.

see, eventually I can see myself starting a company as I have the experience of being in management for 13+ years AND I'm actually paying my dues by getting a degree in management

BUT.... the whole getting people to buy my shit thing would bother me

after I graduate I kind of want to get into teaching since I get to teach occasionally at my job now and it's so satisfying to see people actually use what I'm instructing.
I already put him in his place, don't worry

haha I saw! good job..b.......s

With septum piercing wouldn't your nose get itchy all the time and what about boogers backups

wait. why? think about this logically breh. it doesn't clog up the nostrils..there's just a tiny hole and typically a ring that is closer to the tip of said nose than it is to any potential boogers.

also nose piercings are hella sexy (on guys especialy). I leave this thread alone for a day and all hell breaks loose. smh.


I have to make some changes to the map which for various reason sis a huge headache


I manage it in this big photoshop file but making changes after it's implemented in the actual game is a fuck.

Trying to fix/add a couple things in time for Friday which is the latest this youtuber gave me to get him a build. BIG youtuber is doin a video ;)


irresponsible vagina leak
TAw yis. That feeling when you discover that a shitty company you used to work for is now doing bad to terrible. Shame about the people that usually get caught in the bullshit :-/
Minimum wage ($7.25)
Year I start working they take out the Xmas Bonus.
Make me work on my free days on areas they didn't had people to cover.
When the contract on the main area I worked at was terminated (because they didn't wanted to negotiate contracts with the the residents) instead of relocating me to another area even if it were with less hours they let me go.

There were other fuckery happening there but seriously I'm happy they went under. I feel bad for the officers but I'm sure they will get on their feet eventually.


wait. why? think about this logically breh. it doesn't clog up the nostrils..there's just a tiny hole and typically a ring that is closer to the tip of said nose than it is to any potential boogers.

also nose piercings are hella sexy (on guys especialy). I leave this thread alone for a day and all hell breaks loose. smh.

See Trab, this is what happens when you leave, the natives get restless and start talking nonsense.

are you booing me or saying BOO-URNS?

See Trab, this is what happens when you leave, the natives get restless and start talking nonsense.
yes I see that now. I leave it to you to restore order.
I'm a fan of subtlety

nose rings are not subtle
they can be. there's smaller ones and bigger ones. also ya momma is what's not subtle
or am I


I dated a girl with a lip ring once.

it made making out interesting I'll give it that

Facial piercings are hot bro that's all there is too it.

pff I was saying fuck when you were in diapers

:: waves cane at you ::

:: uses one rag for everything and stores it in same pocket all the time ::

Pft, I was waving canes when you were still just a twinkle in your dad's eye.

*pokes at you with a cane*

*drives slowly to denny's at 4am*



I like when hot girls are with really lame guys. It gives me points because I view myself as better than their guy. It lets me mentally put her in my "I coulda gotten her" column. (whether or not that's actually true, it's true in my derranged inner monologue) Self esteem boost.


depends on the face tbh

I dunno, my usual thoughts are:

"Good tattoos on girls increase the hotness by a easily plotted logarithmic amount" but facial piercings seem to fit no matter the girl I've seen them on.

It all depends on if you'd be attracted to them in the first place, but a nose ring/lip ring goes a long way towards that for me.
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