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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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- browsing GAF and Unity documentation doot da doo
- text message from Chase saying "hey did you buy this? We declined the transaction anyway"
- reply "nope"
- Chase says "mmkay figured. Your new credit card is on its way"
- begin mad hunt to figure out which low-life scumbag shithole tried to take my monies so I can eviscerate him

Funky Papa

Good morning, fakers.

Jobbs, I can only speak from personal experience here but I hope some of this helps.

Re : Meditation. It actually takes a lot of practice and most people tend to not be in a quiet state for a long time or at least very short periods of time.
I used to be better at it as I started to go into that mode for longer and longer periods, starting from a few minutes to 10 mins and so on.

My problem is that I don't know what a quiet mind feels like so I just settle for quieter.

About your period of being in the funk, there's usually 3 different options.

- Let it run its course and try and pinpoint the cause of why I feel that particular way (ie trash). If I can pinpoint it, it usually gives me an exit out of those feelings because I can then rationalize them.

- Let it run its course. Sometimes I'll just get into moods and have no idea why. I'll usually take a day or two off from things and try to stay as optimistic as possible. These'll usually last a couple of days and then I'll suddenly snap out of it.

- Talk to someone. This is especially hard for me because I always feel like I'm dumping my baggage on someone else and I never like doing that to people I care about. However, I've got some really great close friends that encourage to get things off of my chest and I always do the same for them. It'll usually be a half hour of nonsense and the root cause will come out.

If you pick up on emotions and you're working on something dark for the game, sometimes it can affect you as well.

I know when I do script work for long periods of time, my mind can go into some pretty fucking weird places, because I'll try to imagine everything from vibe to individual character feelings.

That last bit is a real "your mileage may vary" type of situation so that might just be me.
Actually, pretty much all of this post is YMMV haha Take it as you will, but I read what you typed and I feel pretty similar at times so hope it helps somewhat.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I haven't had pancakes in years.

French toast > pancakes


Pancakes still = delicious



I want that.

- browsing GAF and Unity documentation doot da doo
- text message from Chase saying "hey did you buy this? We declined the transaction anyway"
- reply "nope"
- Chase says "mmkay figured. Your new credit card is on its way"
- begin mad hunt to figure out which low-life scumbag shithole tried to take my monies so I can eviscerate him

I don't like your chances, but best of luck with that!


morning fakey mcfakertons.

I visited reddit this morning. Apparently Bernie Sanders won Michigan.

I didn't wear a jacket today. There's no jacketing happening here.


I got included on a group text message at fucking 5:30am

who texts at 5:30am!?!!?

I slept crappy in general but getting woken up in this way is so shit.


I got included on a group text message at fucking 5:30am

who texts at 5:30am!?!!?

I slept crappy in general but getting woken up in this way is so shit.

my wife has a female stalker who will routinely text her that early even on the weekends. It drives me nuts.
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