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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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(This gif has no relation to anything. I just felt compelled to post it.)
I get kind of an accent sometimes and people laugh at me for it.

Pronouncing r's is hard :(

Chowdah. Say it.

Has anybody seen that furry movie? I kinda want to go see it tonight, but I need to get some others on board first.

I want to see the shit out of Zootopia but I kinda live a few hours away from you. Just a few. If wanna wait till WonderCon (25th - 28th), I'd be down.
I forgive him for whatever terrible strife he's wreaked in the WWE.


I mean he's not really made an impact he's just a bit of a shit wrestler

At least pick a good wrestler

Like Ricochet



Note: A packie is a liquor store, you cannot get chowdah there. Just had to make it work for the recording.

PRO-TIP: Do not call a shop a packie if you ever come to the UK because people might think you're calling it a Paki shop instead and think you're being racist. If you want a good, UK-friendly name for an alcohol shop, an off-licence or offie works.


Yes!! It was hard to pay attention sometimes because the view was beautiful.


Edit: let me see if i can record it lol
I'm jealous :D most of my school was bad 70s architecture and there are a lot of empty fields and parking lots.

If I ever move somewhere, it would definitely be somewhere in New England. I really like how the towns are laid out. They're not too big with nice shopping sections and easy to get anywhere in town. The kind of place where I'd want to be a writer living upstairs from a coffee shop :p

Btw we stayed in Jamestown. Nice small place.
As a Midwesterner, what exactly quantifies a Midwestern accent? Genuinely curious
Standard American is based on the Midwestern accent so it's mostly unnoticeable
That sloth dmv scene shown before Star Wars sold me on the movie but no one I know wants to check it out

Guess I'll wait until it releases on red box , 5/6 months from now

Bummer! That happened to me a couple times recently and in the end I just went to the theater alone, but I didn't want to repeat that today.

Fortunately I just got three of my friends on board, so we're going to go in a few hours. :D

how do I politely tell this guy I don't wanna go racing up a mountain with him

Is it the racing up a mountain part or the with him part?
Both? I don't know. He's nice and all but I find myself getting annoyed at times because he's kinda emotional and I'm just not into that.

It seems like it'd be easier to excuse yourself here if you lay the fault in racing up the mountain so it feels less personal.

Besides that, I'd go with a mildly affirming tone that makes clear your position. Something like "hey, I know this race sounds like a lot of fun to you, but I'm just not interested." Something so it doesn't sound like you're putting down how he is or chooses to be, but indicates clearly that you want no part in it.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
If you aren't interested in doing something else with him either, make sure that is clear as well. Otherwise he could easily just interpret it as you not liking mountains or something and in the future he'll pester you for some other event.
It seems like it'd be easier to excuse yourself here if you lay the fault in racing up the mountain so it feels less personal.

Besides that, I'd go with a mildly affirming tone that makes clear your position. Something like "hey, I know this race sounds like a lot of fun to you, but I'm just not interested." Something so it doesn't sound like you're putting down how he is or chooses to be, but indicates clearly that you want no part in it.

I told him I wasn't feeling it and that I had a hangover. Which is true, coincidentally.
Yeah, the thing about guys is that we are so fucking insecure. You need to be direct with us, and from the very little you've told us about him, it seems like he's not a jerkshit. So he'll probably be cool with it.
these playgrounds are seriously dangerous. I don't understand how this shit is for kids.

I broke my arm falling from monkey bars when I eight years old. It only encouraged me to climb higher next time!

Kids need to fall a little bit to learn how to pick themselves back up and to build a healthy appreciation for danger, not just be coddled away from it all their youth.

(also she's super cute)


we played a bunch of GW2 after going home. Was annoyed to see you can only play local when split screen.. But, no matter, we played a bunch of garden ops.

and yeah she's adorable.

she actually fell on the monkey bars a at school a while ago and hit her nose hard, blood everywhere. (faceplanted) somehow she didn't lose her nerve though. she still climbs everything.

I can do the monkey bars still. still got it.

I've never broken any bones in my life, btw.
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