I enjoyed the game and overall really liked it but there's a lot of things I need to get off my chest which I disliked or straight up hated....
The way Cid is introduced and no Rocket Town sucks ass.
The Temple of the Ancients chapter was going well until Sephiroth (Jenova?) appears and Cloud gives it the black materia which Jenova can't do anything with as it needs to be the actual Sephiroth who's recovering/resting in the northern crater who can summon Meteor... It was shit and was totally pointless it was a poor decision to make this whole scene and I didn't like how no one called out Clouds shitty murderous cocky ass attitude which is clearly Seph/Jenova manipulating him but still.... I really wanted someone to punch him in the face.
Then all of a sudden they're in the
Forrest before Forgotten Capital why cut out Bone Village and the Lunar Harp... Why not show Aerith leave the party to go to Forgotten Capital???? Shitty writing.
No classic burial scene showing Cloud release Aerith into the capital water it just didn't capture the emotional event at all again shitty writing/directing.
Not being able to explore the Forgotten Capital and it just being a 2 hour cut scene with some boss fights which were really uninspired, Copying the end bosses from the original FF7... Bizarro Sephiroth Really?.
They shoehorned so much padding into the game but they couldn't make a fleshed out explorable Rocket Town, Bone Village and most importantly Forgotten City... So lame.
Also the Weapons were absolutely shit

just big fish... We better see the original six weapons from the Northern Crater in Part 3 some absolutely enormous bioweapons that kick ass and lead to mental boss fights.
Alternate timelines and multiple planets... SE really love their timeline bullshit.
Summon battles that take place in the VR simulation.... Why not just have them in the world after all intel is found and they agree to join you when you defeat them
But other than that it was a good game lol I just had to get off my chest what I think they fluffed compared to the original game, I liked the background of the black materia with the Gi and the more fleshed out temple of ancients explaining Jenova and the scale of the world in general was great.
I'll get slaughtered for this but overall I preferred Remake.