Cep said:
Everyone hastes Snow.
Even I do, and I love his character design (What can I say, I like dudebros).
I love snow! I want to marry him... even if it means bad things happen to me and i have to become a fictional wide eyed girl... i would do it to have him. If he were real i'd stalk him and steal his underwear from his washing basket (yes, before washing).
Anyway.... impressions thus far
1 - OMG the presentation is amazing. These are surely the best visuals to come out of japan on PS3 to date. Move over MT Framework, Crystal Tools just kicked you in teh nuts! Just got to lake bresha... totally wide-eyed at the environments... and the battle visuals are so rich and silky, it's like galaxy chocolate for the eyes.
2 - love love love the battle system. the paradigm shifts seem, even at this early stage, like a brilliant way to change strategy with micro managing the characters.
3 - i actually like the linearity. Tell me this... how many RPGS give you any really choice over how you advance the main story? FFXII streamlines things, sure, but it all neatly side steps the contrivance / padding of roaming a around an overworld. this is the jrpg reimagined as a rollercoaster ride... and i like it.
4 - hang on my eyes are bleeding from the amazing
5 - sound design. beautiful, super-crisp, well composed and full of detail. the sound and effects are exemplary.
i can't wait to spend a few more hours with this, but alas i must work tomorrow. I know where this weekend is going!!!