Are you against sleeping with socks on?Shoes on all the time at home people are weird
Are you against sleeping with socks on?
Are you against sleeping with socks on?
I hate wearing socks to bed. My feet need to breathe dammit!
I hate wearing socks to bed. My feet need to breathe dammit!
Shoes and socks are the first to be removed when I get home. Sometimes even before I hang up my keys.
Also Zootopia is nothing short of amazing and everybody should go see it if they haven't already. (I only cried four times)
Also Zootopia is nothing short of amazing and everybody should go see it if they haven't already. (I only cried four times)
Shoes and socks are the first to be removed when I get home. Sometimes even before I hang up my keys.
Also Zootopia is nothing short of amazing and everybody should go see it if they haven't already. (I only cried four times)
It's out over there? I'm pretty sure we're getting it 9 days from now. Can't wait.
That movie has the most accurate public sector representation ever
I heard that the plot is essentiallyhow is that handled? Those sort of plots tend to make me very uncomfortablecarnivores being brainwashed to follow their primal instincts.
forget gay, you can't fuck 1s and 0s bro
So...basically any GAF women's issues thread.
The reason women have periods is because Eve did what the talking snake told her to.
So...basically any GAF women's issues thread.
One of my favorites from that movie. The way they used sloths to portray DMV workers was brilliant.
Off topic is weird.
Who hates avocados? That's like hating baby kittens.
Off topic is weird.
Who hates avocados? That's like hating baby kittens.
*proceeds to hug his avocado tree*
I'm coming around.
I can eat Avocado paste but the actual thing? No.
White Rice, Red Beans and avocado usually go well together. (Also in other things but too lazy to look up other options) The flavor is like eating water paste since it doesn't have much of a flavor but a soft texture still kinda refreshing and works kinda like a palate cleanser.I'm coming around.
I can eat Avocado paste but the actual thing? No.
Thanks for doing your part Vazra <3.
Off topic is weird.
Who hates avocados? That's like hating baby kittens.
Sounds like an intricate (and expensive) sex act.
One could lead to the other. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I do all kinds of shit sober only the drunk would do.
Can't believe the dude who made Stardew has already raked in ~$4,000,000.
Nah, pre-that, the first RPJ. Way back in 2012? 2011? Fuuuck.
Am I one of those things you would do sober?
How you doin'?
Starting to feel the thirst at 3:23am. How about you?
The thread is dead. Did we kill it?
the only guy on okc who I found kinda cute visited my profile but didn't like me back. ;(
instead "sexytom" messaged me. he sounds legit, doesn't he?
No. I mean yes but also no. Sunday night/Monday morning is always dead because everyone has work or school in the morning.