To get gil, you need to Death with Vanille and that's it.firehawk12 said:Strange though - to get any of the good gear, you need Gil. To get Gil, you need good gear. How does this make sense? Damn chicken and the egg.
Other than mission 24 on Chapter 11, it seems like post chapter 9, you're kind of screwed on the Gil farms.
Yoshichan said:To get gil, you need to Death with Vanille and that's it.
Gil = Weapons = Hunts
Does it work on giant adamantine in the U.S version? I'll try it out later of course.Yoshichan said:To get gil, you need to Death with Vanille and that's it.
Gil = Weapons = Hunts
I've got none of those and I managed to get 150.000 x4 gil in two hours of farming.firehawk12 said:On who though? The adamantoise or whatever they're called? You need the Best Choice/Connoisseur Catalog to at least get a chance of the good drop... and you apparently need 60k to buy the material you need to upgrade the lower tier catalog. Poof.
Works great in US version.Ballistictiger said:Does it work on giant adamantine in the U.S version? I'll try it out later of course.
Damn it, anything beyond mission 30? Why is the community taking so long? I believe Splitinfinity managed with a 2000kb FAQ the first week...Ballistictiger said:Gamesradar or shall I say gameyradar has mission 1-20 atm and are working on guides for mission 21-64.
Ballistictiger said:Does it work on giant adamantine in the U.S version? I'll try it out later of course.
Thanks a lot! Will try farming 3 of these immediately.Castor Krieg said:
Ballistictiger said:Cool when you do get death for Vanille by the way?
Ballistictiger said:If it's in that range it must cost like 6 ATB then. Damn gotta spend money to make money then :lol
ULTROS! said:Should I let Hope stick with the Vidofnir (defense maintenance) or Hawkeye (magic)?
What do you mean by 3 lowest hp armors? And does the item make you move faster on the map or increase the speed your ATB bar fills up?Ballistictiger said:Mission 7.
Before you start buy 3 of the lowest hp armors in the store. Keep beating the mission until you get a tetra crown or tetra tiara.
Dismantle all 3 of the armor you just bought, level up the crown or tiara and dismantle it. If you did it with Crown level it up and buy that 30,000 transforming stone to turn it into a sprint shoe. If you dismantled a tiara instead you don't need to but tiaras are rare as hell.
FFFFFFFFFF, why did I read that :lolCastor Krieg said:Guess who just showed up during one of the missions?Tonberry
:lol :lol :lolCastor Krieg said:Guess who just showed up during one of the missions?Tonberry
Don't worry, when you find ONE, it's easy from there. Use that one Trop to make Kains Lance (Fangs ultimate weapon), then break it and you get 3 of them. Repeat until you've got 99!painey said:christ..
Yoshichan said:Don't worry, when you find ONE, it's easy from there. Use that one Trop to make Kains Lance (Fangs ultimate weapon), then break it and you get 3 of them. Repeat until you've got 99!
Ballistictiger said:That's like infinite money then isn't it.
Any of Fang's weapon can be turned into ultimate and demolished for that right?
Nevermind it's not.
Ballistictiger said:I tried tons of method but this is the only one that worked.
Naeblish said:I'm about 9 hours in now, at chapter 5. One thing i don't understand and frustrates the hell out of me in combat. It sometimes happens that the stagger bar on certain mobs, decreases very rapidly thereby not being able to fill it and do some decent damage. This can make some fights very long and boring if you don't have lightning with you. Most of the time it just decreases very slowly, so you can fill it fast with the ravager classes. How do you avoid/stop the fast decreasing?
Naeblish said:Wow, i love this game. It has without a doubt the worst intro this gen though. The first 3 hours were so bad, i was about to sell the game. Glad i didn't. The writing still sucks, but the awesome combat and beautiful art direction make up for it.
I'm about 9 hours in now, at chapter 5. One thing i don't understand and frustrates the hell out of me in combat. It sometimes happens that the stagger bar on certain mobs, decreases very rapidly thereby not being able to fill it and do some decent damage. This can make some fights very long and boring if you don't have lightning with you. Most of the time it just decreases very slowly, so you can fill it fast with the ravager classes. How do you avoid/stop the fast decreasing?
.Yoshichan said:FFFFFFFFFF, why did I read that :lol said:Where's the mission stone for 6? I can't seem to find it :lol
alternade said:So I just got this game and im kinda confused.
Do you completely heal after every battle? everytime?
Can I change party members? How?
Can I only attack one enemy at a time?
Ballistictiger said:
Head back to where that chapter started and keep on going and locate it on that map.
Ok thnx. I had situations though where i could just build up to the stagger with 2 ravagers without a commando. Does it require some damage done first or something? It seems very random.Zzoram said:Ravengers boost the stagger bar quickly. Commandos slow down the decrease if they hit the same enemy while the bar is decreasing, before it goes to 0.
Hit the monster/enemy with a commando first then switch to double ravangers or triple if possible :lolNaeblish said:Ok thnx. I had situations though where i could just build up to the stagger with 2 ravagers without a commando. Does it require some damage done first or something? It seems very random.
Ballistictiger said:That's like infinite money then isn't it.
No, no it's not infinite money. Sorry if it came out that way. It's a much better way of getting Trapezohedron which is needed for every ultimate weapon in the game so you'll need some of them.chandoog said:At early on in the game I don't know what you just said but I'll bookmark it anyway![]()
Could have read a few post down.Yoshichan said:No, no it's not infinite money. Sorry if it came out that way. It's a much better way of getting Trapezohedron which is needed for every ultimate weapon in the game so you'll need some of them.