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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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How about when someone is trying to set you up with their much more attractive kid in front of their kid? So awkward cause you can tell they have no interest. Just duck out of that convo gracefully

I have no fucking idea why people do this.

oh wait yes i do

because they are assholes and want to force a situation.


Have any of you guys ever either given out or received a mercy/pity fuck? I guess we'll define this as -- the giver of the mercy fuck is not especially into the other person physically for whatever reason, but likes or feels sorry for them and wants to do something for them. This can and probably usually does involve alcohol.

I choose you


all the dudes love me <3


irresponsible vagina leak
The worst is when they bring you that person they want you to date when you are not in your best look and while eating. College friends were either dumb as fuck or assholes.

Have any of you guys ever either given out or received a mercy/pity fuck? I guess we'll define this as -- the giver of the mercy fuck is not especially into the other person physically for whatever reason, but likes or feels sorry for them and wants to do something for them. This can and probably usually does involve alcohol.

Nah. I'm picky as fuck.


I have no fucking idea why people do this.

oh wait yes i do

because they are assholes and want to force a situation.

They want to make themselves feel good about possibly making other people feel good. Pretty much why its often the same kind of people that are gossipy churchgoers


Junior Member
Have any of you guys ever either given out or received a mercy/pity fuck? I guess we'll define this as -- the giver of the mercy fuck is not especially into the other person physically for whatever reason, but likes or feels sorry for them and wants to do something for them.


all the dudes love me <3

Never. I'd be super mad if this happens.

Also, <3
my blind dates have ended pretty bad, whats worse is that the person setting it up gets mad at you, it was mentioned already lol
some people just wanna be special?

I remember not showering or brushing my teeth one day and a friend brought a crush to talk to me and I said fuck out load, L

Same. Dunno why I feel no drive to do so.

I'm at the part of the monkey pit trap and got her freed but wasted a lot of ammo x herbs and just quit. maybe some day
They want to make themselves feel good about possibly making other people feel good. Pretty much why its often the same kind of people that are gossipy churchgoers

Yup. Assholes wanting to force a situation.

It's not about you or the other person. They have a specific picture in their heads and they want it to happen.


Nah. I'm picky as fuck.

LOL, yeah, I can tell!

BTW, I'm working on the enemy right now that we said could be called "The Vazra". So if you do vanish you'll have left a mark in a famous game, even if there are no references to the names of various enemies in the game itself.

Same. Dunno why I feel no drive to do so.

Have you played Revelations 2? I loved it and consider it one of the best RE games, even though the episodic nature of it detracted rather than added. Was completely unnecessary. Clearly some dumbass top down mandate.


irresponsible vagina leak
Another weird thing since we are on the dating talk is how some people can get extremely attached after 1 date or something that was clearly a hook up (No actually date but straight to action).

First I hate talking on the phone and second I hate being spammed texts through the whole day. Thankfully the situation was once which I talked about it before here. People need to pace themselves better instead of investing themselves emotionally that quickly.

LOL, yeah, I can tell!

BTW, I'm working on the enemy right now that we said could be called "The Vazra". So if you do vanish you'll have left a mark in a famous game, even if there are no references to the names of various enemies in the game itself.

I can be flirty with anyone but that doesnt mean I'll go with anyone to bed and yays I may die happy now /jk (Thanks for using the name *hugs*)


irresponsible vagina leak
why does the conversation always revolve around dick


If drowning in dicks swim to the butt. (The original quote is better since it was about pussy but meh still usable)

FakeGAF should do an official Vagina Day and everytime they feel like saying dick, cock or something lewd replace it with vagina. Some stuff would actually sound hilarious with the replacement.


No I'm pretty sure everyone knows that I am Perpetually Single Boy

The shittest superhero :p

I'm a shitty superhero too. This is my power, if you recall.. Command over veins.

"Vein Man, help! Somebody's attacking that woman!"

:: grows veins ::


How about when your friend says "you two look cute together", now you made it awkward ya bubblehead

oh god that's happened so many times I've lost count. The key is to laugh it off and then spend the next hour or so not looking the other person in the eye.

Have any of you guys ever either given out or received a mercy/pity fuck? I guess we'll define this as -- the giver of the mercy fuck is not especially into the other person physically for whatever reason, but likes or feels sorry for them and wants to do something for them. This can and probably usually does involve alcohol.

Never. I'm not that generous.

why does the conversation always revolve around dick


suck my hooha?


SMDH means
Suck my dick humbly?

LMAO my friends at least gave up trying to play matchmaker cause I always said no to the dates they tried setting me up with.

The word incorrigible was made for you.

Lili, don't be trying to run Operation Reek on me.


To bi people: Are you definitely more one than the other, or is it just completely equal?

Haughtily makes me think of a boisterous laugh, which I want nowhere near my lady cave thanks

I'm trying to think of more questions for you so you feel included.

Uhh... Does it have... teeth? Let's settle this once and for all
suck my hooha?

oh i see

"Nah man, dick is dick."


can you find this post please I'm lazy

and can you find the one that got smiley tagged

To bi people: Are you definitely more one than the other, or is it just completely equal?

I'm trying to think of more questions for you so you feel included.

Uhh... Does it have... teeth? Let's settle this once and for all

1. I just like people. I mean it depends on the personality more than your gender. Honestly I find women more physically attractive than men but I have dated and will date dudes.

2. Most don't, but I'm a dragon queen obvs so I have to take precautions to guard the treasure
The best part about my brother's school play being over is now I don't have to drive him home from practice every day, which means I don't need to drive a car to work anymore. I just bought a new bike and it should be here on Wednesday! &#9829;

Gonna get in some extra exercise and enjoy the oncoming nice weather. :D


I'll use that for the bacon fund.

So is it Professor Pork now?

I'll pitch in a penny.


To bi people: Are you definitely more one than the other, or is it just completely equal?

Girls generally look better but overall it varies more person by person than gender by gender since what people have to give is very different and not completely comparable.

Ive thought id be more interested in fooling around with a girl but with a guy it would have to be more serious (but again hard to say since people vary)


1. I just like people. I mean it depends on the personality more than your gender. Honestly I find women more physically attractive than men but I have dated and will date dudes.

2. Most don't, but I'm a dragon queen obvs so I have to take precautions to guard the treasure

I don't like people, but I do like sex. Opposites! But I find this extremely fascinating... It sounds like you're really pansexual. Maybe you'd fuck a loaf of bread if it had something interesting to say!

Girls generally look better but overall it varies more person by person than gender by gender since what people have to give is very different and not completely comparable.

Ive thought id be more interested in fooling around with a girl but with a guy it would have to be more serious (but again hard to say since people vary)

Yeah this is so weird to me. But you guys are lucky in a way -- Far more choices out there. 100% of eligible people are open to you rather than 50%

The best part about my brother's school play being over is now I don't have to drive him home from practice every day, which means I don't need to drive a car to work anymore. I just bought a new bike and it should be here on Wednesday! &#9829;

Gonna get in some extra exercise and enjoy the oncoming nice weather. :D

Also easier to outrun creeps!
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