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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Junior Member
I don't understand when people go watch the same movie three times at the cinema. You guys do this? :/

One is more than enough for me. Even twice is is one too many times.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Going with different friends would be the only reason I'd go to a movie more than once.
I've been to Star Wars thrice already. Opening day with my brothers, a week later with some friends who only have a casual interest in the series, and then several weeks later with my dad because he still hadn't seen it.

But Star Wars is pretty rare. I usually don't even go to the theater in the first place.



Let's go to the movies ya big jepolee

I go a somewhat fair amount. I've seen The Revenant twice!

I like to get blazed and drink beers while I consume my media, so going to the cinema just costs too much. Plus, less and less cinema interests me these days.

The scotsman should be off his ban pretty soon.


Drive ins still exist?

I've been to Star Wars thrice already. Opening day with my brothers, a week later with some friends who only have a casual interest in the series, and then several weeks later with my dad because he still hadn't seen it.

But Star Wars is pretty rare. I usually don't even go to the theater in the first place.

Comedies are frequently more funny in a theater. Something might have you rolling due to the energy of the audience -- That would, at home, fall mostly flat.

And in the case of the Revenant it was reallly fucking intense. I doubt the home experience could match it.

Star Wars was also great at the theater. The audience was having fun. They got a huge kick out of the BB8 thumbs up.


Play some tinny audio through your phone while you make out in the back seat of a car. Viola, you've had the drive in experience.

Wait they come with free make out sessions? This might be my chance.....
Comedies are frequently more funny in a theater. Something might have you rolling due to the energy of the audience -- That would, at home, fall mostly flat.

And in the case of the Revenant it was reallly fucking intense. I doubt the home experience could match it.

Star Wars was also great at the theater. The audience was having fun. They got a huge kick out of the BB8 thumbs up.
Fury road was a great experience in the theater but that wasn't because of the audience. Only movie I've ever been to where I left the theater thinking ill never experience that again


I like seeing movies repeatedly. I've seen Deadpool 3x =\

I'm the same way with things I like. If I love a movie, I'll gladly watch it repeatedly. I've seen The Man from Nowhere four times.

If I like a song a lot sometimes I just can't get done with it and I might let it repeat 10 times.

Can we get a couch update?


Songs I love I'll thrash the hell out of, but film / TV I leave a looooong time between views, same with books.

Wait they come with free make out sessions? This might be my chance.....

Fury road was a great experience in the theater but that wasn't because of the audience. Only movie I've ever been to where I left the theater thinking ill never experience that again

La Haine is the only film I've been back to see twice, saw it by myself the first time, raved about it to the crew and saw it again next week. Powerful film, haven't watched it in years though, out of fear it doesn't hold up.
drinking wine and playing pokemon yellow reliving my childhood, my nidoqueen level 21, just left mt moon is stomping everyone with mega punch.

missed you all x


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Fury road was a great experience in the theater but that wasn't because of the audience. Only movie I've ever been to where I left the theater thinking ill never experience that again

Same. Went into that movie with absolutely zero expectations and it ended up being one of the greatest movie experiences I've ever had.


Had one removed, slept through my second wisdom tooth extraction appointment, still need to reschedule... and pay. Should do that tomorrow. I love being a nerd. Btw i got rocket league on x1.


Cool, the latency will make it almost unplayable for both of us.

Going to grab the Division? I'll be grabbing the inferior Xbone version to play with mates.
So, there goes that PR idea for GDC.

Apparently you can't play the DLC without the main game, even though it is just the soundtrack. This vexes me, as I was real proud of my idea to post DLC codes on the back of our business cards, and people were supporting it.
Cool, the latency will make it almost unplayable for both of us.

Going to grab the Division? I'll be grabbing the inferior Xbone version to play with mates.

is it really that bad? we should try once, we slaved through mtg and found a happy resolution.

I dunno... maybe, i guess. The only time i was hyped for the division was during it's initial reveal. I have not learned anything more about it from then until now.

16 player party chat one xbox one though!


hi silph :D

I played up to level 8 in the division beta and found it very dull. Even in that time it got boring shooting "another dude with brown and grey clothes and a generic firearm". The bosses were "another guy with a gun, but this one has 10,000 hp".

I'm not sure how you employ the grindy RPG angle of Destiny but without any of the diversity that a fantasy setting allows.


is it really that bad? we should try once, we slaved through mtg and found a happy resolution.

I dunno... maybe, i guess. The only time i was hyped for the division was during it's initial reveal. I have not learned anything more about it from then until now.

16 player party chat one xbox one though!

We'll give it a shot, but it's one of those games where a bit of lag ruins it for all players.

Download Gears 2 and we'll give that a crack as well if I see you online on the weekend.


Despite that, you bought it anyway, didn't you Jobbs.


We'll give it a shot, but it's one of those games where a bit of lag ruins it for all players.

Download Gears 2 and we'll give that a crack as well if I see you online on the weekend.


Despite that, you bought it anyway, didn't you Jobbs.

nah, but I'll maintain an open mind, maybe my concerns turn out to be ill conceived (I doubt it but you never know) I'll wait a bit


Huh, I thought you told me on Steam you'd bought it anyway.

I ordered it on amazon to get the beta key, but after I was not feeling the beta I cancelled.

I gifed my cancellation to troll the division thread, and it was pretty successful.



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
i watched like first half a minute of the first link, he just runs head first into two people and a turret and sponges everything, what?

Your loot and build is more important than your third person shooting ability.

What FUME5 said. Both those links were me. That first one, the guys were camping up there killing people. I died 5 or 6 times and then switched to my tank gear (high armor and health) so I could rush em. So yeah, with the proper gear you can tank a lot of damage.

It's an RPG before it's a shooter. The real-world setting throws that off before you get used to it.
edit: for context, I put around 50 hours into the alpha/betas.


After informing tomorrow nights date that we know each other from back in the day:

"Oh yeah, XX? I dated him in high school, nice guy but he cheated on me with my best friend. No hard feelings though, she was a dirty stop out".

Now I remember, and I remember her friend too, a bunch of us were tripping at his mums house when we had it to ourselves for a weekend. He was getting down with her in the bedroom, I 'kicked' in the door and shot him in the arse with the last pellet we had for the BB gun. On the downstroke.

Good times.
After informing tomorrow nights date that we know each other from back in the day:

"Oh yeah, XX? I dated him in high school, nice guy but he cheated on me with my best friend. No hard feelings though, she was a dirty stop out".

Now I remember, and I remember her friend too, a bunch of us were tripping at his mums house when we had it to ourselves for a weekend. He was getting down with her in the bedroom, I 'kicked' in the door and shot him in the arse with the last pellet we had for the BB gun. On the downstroke.

Good times.
why did you say 'kicked' did you really mean you opened the door like a normal person?


At least you're thin enough to wear them

You can totally wear slim cut shirts, it's just how the fabric is designed to fit the body. (Trust me I'm dealing with customers getting tailored shirts daily now).
are you booing me or saying BOO-URNS?
So weird I played this scene in my head at work this afternoon and then I see it referenced here around the same time WHAT.
6'5 get wrecked dwarves
If your shower head is a bidet, then how do you shower?
Sheets were absolutely clean, so there is that.
Until that night. ( &#865;° &#860;&#662; &#865;°)
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