Good to hear thanks. 9 was pretty long, but awesome too. Reminded me of that segment on the ship in FFXII when you rescue Ashe.Volcynika said:Chapter 10 is short-ish compared to 9.
Whoa, didn't know that. Thanks.Jet Grind Radio! said:Trying using Librascope. Especially since it "hits" all enemies instead of just one at a time like Libra.
Digital-Hero said:How do you make money in FF13? Enemies aren't dropping gil. 8 hours in and I still have sub 1,500 gil. The shops tease good gear that I cannot afford.
You'll probably like this one as well, but it has a very slow start.Greg said:Haven't played an RPG in years, and I loved FFX - what's the verdict on this?
Rektash said:You don t really need money until you want to upgrade your weapons which is around chapter 8-9. In chapter 9 it is quite easy to farm incentive chips. I went from around sub 10k Gil to 60k Gil in about 1-1.5h farming. (I didn t really farm beacause of the money, I just enjoyed the fights in chapter 9 - xp and gil was only a bonus)
BeeDog said:Alright, my copy should arrive tomorrow or the day after, and I have not read anything in regards to this game.The only thing I wish to know is this; are there any missable trophies, and if so, which and how do I make sure I don't miss them? Thanks in advance!
runlikehell said:Post-game impressions (and boss spoilers):
So it only took 43 hours to complete the main story, which isn't bad. The final bosses first phase was much more difficult than the 2nd phase, I think I beat it in about 40 seconds or something. I felt the attack that left you with 5% HP wasn't all that intimidating, the random death attack was though, however.
Not enjoying the missions, I figured post-game the early missions would be simple 5 stars but they have silly time requirements which always leave me with 3 or 4I guess I'll do missions in-between clearing up my new backlog since getting the FF13 Xbox 360... I may even play the 360 version :lol
The way the story is told is way more clear than what we are used to in Final Fantasy series, I'll give you that, but the writing itself is rather poor actually. Filled with overly dramatic and out of place dialogues. Compared to Final Fantasy XII it's almost embarrassing.calder said:Rather liking the game so far. I feel most of the criticisms about the linearity and so on, but damn is it nice looking and the battles are pretty fun.
One thing that really surprises me is how well they are telling the story. The actual story is ok, some of your expected Square goofy plot shit, but the writing and presentation of the story are excellent, and the cold open even worked for me. They did an especially good job of writing mostly clear, effective dialogue (in a FF game? mind meet boggle) and the story recaps in the datalog reveal just enough backstory without spoiling the stuff you're going to learn in 10 minutes.
CcrooK said:Chp. 9 was amazing. The whole thing gave me this Star Wars vibe.
And also: Vanille > Snow.
reilo said:Chapter 4 is painfully boring. Hope it picks up quickly.
desu said:Uhm, what weapon did you use as base for the Omega Weapon?
heringer said:The way the story is told is way more clear than what we are used to in Final Fantasy series, I'll give you that, but the writing itself is rather poor actually. Filled with overly dramatic and out of place dialogues. Compared to Final Fantasy XII it's almost embarrassing.
Though the Datalog is very well done and a welcome addition. It's something every story heavy RPG should have.
Anyway I'm enjoying the game so far, the battle system is superb, but I can definitely see where the criticisms come from.
DoctorWho said:Do Biggs and Wedge show up?
Scythesurge said:Should I just skip on strength upgrades in the crystarium for Hope/Vanille when I can? Isn't that stat pretty much useless for them until they open up the other roles?
chandoog said:Need some expert advice here.
I've got a bunch of shitty accessories that I'm never gonna wear, and i'm lacking components to upgrade my weapons. Is it better to dismantle said accessories into components or to sell them and buy the components from the shops ?
Chapter 5, almost wasted all of the components leveling up Light's gladius to 10 and i'm pretty much out of items for Snow now.
heringer said:One question: is it worth it to level up equipments in the beginning-middle of the game?
Kyoufu said:Yeah thats what I did.
TBH though there is no need to upgrade anything until you reach the end of the game. Until then you're hurting for gil/components and the stuff you can upgrade wont make much of a difference.
Let me in said:Probably not. I don't think you'll encounter much of a problem from bad weapon choice/lack of upgrades. The game gives you new weapons even late in the game, and I felt like I wasted materials upgrading weapons that I would later discard for a better, more upgradeable weapon.
heringer said:One question: is it worth it to level up equipments in the beginning-middle of the game?
Desperate StruggleCloudy said:BTW, no one answered my music question. One of the FF13 experts here should know the name of the violin tune that plays whenFang and Lightening are going to help Snow and Hope
entrement said:
You don't need to use Libra more than once on an enemy. It updates its information automatically, even if the enemy changes form. At least that's been my experience so far (in Chapter 7 at the moment).Hyunkel6 said:What's the most effective way to replenish TP during battles besides items? I never get to use summons during boss battles, since I spend most of my TP on libra, especially for bosses with multiple parts.
Y2Kev said:Vanille is a much better jammed than fang sadly.
Dresden said:So for those who beat the game, what's the best weapon for Lightning and others? Trying to choose which ones to upgrade.
Mandoric said:Fang's appeal really is her versatility. Vanille is a far better debuffer and Snow a notably better tank, but good luck making a worthwhile party when you're stuck with those two.
Just focus on healing as Hope buffs, I suppose? Then switch to med/med to heal up and have com/med ready, and use rav/rav to build up chains.careful said:Did I upgrade terribly wrong or mess up something, because I get destroyed by Odin as soon as the battle starts. I literally don't have time to heal myself before biting the dust.
I start off with Lighting as Medic and Hope as Synergist? to buff my defense. But even Medic/Medic I get owned from the start. WTF
careful said:Did I upgrade terribly wrong or mess up something, because I get destroyed by Odin as soon as the battle starts. I literally don't have time to heal myself before biting the dust.
I start off with Lighting as Medic and Hope as Synergist? to buff my defense. But even Medic/Medic I get owned from the start. WTF
Mandoric said:Fang's appeal really is her versatility. Vanille is a far better debuffer and Snow a notably better tank, but good luck making a worthwhile party when you're stuck with those two.
scotcheggz said:Weapon name: Attack @ highest lvl / Magic @ highest lvl / Ability / Item to change weapon / Amount of XP needed to reach max lvl.
Gladius > Helter Skelter > Omega Weapon.
Gladius: 175 / 88 / --- / Uraninite / 33,000.
Helter Skelter: 448 / 190 / --- / Trapezohedron / 332,560.
Omega Weapon: 723 / 210 / ATB+1 / --- / 1,380,087.
Organyx > Apocalypse > Omega Weapon.
Organyx: 187 / 187 / Leadenstrike / Cobaltite / 20,100.
Apocalypse: 410 / 410 / Ironstrike / Trapezohedron / 233,220.
Omega Weapon: 750 / 750 / Ironstrike + ATB+1 / --- / 1,514,127.
Fina1e said:3 Vikings in one fight? Really Square?