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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Call me crazy, but I'm playing the 360 version and moved from my 1080p monitor to my SDTV w/ component cable and am finding that the game looks better on the TV. All the weird artifacting and transparency issues are glossed over by the lower resolutiong and the game forces a widescreen ration.

I can't believe I'm playing FFXIII on my SDTV and loving it.
Himuro said:
They're the bare essentials done wrong.

Even Dragon Quest 1, a 20 year old game, gives off the sense of adventure and wonder better than FF13.
This was actually my exact thought in chapter 2!

Yet I'm still really liking FF XIII for what it is.
mcdomination said:
So, humans turn into l'Cie only if a Fal'Cie marks them and they turn into l'cie? Can't humans turn into l"cie if they are in contact with other l'Cie...which is the whole premis of the purge? If so, why don't the soldiers or Hope's father turn into l'Cie when in contact with the group of "Heroes".....

I hate that word now....Thanks, Dudebro...er Snow

It's paranoia. They mention it a number of times throughout the story. The citizens of Cocoon are so terrified of Pulse that they're afraid of anyone whose so much as come into contact with Pulse, and are afraid that they might be contaminated.


In my opinion, FFXIII is a real achievement in terms of graphic for HD Consoles. Audio and Video elements are beautiful.

But as for the gameplay... in battles, unless you are on a Mission or agains a Boss you are switching paradigms when needed to get Break mode, as soon as the enemy goes to Break you go bersrek and win the fight. If he doesnt die, rinse and repeat. For normal enemy fights just auto attack all the time.

Crystarium? You get so much points if you just dont avoid fights that you always maximize 2 jobs out of 3 aviable in the first 10 chapters and have more than 3000 points to spend when the next Crystarium level opens. Lets not forget that your paths are linear and you are just levelling up that job, not that "three" like in games like Diablo, where you make consistent choices. Also, you do not know where the Crystarium path will lead you until the new path opens, so you are just levelling it up knowking "this is the cure path, I will learn healing spells... I do not know what but I think that I'lll get Cure spells". Instead should be "I have 2000 points, but I have more choices... Lets go for INT and Healing spells, they will be useful, I'll get HP later!"

Well... I hate it. I hate the customization in this game.


usea said:
This post may contain minor SPOILERS for ~ch4.
I'm disappointed with the crystarium and the lack of options regarding character progression. FF12i, FF5, FFT, etc were super great in this regard. In those game I really felt like I was creating my own team. In this, I don't feel like I really have many options. (they can be summed up as bad vs good, instead of a variety). Also, how come you can't see which abilities you'll unlock later in a tree? I can't make an informed choice about where to spend my points without reading a guide on what stuff will be available down the line.

I hate the way you have no control over your party for a long long time, and characters are constantly joining or leaving and taking their equipment with them. The accessory Snow took with him was gone for like 10 hours.. That's incredibly annoying. FF12 was one of the best games about this. You got every character very near the beginning and nobody ever left. That was great.

Disclaimer: Only around Ch. 8 right now, so I haven't experienced the open-world wonder that is
Gran Pulse
. Keeping myself spoiler-free, but have read enough to avoid leveling gear until at least Ch. 11. That said...

As far as characters coming in/out of the party, that is one thing that I really like about this game. It's a bit of a call-back to FF6, where the game characters would get split up and be driven back together through plot events. I do seem to remember that FF6 let you keep accessories from people not in your party, but I haven't found any accessories so vital to the battle mechanics that I've missed them. (I have to use the HP+50 bangle instead of HP+150? Darn.)

Don't get the griping about the Crystarium system; most of the time, thusfar, I've had enough CP to max out each of the classes before the next expansion. Also, much like the license board in 12, I know that I'll finish most/all of the primary classes before I'm done with the game. Don't sweat the small stuff, IMO.

That said...

Dresden said:
Basically, most complaints about XIII would stop if they just let you shop around in Nautilus or Palumpolum. Especially Nautilus, that place was rife for some old-school mindless talking or shopping. I would've loved tapping on X repeatedly for mindless chatter that might unlock the right dialog choice so I could move on with the plot.

Completely agree. Nautilus = Gold Saucer (FF7) without the games. It just feels like there were supposed to be events here (chocobo racing / breeding?), but they were cut out at some point in development. It's a theme park....with one tour?

Other thoughts: really enjoy the battle system. Controlling one character reminds me a bit of Persona 3 (the game in the series I played), but with the added benefit of giving the characters a role to fill. My default is com/rav/rav, but I like the flexibility to swap in a medic or a buff/debuff character as need be. I don't use sentinels much; mostly when I need to heal or rebuff. Much like every other FF game (with the exception of 8), I don't use summons much at all. It's also nice not to have to micromanage HP/MP between every fight.

Biggest gripe thusfar: the battle with
Ifrit? Sazh's Eidolon
. Because I first get to control
, once the fight has started....you don't get to add in the CP from the previous fight until after you fail once & skip the cut-scene. Took me 3-5 times trying the fight until I managed to pull it off. Really couldn't tell you what I did right that I did wrong in the other attempts; plus the game's estimated time to compete the fight is rigged to give you 5 stars regardless of how you actually do (you couldn't stretch that fight into 27 minutes if you tried; timer would run out)....making it difficult to gague your progress. On the whole, the difficulty curve has been really low, until you hit a battle like this one. But the in-story payoff was quite good, if you haven't been reading other peoples' spoilers for the game.
For a second there, I thought the game just Aeris'd me!

One thing I just don't get....how does Lightning's gunblade swap modes like that?


Omg Gran Pulse is so much fun. I spent 3 or 4 hours this afternoon just exploring, running around, killing behemoths :D .

How many of the Hunts can be completed the first time you enter Pulse before going on with the rest of the story?


Skel said:
Omg Gran Pulse is so much fun. I spent 3 or 4 hours this afternoon just exploring, running around, killing behemoths :D .

How many of the Hunts can be completed the first time you enter Pulse before going on with the rest of the story?

I'll let you know in the next week or two.


mcdomination said:
So, humans turn into l'Cie only if a Fal'Cie marks them and they turn into l'cie? Can't humans turn into l"cie if they are in contact with other l'Cie...which is the whole premis of the purge? If so, why don't the soldiers or Hope's father turn into l'Cie when in contact with the group of "Heroes".....

I hate that word now....Thanks, Dudebro...er Snow

If I understood it correctly it goes like this:
The fal'Cie are divided in Cocoon fal'Cie and Pulse fal'Cie, and they can all transform humans into L'Cie, which are like slaves for them to fulfill their goals. The L'Cie themselves can't transform other people, but they are dangerous because they are transformed by Pulse fal'Cie (only those, the Cocoon L'Cie are employed by the Sanctum), which means their Focus will usually be to damage Cocoon, and even if they can't fulfill it they'll transform in Cie'th and attack people. Since the Sanctum can't be bothered to check every single person in an affected city, they said a L'Cie can also taint a normal human and then Purge said area entirely, also saying that they send L'Cie back to Pulse (but they just kill them all).


Himuro said:
They're the bare essentials done wrong.

Even Dragon Quest 1, a 20 year old game, gives off the sense of adventure and wonder better than FF13.

My improvements to make FFXIII into a good game would be ->

1. Provide three or four areas like Gran Pulse; mix between with the linear areas. And make it scattered throughout. This way you appease those who want their hand held, and those who prefer that sense of exploration that is so sorely missing in this game.

2. Give allies an advanced gambit system (to go along with their Paradigms), so I can tinker with the abilities they decide to use in battle. This would help provide the customization the system is sorely lacking, as well as give me a sense of control of my teammates.

3. Allow users to actually explore the city environments inhabited by people. This doesn't necessarily mean 'talk to someone to arbitrarily advance plot', but simple sidequests, little secrets to find and easter eggs to unlock. All the best FF games have secrets in their towns, making them (generally) a joy to explore. Similarly, they should go the FFXII route here - you can't talk to everyone, but you can talk to some. And these people provide a critical sense of world-building that is sorely lacking from FFXIII.

4. Add about 3 more classes. The options at the moment are too limited, and provide too few feasible options in combat. The mixtures should be far more diverse.

5. Expand Crystarium to have multiple class specializations under specific classes. This way, choices mean something, and you have to decide whether to upgrade A, B or C to make your character what you wish to be. Make hard decisions. Otherwise you might as well be a license board, since you can still max out everything only you have little to no choice which order to choose to unlock things (depending on the class you're going for).

6. Blank the story.


Agreed with everything(especially 1 and 6).

Though 4 and 5 are not necessary, since ideally, I would like for the Crystarium to be trashed for the piece of crap it is.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Amir0x said:
6. Blank the story.

I'm betting a second playthrough where you skip all the cutscenes and make up the plot would be far more entertaining.

P.S. I'm dying for someone like pokecapn to do an LP of this game to be honest. Now that would be interesting to watch.


So, I'm trying to farm some Tetradic Crowns/Tiaras (I need one more pair of Sprint Shoes). I've been grinding on Mission 7's mark (thank god it's close by with nothing in between, they must have planned this). So I have a Connossieur Catalog on (the one that increases rare drops), and can always get 5-stars easy, being that my characters are leveled up pretty high. I must have killed this thing at least 30 times now. Anyone have any experience with this? How long did it take you? Does anyone know what percentage ANY drop might be (I can do this with the 'normal' Crown, I just need SOMETHING)? And how the Catalog and battle rank affect these? Seriously driving me nuts.

Edit: Side note: Army of One seems pretty useless, but looks so badass. How should I be using it? Or is it really as useless as I think it is?
Amir0x said:
4. Add about 3 more classes. The options at the moment are too limited, and provide too few feasible options in combat. The mixtures should be far more diverse.

5. Expand Crystarium to have multiple class specializations under specific classes. This way, choices mean something, and you have to decide whether to upgrade A, B or C to make your character what you wish to be. Make hard decisions. Otherwise you might as well be a license board, since you can still max out everything only you have little to no choice which order to choose to unlock things (depending on the class you're going for).

I think both of those changes could help improve the game even more and make the combat system work even better. More classes as well as sub-classes would both help to give even more options. I'd also like it if you could have more than 6 paradigms with a given party.

Hopefully we'll see those types of additions for the seemingly inevitable XIII-2.


usea said:
I doubt it'll be a game I'll go back and play though, without exploration or much customization; it'd be the exact same experience.

And that's easily my biggest problem with this game, it's FAR too structured and streamlined if you ask me, especially in first half, and I'm not really even talking about the corridor-like design of nearly every single area in the game..

(dunno if the incoming rant has what are considered spoilers, but I'll warn you now)

You're forced to use whatever party (and party leader) that's given to you until several hours into the game, and later on in a certain number of fights forced to use certain characters. Even if you happen have a fourth party member with you, you can't even do anything with them besides level them up. I don't even know why the game does this, cutscenes are in no way affected by controlling Lightning instead of Hope, and if I don't want to control a character I don't think I should have to unless they're in a situation where they're alone.

The Crystarium system is really straightforward, and doesn't leave much to the player's imagination. You can only take it so far before you get shut off until the next big boss, and there's not a lot you can do to manipulate a character's Crystarium to pull off anything unique. It's basically limited to your paradigm combinations, and there's not a lot of cool stuff to really do there that totally switches things up from the orthodox gameplay. There isn't much impact to your choices that transform it into something interesting, you just the boosts, a skill every now and then, and be on your way until you get your next round of CP.

Even though they unlock about halfway through, you're practically punished for trying to strengthen a character out of their original three Paradigms and mix things up, at least before you complete the game and/or do a whole bunch of hunts/grinding. The stat boosts are pretty terrible in comparison, your access to learning new skills is further limited, and the CP costs of pretty much everything are downright ridiculous. They're basically a grind that hardly make up for the fact that they're a grind.

The craft/equipment system, though nothing amazing, is one of the most free aspects of the whole game. You can make different weapons/accessories with different abilities and advantages, and that's great. Unfortunately, due to the odd nature of the system, and the way gil and item drops work, you don't get much room to take serious advantage of it and experiment until much later.

The whole design is just...weird. There isn't much that's left to your imagination, a lot of stuff is clearly defined for you and it's tough to deviate from it, at least not until a good while later and the game does a poor job of slowly building up to that point. That's why if by some miracle I replay this game, I made a save right when I started Pulse, because I know what I did in the last couple of chapters in my first run won't be significantly different from my second.

This game REALLY needed a New Game+ that let you change the party leader and battle team from the beginning, fully unlocks the Crystarium from the moment you can use it, drastically increases the item drop rate for more consistent upgrading, and reduced the totally insane CP costs of each character's extra Paradigms to normal levels. I'd replay the game the moment I finished it if they did that, and it'd make the game ten times more interesting, and might even bring it up into one of my favorites. As it is it feels a lot like they wanted this to be a movie or something, with little to detract from the experience they tried to present to you. Unfortunately, there aren't a whole lot of movies that I rewatch.

I'd actually really like to have a genuine discussion about this, so hopefully someone doesn't just call me a troll, flame me, or ask me why I even played the game.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Amir0x said:
My improvements to make FFXIII into a good game would be ->

1. Provide three or four areas like Gran Pulse; mix between with the linear areas. And make it scattered throughout. This way you appease those who want their hand held, and those who prefer that sense of exploration that is so sorely missing in this game.

2. Give allies an advanced gambit system (to go along with their Paradigms), so I can tinker with the abilities they decide to use in battle. This would help provide the customization the system is sorely lacking, as well as give me a sense of control of my teammates.

3. Allow users to actually explore the city environments inhabited by people. This doesn't necessarily mean 'talk to someone to arbitrarily advance plot', but simple sidequests, little secrets to find and easter eggs to unlock. All the best FF games have secrets in their towns, making them (generally) a joy to explore. Similarly, they should go the FFXII route here - you can't talk to everyone, but you can talk to some. And these people provide a critical sense of world-building that is sorely lacking from FFXIII.

4. Add about 3 more classes. The options at the moment are too limited, and provide too few feasible options in combat. The mixtures should be far more diverse.

5. Expand Crystarium to have multiple class specializations under specific classes. This way, choices mean something, and you have to decide whether to upgrade A, B or C to make your character what you wish to be. Make hard decisions. Otherwise you might as well be a license board, since you can still max out everything only you have little to no choice which order to choose to unlock things (depending on the class you're going for).

6. Blank the story.
All good points. Having gambit AI for your team members would be amazing.

Though I like the story in this game so I don't agree with 6. This scenario is one of the most bizarre science fiction settings in gaming. I don't know why we should throw it out just because it's tainted with animu.. but point number 3 would serve to bolster that story anyway.

We have one scene which shows people afraid of the L'Cie. I would be much more interested to talk to NPCs on the street and see what they think. The game shows us the Sanctum has claimed their actions are to appease the fear of the people, and it hints that this may be an excuse to justify their power. It would bring this plot point into sharp focus if we had NPCs telling us their feelings on the L'Cie. Surely, some probably do live in fear, while others shun the fear of L'Cie and have no trust in the Sanctum. Hearing these perspectives would hammer the perspective of a "corrupt government" home... better yet, seeing that many citizens do live in fear would possibly legitimize the government's role and bring into question your status as a hero. This was one game world which would have greatly benefited from an NPC-level view.

In general this game would have been better if it was more like XII.


Skel said:
Omg Gran Pulse is so much fun. I spent 3 or 4 hours this afternoon just exploring, running around, killing behemoths :D .

How many of the Hunts can be completed the first time you enter Pulse before going on with the rest of the story?

At least 28. 27 was too hard for me, so I skipped it at the time, but if you're the type to grind, it's definitely possible.


I'm surprised there are this many complaints about the linearity of the game, it is just as linear as FFX was, and people love that game and never hear complaints, and there are many improvements over that game:

-Much more fun battles
-More epic feeling boss fights
-Much more appealing characters rather than 1 or 2 in X
-Incredible graphics
-Story that actually makes sense and is interesting
-Gestalt mode (Quite possibly best summon system in this series ever)

Don't get me wrong I loved X like everyone else, but I do not get why this game gets shit on for being linear up until Chapter 11, but X did not.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
_Xenon_ said:
If the only way to present the world in game is through datalog then it's epic fail IMO.



Amir0x said:
My improvements to make FFXIII into a good game would be ->

1. Provide three or four areas like Gran Pulse; mix between with the linear areas. And make it scattered throughout. This way you appease those who want their hand held, and those who prefer that sense of exploration that is so sorely missing in this game.

2. Give allies an advanced gambit system (to go along with their Paradigms), so I can tinker with the abilities they decide to use in battle. This would help provide the customization the system is sorely lacking, as well as give me a sense of control of my teammates.

3. Allow users to actually explore the city environments inhabited by people. This doesn't necessarily mean 'talk to someone to arbitrarily advance plot', but simple sidequests, little secrets to find and easter eggs to unlock. All the best FF games have secrets in their towns, making them (generally) a joy to explore. Similarly, they should go the FFXII route here - you can't talk to everyone, but you can talk to some. And these people provide a critical sense of world-building that is sorely lacking from FFXIII.

4. Add about 3 more classes. The options at the moment are too limited, and provide too few feasible options in combat. The mixtures should be far more diverse.

5. Expand Crystarium to have multiple class specializations under specific classes. This way, choices mean something, and you have to decide whether to upgrade A, B or C to make your character what you wish to be. Make hard decisions. Otherwise you might as well be a license board, since you can still max out everything only you have little to no choice which order to choose to unlock things (depending on the class you're going for).

6. Blank the story.

Sounds pretty much like what I would change, now someone just needs to tell SE...


I would never say that you need to wait until Chapter 11 for the game to get good - when that's 30 hours down the line, that's kind of an assinine thing to tell people. I will say that the game changes styles at Chapter 11 (then it's back to "normal" for the rest of the game). If you don't like the gameplay or the story, it's probably not going to change for you. However if sidequests and wide non-linear gameplay is what you want, that's Chapter 11 (and postgame) in a nutshell.

I personally thought that the story was interesting throughout, and started really enjoying the battle system around when I fought
. Though it was at the
Havoc Skytank
battle that I really said "wow, I fucking love this game."

Skel said:
I'm surprised there are this many complaints about the linearity of the game, it is just as linear as FFX was, and people love that game and never hear complaints, and there are many improvements over that game:

-Much more fun battles
-More epic feeling boss fights
-Much more appealing characters rather than 1 or 2 in X
-Incredible graphics
-Story that actually makes sense and is interesting
-Gestalt mode (Quite possibly best summon system in this series ever)

Don't get me wrong I loved X like everyone else, but I do not get why this game gets shit on for being linear up until Chapter 11, but X did not.

I've been making the comparison to X for pages but nobody seems to listen or care. It just doesn't fit the "FFXIII is linear so it sucks!" narrative. Now, saying it sucks b/c it has no sidequests or minigames for 95% of the game is a different argument (I don't think it sucks though).


BocoDragon said:
We have one scene which shows people afraid of the L'Cie. I would be much more interested to talk to NPCs on the street and see what they think. The game shows us the Sanctum has claimed their actions are to appease the fear of the people, and it hints that this may be an excuse to justify their power.

There's always chapter 12...

I also think the main characters' reactions in chapter 1 and 2 toward l'Cie paint a pretty good picture.
Especially Hope's reaction at becoming one.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Skel said:
I'm surprised there are this many complaints about the linearity of the game, it is just as linear as FFX was, and people love that game and never hear complaints,

Don't get me wrong I loved X like everyone else


Sure, some people like FFX, but that's not a game that never gets complaints. Some people loathe FFX. Hell, I loathe FFX. :lol
Amir0x said:
Similarly, they should go the FFXII route here - you can't talk to everyone, but you can talk to some.

Actually, in terms of "towns" XIII does this part right. When you walk past some people you can eavesdrop on their conversations(don't even have to press X, just go near them and you'll hear them). Unfortunately you can't talk directly to anyone.
Skel said:
I'm surprised there are this many complaints about the linearity of the game, it is just as linear as FFX was, and people love that game and never hear complaints, and there are many improvements over that game:

You're kidding, right? Although I love it, X gets more than its fair share of criticism.

-Gestalt mode (Quite possibly best summon system in this series ever)

I disagree with this, however. The X system was far and away the best summoning system in the whole series.


Alright sorry, I didn't realize that. I didn't play X right when it came out, so I wasn't in all the discussions at that time.

I disagree with this, however. The X system was far and away the best summoning system in the whole series.
To each their own. I think Gestalt is so creative and so much fun. And you don't have to go through those god awful dungeons to acquire them like in X.
Skel said:
Alright sorry, I didn't realize that. I didn't play X right when it came out, so I wasn't in all the discussions at that time.

The important thing to remember is that everyone Final Fantasy game is the worst game ever, the end of the series being relevant, a symbol of Square jumping the shark, and a complete betrayal of the entire franchise.:lol

To each their own. I think Gestalt is so creative and so much fun. And you don't have to go through those god awful dungeons to acquire them like in X.

Oh, I certainly agree with that. I just really liked how summons were used in battle in X. They really felt like awe-inspiring creatures.


KuwabaraTheMan said:
The important thing to remember is that everyone Final Fantasy game is the worst game ever, the end of the series being relevant, a symbol of Square jumping the shark, and a complete betrayal of the entire franchise.:lol

Oh, I certainly agree with that. I just really liked how summons were used in battle in X. They really felt like awe-inspiring creatures.
I'd say my only complain with the summon system is that you can only use the summon of your party leader.


Skel said:
I'm surprised there are this many complaints about the linearity of the game, it is just as linear as FFX was, and people love that game and never hear complaints, and there are many improvements over that game:

Don't get me wrong I loved X like everyone else, but I do not get why this game gets shit on for being linear up until Chapter 11, but X did not.

X didn't have you move in one direction only though
and there were enough varieties thrown in between (towns, minigames, puzzles) to somewhat break up the tunnel vision

so far from XIII that i've played
it's just dungeon, cs, dungeon, cs


Fimbulvetr said:
Actually, in terms of "towns" XIII does this part right. When you walk past some people you can eavesdrop on their conversations(don't even have to press X, just go near them and you'll hear them). Unfortunately you can't talk directly to anyone.

I find this a better approach than the regular talking directly to townspeople, who somehow have the time and inclination to talk to your party, and they always say interesting stuff.

There's a flash of this in Nautilus, but it's over pretty soon. Kind of sad.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Right now, I'm thinking XIII > X. I never liked X all that much. The linearity bugged me back then, the open space of the Calm Lands was inadequate in a game that was contemporaneous with GTA3, and the story wasn't that exciting.

In contrast, I eat the high melodrama of XIII up, the linearity is worn on its sleeve (and I had been well warned to expect it), Gran Pulse > Calm Lands, and the battle system is awesome.

Zoe said:
There's always chapter 12...

I also think the main characters' reactions in chapter 1 and 2 toward l'Cie paint a pretty good picture.
Especially Hope's reaction at becoming one.
They definitely hinted at people's fear in this game... I do like how Sazh expressed a position of
skepticism of L'Cie fear and of the Sanctum in general
. But in general XIII was a game that hinted at a cocoon society we never really got to "experience". It is what it is... I don't consider that a failure, just a choice, but it would have been nice to experience that Cocoon society first hand rather than just have it alluded to in flashbacks and such.


ElFly said:
There's a flash of this in Nautilus, but it's over pretty soon. Kind of sad.

missed opportunity right there. just put out some shitty minigames and people will be satisfied.


Digital Foundry
KuwabaraTheMan said:
The important thing to remember is that everyone Final Fantasy game is the worst game ever, the end of the series being relevant, a symbol of Square jumping the shark, and a complete betrayal of the entire franchise.:lol
Quite true. Unless, of course, its the very first...

But then again, there may be a small crowd of vegetable-munching net-hermits who'll decry the release of the original Final Fantasy for not being the follow up to Squaresoft's much loved and remembered Death Trap series.

Yep. That classic...


LiK said:
missed opportunity right there. just put out some shitty minigames and people will be satisfied.
Well, there was this rather tedious
minigame. I hated that part. It went on forever and seemed to have absolutely no purpose unless I'm missing something.
LiK said:
missed opportunity right there. just put out some shitty minigames and people will be satisfied.
I'm just pissed because they talked about how much fun it was there and it looked like a lot of fun, and in the end there was nothing fun to do.


Whew, what a ride! 24:06 & I finally reached chapter 11 :D

I haven't had any deceptisol etc for at least 5 chapters though. Can I buy some somewhere? I only have a few useless TP boosts on me. I only use Libra so I've never ever run out of TPs so far :lol

That pound X to get Rat's Tail, is that true? :S If so, is it in any Snow cutscene?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
KuwabaraTheMan said:
The important thing to remember is that everyone Final Fantasy game is the worst game ever, the end of the series being relevant, a symbol of Square jumping the shark, and a complete betrayal of the entire franchise.:lol.

Well, there is some truth to that. But the converse is true too.

Every FF is the best RPG ever created, and we are blessed to be given this life-sustaining mana from the true motherland. Anybody who dislikes one clearly doesn't like JRPGs, didn't actually play the game (because if you did, you'd LOVE IT) and probably has sex with puppies.

Final Fantasy is one of those series that changes with every iteration, so it's hard for everybody to like every single thing about every single version.

It's no secret that I don't like what I've played of XIII so far, but I love the series. I've played every single one starting with FF1. I even played Mystic Quest. If playing the series that long has taught me anything, is that if there is something I don't like about one of the games, the next game might change up everything.


Hyunkel6 said:
Well, there was this rather tedious
minigame. I hated that part. It went on forever and seemed to have absolutely no purpose unless I'm missing something.

Forever? You had to find it 4 times...and it showed you pretty much exactly where it went for at least 2 of those times. I think it was a misguided attempt at a minigame. I lol'd at it and moved on.


FTWer said:

Now I am just a simple lad, so you are going to have to explain this to me.

Use small words.

Himuro said:
Completely agreed.

Add another to the list:

No crystarium. A traditional class system via menu would have been preferable.

This cannot be said enough. A Job system for this game would make it better than X-2, V and XII:I(my favorites. Guess why?) combined.

I do not joke. If FF13:I is such a thing, and it is in English...

Somebody wake up Itō!
WanderingWind said:
Well, there is some truth to that. But the converse is true too.

Every FF is the best RPG ever created, and we are blessed to be given this life-sustaining mana from the true motherland. Anybody who dislikes one clearly doesn't like JRPGs, didn't actually play the game (because if you did, you'd LOVE IT) and probably has sex with puppies.

Final Fantasy is one of those series that changes with every iteration, so it's hard for everybody to like every single thing about every single version.

It's no secret that I don't like what I've played of XIII so far, but I love the series. I've played every single one starting with FF1. I even played Mystic Quest. If playing the series that long has taught me anything, is that if there is something I don't like about one of the games, the next game might change up everything.

Yes, that's very true. Every game is someone's favorite and someone's most hated. I think it really speaks to the series strengths that it manages to constantly reinvents itself, and is always making changes.

Sometimes people like and hate the games for the same reason, such as the fact that there have been people posting in this thread about how they love that the game is linear and that towns are removed (because they found them cumbersome in past games), while others have bitched about that very aspect. Other times, people might like and hate the games for entirely different reasons, such as how some people look at XII and see a game with tons of exploration, a plethora of sidequests with tough monsters, and a rich world, while others hate the game for having a two dimensional cast, an incomplete story and find the battle system to be far too hands off.


Giolon said:
Forever? You had to find it 4 times...and it showed you pretty much exactly where it went for at least 2 of those times. I think it was a misguided attempt at a minigame. I lol'd at it and moved on.
Twice was enough. The 3rd time was stretching it. The 4th time was plain annoying. But you are right. I think it seemed to last forever for me, because I really wanted to move on during this chapter.


KuwabaraTheMan said:
Yes, that's very true. Every game is someone's favorite and someone's most hated. I think it really speaks to the series strengths that it manages to constantly reinvents itself, and is always making changes.

Sometimes people like and hate the games for the same reason, such as the fact that there have been people posting in this thread about how they love that the game is linear and that towns are removed (because they found them cumbersome in past games), while others have bitched about that very aspect. Other times, people might like and hate the games for entirely different reasons, such as how some people look at XII and see a game with tons of exploration, a plethora of sidequests with tough monsters, and a rich world, while others hate the game for having a two dimensional cast, an incomplete story and find the battle system to be far too hands off.

Good post mang.

Definitely agree.
Are there any Evade stats in this game?

I realized that my characters Evade if they are outside the area of attack. But it seems like you can't boost evasion rate.

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man, this thread makes me feel like there's something wrong with me.

I like the crystalium, I love the combat and I think the story is quite serviceable (with the way some of the characters are linked even being somewhat clever). I can't wait to play more, and I'm only on Chapter 9 (after 20 hours).

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