I just wanna be the little spoon :')
Just because I don't get them doesn't mean I won't want to do them to make a partner happy
But still no butthole
I can imagine them getting excited for that, lol.=p I understand cuddling though, haven't done that in a while.I sorta get the feeling that that's more of a thing guys get excited about, sorta why I was a bit hesitant mentioning it. Don't want to seem like I'm too eager!
Perhaps! I don't know for sure, I've never had the opportunity. So I'm not going to assume, but rather, stay open. What I do know, for now, is that I like both guys and girls. That's what I know to be true, so I'm gonna stick with that until I know differently.
Just because I don't get them doesn't mean I won't want to do them to make a partner happy
But still no butthole
Okay, let's put it in milder terms... Kissing a man is something that I find unpleasant. I'm not going to say there's anything wrong with it or that it's unnatural or bad in any way, it's just something that I don't personally find appealing. And I HAVE done it once. THere's just no chemistry there.
I just wanna be the little spoon :')
This sounds like a story.
but then you can't do thisI just wanna be the little spoon :')
I'm straight, and I've thought about the scenario before... If I could ever be with a transgendered woman. If a beautiful woman stood before me, in theory, and it turns out that she used to have a penis... Could I get past that? The answer is that I don't know. A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, and the stereotype that may exist about transgendered women being unattractive or "manly" looking is definitely not always true.
A lot of it comes down to the reality of genitals, I guess. A vagina is a hell of a thing and as far as I know it can't truly and accurately be crafted from scratch.
That's a hard thing. Like, if I thought my partner wasn't interested in whatever activity, I'd never want to impose it on her. I don't like being unwanted
Wrong actually. Vaginoplasty can fool even doctors. Its very possible to have sex with a trans woman and never even know
I'm straight, and I've thought about the scenario before... If I could ever be with a transgendered woman. If a beautiful woman stood before me, in theory, and it turns out that she used to have a penis... Could I get past that? The answer is that I don't know. A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, and the stereotype that may exist about transgendered women being unattractive or "manly" looking is definitely not always true.
A lot of it comes down to the reality of genitals, I guess. A vagina is a hell of a thing and as far as I know it can't truly and accurately be crafted from scratch.
OH please. No way.
I don't think it's something anyone can know unless they're actually given the opportunity. Because people say they would, in the spirit of having an open mind, and then not do it. I put more value and trust on actions, not words.
A big part of it I think is getting my head around the idea that this is a woman. A woman isn't just physiology (though that's clearly part of it!), it's an identity.
I'm not going to post specific examples because I don't want to risk a debate about "yeah I can tell that's a trans" on any of them, because that's headed nowhere, but I did some image searches for pretty transgendered girls and there are definitely some that I find attractive.
Jobbs, where's that YouTube video at.![]()
I just wanna be the little spoon :')
mountain dude now sending unsolicited shirtless pics
Tell him to jack off to himself in the mirror and then block him.
I was going to ask that girl out today but I can't ask a girl out on International Women's Day.
Are you trading simpsons references now? Or wait, evil, uhh family guy references?bahaha. I just saw he messaged me. this is kinda bizarre.
Fuuuuuck you. I was working my ass off all day, right up until the minute I left.It's not even noon and I'm done with work for the day
Hell yeah! I hope it was the live version of Heartbeats.2.5 hours of work left.
listening to The Knife on youtube
this makes me hate existence less
I remember noticing pop singers on TV around 3-4, and had my first crush in kindergarten.I found girls cute in like 5th grade and had crushes on guys In like 9th grade. Didn't take it all seriously till I was like 20. Still confuses me but every now and then, I meet someone who reminds me what makes my heart beat
No, have you?Have any of you guys ever either given out or received a mercy/pity fuck? I guess we'll define this as -- the giver of the mercy fuck is not especially into the other person physically for whatever reason, but likes or feels sorry for them and wants to do something for them. This can and probably usually does involve alcohol.
Jobbs, tell us the story of the time you kissed a guy and didn't like it!
Jobbs, where's that YouTube video at.![]()
mountain dude now sending unsolicited shirtless pics
No, have you?
Because you're a girl on the internet. I fucking hate guys on the internet.
And I am one.
Because you're a girl on the internet. I fucking hate guys on the internet.
And I am one.
Pretty sure this is someone from her work (I might be getting this crossed with something else though)
why me
Does he look good, and if not, would it make a difference if he did?
why me
No. I'm more annoyed than anything tbh.
It's not all that sexy, but it's a funny story. A girl friend (as in, she's a girl and she's my friend) and I went up to Montreal years ago and ended up in some club -- Only to find out after arriving that it was a gay club or some gay event or something. We stayed a while. It was cosmically gay what was going on... At one point a dude just kind of came at me and kissed me, I didn't have much time to react. Not the end of the world, I didn't freak out or anything, I laughed it off.
So it's just some guy at work? That'd certainly be awkward.
Trying to imagine the reverse... If girls I knew at work just randomly started sending me pics like that. It'd of course be a little strange, but if they looked good I think it'd be kind of exciting.
I don't work with him thank god.
I'm just not that kind of person. And I always feel as though there's this unspoken rule that I have to reciprocate, which is just shitty and I want no part of it.
I think it's fascinating how we're all still pushing for this guy when Dwagonz has made it clear it's not fun.
So it's just some guy at work? That'd certainly be awkward.
Trying to imagine the reverse... If girls I knew at work just randomly started sending me pics like that. It'd of course be a little strange, but if they looked good I think it'd be kind of exciting.
Dating service or something?
Anyway if someone is making unwanted advances, isn't it easy enough to just ignore him? I ignore hella people on my phone. It's so fucking hard to reach me if I don't want to be reached.