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Final Fantasy XIV Alpha Discussion


Nakazato said:
stop trolling the ps3 ffxiv :(

Well, it's not like they'd need to test much. A standardized system's obviously not as much work as the complete mess that is the PC market.


Xux said:
Well, it's not like they'd need to test much. A standardized system's obviously not as much work as the complete mess that is the PC market.
But you are talking about the company the Beta tested both PC and PS2 versions of FFXI. 2 years after it came out in Japan


Anyone with the alpha, is there a way to change graphic settings that I'm just not seeing? Or does it have to run windowed at the default settings?

Ran around for a bit, stabbed a blob with a lance, super excited.


So i finally hit the cap on THM >_> , learned Siphon MP which drained 27-28mp from any/every mob, costs 10mp and has a recast of 60 secs, last level also gave me 143 (iirc) attribute points, which i put them all in INT (didnt affect Siphon in any way or form). Here i took some pics of lvl20 gear i got.


I'm probably done with this untill next phase, unless i feel like trying gladiator.


I have been selected as a Beta Test participant! But, I am in trouble in 2 ways:

1) I don't remember which of my Square Enix IDs that is connected to this e-mail address, but I hope this will be easy to sort out.

2) I don't have a computer ready to run it well yet. I'm planning to buy one, but I'm still torn between a desktop and a laptop! This will be added incentive towards making a decision soon, though.


So I know nothing about online Final Fantasy games. Will I just be able to pick it up by playing the game, or is there a recommended bit of reading to prepare myself?

I've played CoH/WoW in the past and they're setup so that you start multiple characters if you want to do different things. This is job based isn't it, so in theory I can create a single character and just train him up as necessary?

EDIT: I really should have read the OP...

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Cant log into the beta tester site but can log into the Square account management system. Beta services still doesn't appear under my member status section. That is normal for these invites on the last few days?


Corran Horn said:
Cant log into the beta tester site but can log into the Square account management system. Beta services still doesn't appear under my member status section. That is normal for these invites on the last few days?

Yes. You will be able to login on the date mentioned in the invite e-mail.


downloading the alpha client now in hopes that the beta client will just be an update to this.. we'll see if I'm so lucky


No45 said:
Thanks for this, downloading now... very... slowly... :(

Countless hours remaining and the stupid thing doesn't let you turn the music off! Good fucking job W7 allows you to selectively mute applications! ^_^

Keep loading it until relaxing music comes on :lol


In case anyone missed it, they extended the 9th Alpha test again for tomorrow. Check the main page for your time slot.

Not sure how I feel about the game yet, I have a lot of complaints that I probably can't mention here. So far FFXI is still more fun. I hope a lot of my issues are sorted out in the beta release.


Anomarad said:
In case anyone missed it, they extended the 9th Alpha test again for tomorrow. Check the main page for your time slot.

Not sure how I feel about the game yet, I have a lot of complaints that I probably can't mention here. So far FFXI is still more fun. I hope a lot of my issues are sorted out in the beta release.

why couldnt u mention them here?


Yeah there's no lack of info or opinions here already. And I didn't get banned from testing...in fact I got a second account in the Alpha! :lol


oops, all this time I've been saying beta, it's apparently alpha 2 that I'm in. That gives me some NDA crap to deal with. Bah. Still excited, I just might not be allowed to tell you I'm excited anymore. I'm not particularly creative with account names.


Cowie said:
Then everyone who edits their names out of pictures is just a tool? =P
No, I did it for the videos I posted. But you are just being silly to avoid posting your opinions. No one has yet gotten banned for posting videos or pictures of their character, opinions, news from the site, or the actual client itself. Square is supposedly watching certain places (mostly just official fansites that they already know about) but this isn't one of them.


notworksafe said:
No, I did it for the videos I posted. But you are just being silly to avoid posting your opinions. No one has yet gotten banned for posting videos or pictures of their character, opinions, news from the site, or the actual client itself. Square is supposedly watching certain places (mostly just official fansites that they already know about) but this isn't one of them.

Fair enough. They are taking down small sites that are hosting pictures/videos though, right? Not that I'm even so concerned about that.


Some of them. They only seem to be paying attention to sites already on their radar, and GAF isn't one of them (at least not the online section). I bet that's why they asked if you ran a fansite in the application, though.


I have lots of complaints. However, none of them are really valid, as it's a clearly unfinished alpha, so it wouldn't really be fair to say things like "the combat is boring!" when it's (I think/hope) just a skeleton system in place for the time being. Or complaining about unoptimized performance or graphics, because again... it's not finished.

Beta 1 should be a much better barometer for the quality of the game I'm expecting. As it is now, there's some very impressive stuff (the size of the city and starting zone, for example, and the lack of zoning for the most part). Character customization is impressive even if an unfinished state and I like how even tiny details like your character's eye color will be noticed in cutscenes at the very least. The quest system seems interesting (but again, not implemented? I was soloing four star rank 1 quests which are designed for a lot more people) and it strikes a nice balance between FFXI (everything is super vague) and WoW (everything is dumbed down) so far.

But then again, I expect most/all of that to change, likely for the better, so any complaints I have now are just too early to really level against it.

The one thing I really hope is not final: total customization over stat points. Some customization is good, but giving players the ability to pour all their points into one or two stats and ignore all else is likely going to be problematic for tons of reasons. I'm thinking it's temporary though.


Alright since everyone was so bent on hearing my complaints :p, here's some that are off the top of my head from playing yesterday:

The collision detection is worse than FFXI. Getting randomly stuck on corners, walking under the ground, random ledges that feel like you should be able to walk there.

Walking off small cliffs is just like FFXI (walk off in hyper-mode), which by now... I mean come on it's 2010 and it looks awful.

The combat is feels unresponsive The whole readying to attack thing is pointless, I already waited for the bar to fill up, if they want a longer duration then let the bars take longer to fill and put them on a global cooldown or something, when I press the button I want it NOW. In FFXI when it said readying to attack at least the animation started playing right away.

Currently it's difficult to walk in combat, my character would just stop walking at random points. So I engage and the plagued rat or whatever runs off and I'm trying to catch back up but I keep... stopping randomly. This phenomena occurs once again if you leave combat mode through the menu next to the action bar, it leaves you in a combat like state till you press ESC making it impossible to go anywhere. I think this is a bug though.

Can't figure out why they didn't think to implement shift+arrow keys for the camera during battle. There is nothing more frustrating than it telling me I'm not in range and i can't even see what I'm fighting.

I'm not sure if its my computer but the map takes a while to show up, and navigates slowly.

There is like no smart targeting atm, I'm trying to target an NPC and instead I'm cycling through myself, 10 other people in the room who are behind my character, some not even on my screen all when I'm facing the NPC I want to talk to.

I'm not giving up on the game, I want it to be as great as FFXI was. In fact I'll be playing more today. I just hope there's a huge overhaul in the beta state.


True these tests are not final but that shouldn't stop people from pointing out obvious faults in the game.

Sadly I don't see the very slow combat and awful kb/m controls changing, which really bums me out because I think they are really going to hold this back as a modern PC MMO


Personally I think your in the wrong mindset if your posting gameplay or any other long lasting impressions of the game in its current form.

DP: The alpha test started with the game at a rather unpolished state. How are the players taking this?
NK: A lot of players have been pointing out the poor tempo of battle and the lack of explanation for parts of the game. We are trying to decide how write the explanations for beta and commercial release, so these are really helpful comments.
HT: Komoto told the testers before alpha started that the tempo of battle is something we’re looking at. When beta test starts, we will be implementing a completely different battle system, practically remade from the ground up. We weren’t planning on using the current battle system in the first place, but we didn’t want players to wait until beta, so we explained the situation and opened the test.

DP: Will there be any graphical changes?
HT: The character textures won’t change, but there will be a lot of lighting and wall-texture changes for Limsa Lominsa. Shadows will change a lot, like the way a shadow is cast based on the direction and distance of the light source causing it. We’ll also be implementing SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, the shadow emulation method first used in the PC game Crysis), which should give the game a more three-dimensional feel. Also, we’re trying to make the way the camera focuses in the opening cut scene also useable in the play area.

DP: Do you have any words for your users?
NK: Even though we’ve not been able to show you what we’d like to have shown you by now, we’re very thankful for your positive attitudes while playing. We really want to hear from you, and we’re looking forward to the opinions of the incoming alpha testers and, when the time comes, the many opinions of the beta testers. We want to create this world with your help.
HT: Since this is only the alpha test, we’re able to collect a lot of data with every single login, and we thank you for that. The battle tempo and graphics are about to change drastically, so please look forward to it!
I think at least half of those issues can be attributed to lag (they've said so much themselves anyway) which they're slowly ironing out..

And yeah they've been talking about some huge adjustments. We'll see what happens.

Posting impressions at this stage is still constructive, as long as they don't spread around the net saying "OMG FFXIV SUCKS"


HappyBivouac said:
I think at least half of those issues can be attributed to lag (they've said so much themselves anyway) which they're slowly ironing out..

And yeah they've been talking about some huge adjustments. We'll see what happens.

Posting impressions at this stage is still constructive, as long as they don't spread around the net saying "OMG FFXIV SUCKS"

I have too much faith in SE to do that. :D

And yes, I am aware that the beta will have significant changes, I listed those combat complaints and ways I could see it being improved in the beta battle system. So unless they change the battle system to this:

Then I think it could still apply. :p


Is that first zone worth exploring today? I'm not going to try leveling up my not-taru seeing as how samey the combat is, but if there are cool sights to be seen, I'm going to at least run as far as his stumpy legs can take him.

Might try synthesis to see what that is all about as well.


LaneDS said:
Is that first zone worth exploring today? I'm not going to try leveling up my not-taru seeing as how samey the combat is, but if there are cool sights to be seen, I'm going to at least run as far as his stumpy legs can take him.

Might try synthesis to see what that is all about as well.
Only thing worth anything is cassiopea hollow or w'e is spelled, the rest es more of the same rly (unless you want to go to the beach and get owned by multiple raptors and stuff).


Is there any class that provides any more fun/options than the others at this point? Or are they all limited to one ability at present?


LaneDS said:
Is there any class that provides any more fun/options than the others at this point? Or are they all limited to one ability at present?

All of the disciplines have, like, ten plus abilities.


Xux said:
All of the disciplines have, like, ten plus abilities.

Hm, I did the grind on lancer for a considerable amount of time and all I had at the end was thrust available. I'd fire it up to check physical level and class level, but uh, no can do.
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