Y'all motherfuckers need UatuMan, the 1994 movie is soooo fucking amazing
Y'all motherfuckers need UatuMan, the 1994 movie is soooo fucking amazing
No, but you didnt have to. Its fairly obvious that its the thrust of your argument. You don't have to outright state its the point of your argument. The argument hinges on that prioritization.
Why do you give a shit if we know the executives names or not, Bobby?
You're reading way too far into my argument.
it can be a hugely positive factor, even the instigating factor
Mediocre seems an odd choice from your brief description.
Its not really that people dont know the names, but its that not knowing the names can, and often does, point to the larger misconceptions people cling to, and why.
Basically, it's always better to at least try to know what you're fuckin talking about before you start talking. And I don't know why that sentiment should solely be the province of film critics, to use your example. Or why using a messageboard should exempt you from doing so.
Using a message board means we're just guys shooting the shit here. This isn't the Algonquin round table
It doesn't have to be. But again, I don't know why trying to know what you're talking about before you start talking is too lofty a bar to set for the amount of time being spent here on this messageboard.
And if it does harm the point, it's going to be pointed out. Why shouldn't it? And the pointing it out has led to this discussion. Maybe you don't like the discussion, okay. But I think it's interesting to discover just how much of what we talk about when we talk about superhero films has to do with mostly trying to figure out how to validate and justify the level of fandom we possess, as opposed to actually rating the quality of the stories. To the point where we personify film studios so as to rake them for their failings as fans, as opposed to criticizing filmmakers for their failures as storytellers.
fandom isn't, nor should it be, the primary fuel for storytelling.
Well, I told you that your reading was wrong. Full-stop. Twice now.No, I'm just reading it. The fact you said it isn't one thing while specifically constructing it to be that one thing, doesn't mean it's not that one thing.
Yes, because it is A priority; not THE priority. It's like saying that taking your vitamins is good for your health and then claiming that I'm prioritizing vitamins over exercise and other healthy living requirements. I focused on one element because it's one that wasn't being discussed in as much detail and one with a clear and vivid divide between how someone like Josh Trank made a movie and how someone like Joss Whedon made a movie.You're arguing for the prioritization of fandom. It's almost entirely the focus of every one of your posts. It only got mitigated when I started answering your posts. But even then - the prioritization still pops up:
Because Josh Trank was apathetic about making an actual Fantastic Four movie about the Fantastic Four that Marvel owns. Because he was utterly disinterested in doing so. That's how apathy comes into play.This is prioritization.
Apathy doesn't even come into play here. Dunno why it's being brought up.
Can anyone recommend a F4 comic book arc/TP to check out? Never read any before.
Still kinda want to see this despite the awful reviews.
I have not seen a single point harmed by the use of the collective term Fox.
Do financial websites need to list off every executive at a company responsible for a miss in quarterly earnings?
Because Josh Trank was apathetic
Of all the things to level at that guy, I don't know if that's a good one.
Like I said in my initial response to you, it's not that people don't know the names of the executives, it's that not knowing the names makes it easier to indulge in the kind of shit I'm arguing against. You don't have to know the names, but the criticisms are the kind that suggest you don't actually know what you're talking about otherwise.
Not that I'm too familiar with financial websites discussing earning reports (or at least, nowhere near as much as I am entertainment news) but I'd imagine the audiences that those journalists are writing for are assumed to know enough about the specific subject that the people reading are already familiar with the makeup of those companies.
Or even over on gaming side: When people use a catch-all company name to lodge their criticisms, more often than not the thread will also end up including specific executives' names, developers' names, so on and so forth. There is a knowledge of those people's histories at play, a resume to check, and generally most people engaging in those conversations are familiar enough with that history that the shorthand doesn't get in the way or obfuscate the points of discussion. People have a working knowledge of who you're talking about and why.
Here, in Superhero-GAF, that level of sophistication and knowledge is obviously not there. So what fans here are familiar with are other fans, and those fans are apparently looking at everything through the spectrum of fandom, and as such, are using fandom as one of the primary (if not the primary) metric for success or failure. Movies by THIS studio are good because there are fans there, and they're gatekeeping to make sure bad ideas stay out. Movies by this studio are bad because there aren't enough fans there. And blaming Fox for being bad fans is a dumb form of criticism, although it feels good for someone who considers themselves a good fan.
It's a very narrow prism to force discussion of an entire industry through, using a busted metric that doesn't apply very well.
Variety said:The last major superhero release to premiere under $35 million was Sonys The Green Hornet in 2011 ($33.5 million).
It's going to open below The Green Hornet. lol.
Well at least thanks to this, the following will be more likely...Fanbomba Four.
I was either gonna see The Gift, Rogue Nation, or Resurrection F.Oh hey, I saw the Gift today! That was a good movie, in case ya'll were wondering if anything good opened this weekend.
And Annihilus, & Kl'rt (the Super-Skrull with the F4's powers), & Doctor Doom.We will see this going back to Marvel.
This means Silver Surfer and Galactus will too.
Well at least thanks to this, the following will be more likely...
- "Marvel's Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, coming in 2020 as part of Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe"
- "The X-Men TV show you've been waiting for, coming to Fox in 2016"
I was either gonna see The Gift, Rogue Nation, or Resurrection F.
I feel like Marvel would throw in the caveat of it being only the live-action TV rights (which is what I assume Fox wants for their X-Men show). Then again, it's not like Marvel Animation has any future plans to use Wolverine or Deadpool on their cartoons (the last time we've seen any Fox-related characters in Marvel's recent shows was early Season 3 of Ultimate Spider-Man).I'm absolutely fine with a FF film rights-X-Men TV rights trade.
It would have done better than Green Hornet.I'm sure the bad press is having an impact, but I have to wonder considering how much little marketing there has been leading to the release of this film: how well might it have done even with good reviews?
I mean, I thought it was alright.All shit talking aside, what a bummer. I like Trank, and the cast, how did this go so wrong?
I'm absolutely fine with a FF film rights-X-Men TV rights trade.
- Wanna see this film because {insert reason here}?
- Cant be bothered to pay?
- Have a PayPal account?
PM me. My only requirement is that you share a detailed review of the film within 24 hours.
I'm sure the bad press is having an impact, but I have to wonder considering how much little marketing there has been leading to the release of this film: how well might it have done even with good reviews?
I feel like Marvel would throw in the caveat of it being only the live-action TV rights (which is what I assume Fox wants for their X-Men show). Then again, it's not like Marvel Animation has any future plans to use Wolverine or Deadpool on their cartoons (the last time we've seen any Fox-related characters in Marvel's recent shows was early Season 3 of Ultimate Spider-Man).
I'm just shocked that Mission Impossible could actually win this week. Not that I would mind, it's just surprising.
We will see this going back to Marvel.
This means Silver Surfer and Galactus will too.
Here's a superior render.And this guy
- Wanna see this film because {insert reason here}?
- Cant be bothered to pay?
- Have a PayPal account?
PM me. My only requirement is that you share a detailed review of the film within 24 hours.
I was joking you actually work for FOX? Shit is just weird now..
This is actually happening.
- Wanna see this film because {insert reason here}?
- Cant be bothered to pay?
- Have a PayPal account?
PM me. My only requirement is that you share a detailed review of the film within 24 hours.
Has astroturfing for this film gotten this desperate?
Desperate times, desperate measures.I was joking you actually work for FOX? Shit is just weird now..
I was joking you actually work for FOX? Shit is just weird now..
I've been debating this very don't know which would be worse, if he did or didn't.
I feel like Marvel would throw in the caveat of it being only the live-action TV rights (which is what I assume Fox wants for their X-Men show). Then again, it's not like Marvel Animation has any future plans to use Wolverine or Deadpool on their cartoons (the last time we've seen any Fox-related characters in Marvel's recent shows was early Season 3 of Ultimate Spider-Man).
I'm just shocked that Mission Impossible could actually win this week. Not that I would mind, it's just surprising.
I've been confident this was going to be a dud since I saw the audience reaction to the trailer in front of the Ultron premiere. A sold out crowd of the hardest core comic fans and it went over like a lead balloon.
EDIT: not a green hornet level dud, though. That's more than I hoped for.
Now, now, let's be fair. Whoever cut the trailer for Fantastic Four was doing god's work because THIS film actually looks interesting:
It's a shame that the actual movie doesn't come close to that. But the trailer editor? Give that man/woman a raise!