How do I acquire "chill"
He's not a hero likeI get mad because he's just generally shit and yet all I hear from people is "he's smart!!!"
He's a fan favorite and people don't even know how awful he's been in the past.
but the subheading of this thread is a GoT reference :O
Have you seen the shows at least? I've only read the first couple chapters of GoT.
I don't think it's fair to say the math is what's tripping people up. It's not like people would disagree that two and two are four. It's more a debate on what the formula is to begin with. It's not immediately obvious because there are a lot of different things you could want to know about the situation and many of them are very similar but have to be arrived at differently.
How do I acquire "chill"
He's not a hero like, that's for sure. I think the underdog fighting back against the world resonates with a lot of people. Some people also like him because of his wits, on a very shallow level, but there is something much deeper to his cynical remarks than humor, which is something I can really appreciate. I get what you mean, though.Jon Snow or Ned Stark
But see...they don't even see the depth of his cynicism or how entitled he feels. I'm not trying to make this a "the books are better" argument; fans who watch the show only get the surface of who Tyrion actually is and it rustles my jimmies that they just take everything at face value.
Also I'm just a little salty that people actually applaud him for. Yeah she betrayed him, but man, Tyrion isn't the kind of guy to kill out of spite. It's not the kind of thing someone should be a fan of.killing Shae
Yeah, it's fine to be a fan of morally ambiguous characters and even characters who are human landfills. The problem is when people try to sanitize a character's behavior as if nothing is ever actually their fault which is massively annoying and kills all valuable discussion about the character.
Actually a really interesting problem and conversation. I think a lot of the confusion arose because of the bit about licking both frogs instead of choosing one of the two.
I actually like Cersei. Sure she's a massive bitch, but I value what she does over Tyrion. She's trying to protect her kids.
I can appreciate how batshit crazy she is, and other fans feel the same. I can actually debate her character.
Does anyone know that OT thread that has about thousands of hours of K-Mart shopping music from the 90's?
she's an irrational c word to tyrion, in the show it never seemed justified beyond "my mom died to give birth to him" even in the flashback she was a asshole to him when he was a baby. cersei's a fucking dick
and man is it jarring using XB1 a lot suddenly after mostly just playing PS4 this gen.
Cersei can burn in a fire, hopefully.
I'd almost say she has a chance of making it through to the end just because it would piss everyone off. But given how myopic her plotting is and how generally irrational, paranoid, and incompetent she is, I don't see her lasting until the end.
We won't know until George releases the god damn book.
I don't think I've seen anyone with that misunderstanding, but only that it feels counter intuitive.
I'm fairly certain that I've confused myself now.
It's never coming out.
A Lannister always pays his debts
Who's your favorite Lannister?
(If it's not Jaime, don't talk to me.)
I hate her
The 100The 100 is a really flawed show that I can't stop watching because it's so entertaining, and I guess that's what I'm drawn to because most of my shoes are like that. The only one that's not like that is The Expanse, which is really well made and well written for the most part.When she finally hooked up with Clark I went "okay, finally she's out of her contract and can just do TWD, this is it" and I was right. I also thought it was interesting seeing Lexa so vulnerable for the first time ever. That said, the whole death sequence was drawn out way too long. It got bizarre.
Honestly don't even get me started on this debate about her I've posted about it enough in The 100 thread and I'm never gonna get over it.
[screams internally]
[screams externally]
LOL, I haven't been reading the thread, can you just give me like.. a quick summary about what the debate is? I'm not asking you to re-litigate it, I just want to know what it is
I can sum it up in one image.
spoilers obviously
Basically the LGBTQ community had something great going for them, and we got queerbaited to shit. There's also this cup of piping hot tea.
Chloe Price is pretty much my dream girl looks wise. I'm not sure where it comes from, but that look drives me wild. (sexual preferences ignored)
forget gay, you can't fuck 1s and 0s bro
I thought it was a bit lame -- her being thrown away for a twist, but the whole thing was a bit transparent. I've had her on death watch ever since I saw the first episode of Fear THe Walking Dead. I was surprised she made it this far.
THAT SAID, I've only looked at it through the lens of lazy/bad writing, I hadn't considered the LGBTQ angle. I guess it shows how evolved I am (or am not?) that I didn't even really give a second thought to Clark and Lexa being gay. It seemed ordinary to me.
That said, on second thought it's not ordinary enough on TV. We don't hvae a lot of good LBQDATR main characters in shows.
Sushi places always have the best drinks.Evening fakers.
Had all you can eat sushi and drank way too much, trying the house mixed drinks. A good time was had by all.
Probabilities until 4 AM, so much fun. Time for bed.
How do I acquire "chill"
Doesn't automatically give you chill, I triedWell, first you NetFlix.