which cold medicine does actually work?
which cold medicine does actually work?
it's nothing too bad, it's just annoying and I need to get back to work. well throat itches, ears feel bit clogged, overall sleepy/sometimes headacheWhat are your symptoms.
Well Calpol tastes nice at least
which cold medicine does actually work?
which cold medicine does actually work?
it's nothing too bad, it's just annoying and I need to get back to work. well throat itches, ears feel bit clogged, overall sleepy/sometimes headache
Only painkillers work a bit against the symptoms, but there is no medicine that actually cures the cold.
hm k :/ I want a wonder drug tho.I usually just take some paracetamol, eat a packet of Fisherman's Friend and drink a lot of tea.
And sleep as much as you can.
I just realized my eyebrows are too sparse. They should be more pronounced. How do you.. do that?
I haven't actually had any in years, I think it's just paracetemol for babies because babies can't take pillsI don't know if we have this here might have to checkm [in my stupid country I mean]
I've heard heroin's quite good for making you feel better, if a touch moreishhm k :/ I want a wonder drug tho.
I just realized my eyebrows are too sparse. They should be more pronounced. How do you.. do that?
And LOL Amazon still thinks I'm a girl
hm k :/ I want a wonder drug tho.
hm k :/ I want a wonder drug tho.
which cold medicine does actually work?
well part of the problem is they don't go far enough. I barely have eyebrows.
You just draw them onto your face with a big pencil?
yes. you can also use a brush dipped in your favorite matte brown eyeshadow.
post pics.
I feel like I can't let this keep going on. Someone needs to slap some sense into you man.
You're not wearing makeup. Your eyebrows are fine. Now stop being such a bitch and finish your videogame so you can buy a corvette and crush tons of pussy.
Power tools. Sports. Cutting down trees. MANLY STUFF. *spit
it sound slike it could look goofy on me because it';s one of those things that's very obviously makeup. You're not adding hair. My issue is my eyebrows are not only very faint but they should follow a further outline.
but yeah I guess I need to go shopping for makeup to see what happens!
My friends put makeup on me once
Apparently I was pretty hot
Definitely the most compliments I've received in one night
which cold medicine does actually work?
Coldrex is the only thing that helped me. But that was a minor cold, nothing serious.
Or get drunk as fuck with schnapps and go straight to bed and cover yourself with 3 blankets. You will be shining tomorrow
I want pfefferminzschnaps :<
The developer for my favorite workout app just reached out to me for help on their new overhauled version.
Demon's Crest is really hard af
never had that, sounds weird, but I would try it
everything with peppermint is great. peppermint is a gift from the gods
everything with peppermint is great. peppermint is a gift from the gods
I love vaati and it hurts reading this thread, I really just don't like a lot of people on neogaf. XD they're such dumbasses
I am going to try this next chance I get. I like peppermint patties![]()
On separate news...
my post in the "It's International Women's Day, share your favorite music from/with female singers" thread covers a lot of the music i'm into it seems
I love vaati and it hurts reading this thread, I really just don't like a lot of people on neogaf. XD they're such dumbasses
Gaming side is like 90% shitheap, don't go there
If I remember I'll make a pretty big post with all the woman bands I like
everything with peppermint is great. peppermint is a gift from the gods
I wanna just start strangling and never stop.
Maybe one day I'll find the fucking time to play some Souls game. Because they really look like tons of fun. Specially now that Blizzard is hell bent on its "Babbi's First Diablo" aesthetic.
On separate news...
It almost looks inappropriate.
If not for subscriptions I would have left GAF a long time ago. There's so many awesome people here, but surrounding them is a steaming moat of festering shit.
No lies detected here.
I just remembered, I use a peppermint body scrub in the shower. It's so goooooood
Also RNH <3 why you gotta be in GMT zone maaaaan. Its up on archive for super fun times.
Next part will be either super late or super early and I'll finally crush Ridley, that fuck.
I don't know how i could live without subscriptions. I keep track of a dozen community threads and the occasional normal one and thats most of the content i need