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Final Fantasy XIV Beta Discussion + Media

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Thorhald said:
Getting back on track with a real question:

Being spoiled with WoW where there are quests that take you from lvl 1 to 80 ... in FFXIV, once you do your daily leve's [which is only a few at low level], do you just grind on mobs at that point to level up or is there something else i'm missing?

There are susposed to be story quests, I don't know if there will be enough to take you from 1 to max level, or if you can solo them, or much about them really.


Thorhald said:
Getting back on track with a real question:

Being spoiled with WoW where there are quests that take you from lvl 1 to 80 ... in FFXIV, once you do your daily leve's [which is only a few at low level], do you just grind on mobs at that point to level up or is there something else i'm missing?

Probably a bad idea to mention WoW around Londa... it really sets him off for some reason.

As far as I can tell... yeah, that's pretty much it. You could help people with their levequests, but other than that grind away. You could also just try your hand at crafting.

It's casual friendly, the SE way.


I don't know what they did but mouse is working great now. I'm not using any mods. Maybe there's just no lag right now? I can click and do thing entirely by mouse now. Now I can ditch the 360 pad :D


Worships the porcelain goddess
Lag causing accuracy issues make absolutely zero sense unless the mob moves out of an "optimum" distance for your archer (if such a thing exists). I read the whole post and like Kuro said, your findings are inconclusive.

There are MANY factors as work here. No food, no accuracy on weapons or equipment (shitty equipment in general), mob type or even just a random modifier on accuracy and your shots vs. types of mobs.

I know I used FFXI as an example, but I honestly believe that's find. It's the same company taking many elements from their previous game. Equipment stats, food, mob type and level, etc.

There will be a shit of growing pains while we all learn what influences our classes and combat in general. Right now, there's no reason to worry about it. Archers hit hard, they will miss more and yeah, you pay for that damage when it comes to arrows. Tough shit. :D

Thorhald said:
Getting back on track with a real question:

Being spoiled with WoW where there are quests that take you from lvl 1 to 80 ... in FFXIV, once you do your daily leve's [which is only a few at low level], do you just grind on mobs at that point to level up or is there something else i'm missing?

That's it. You can party up with others to xp and use their leves. Later in the game, there will be much harder leves that require a group. Crafting also increases your physical level too (which is proving to be very important). Quests and such? They won't be getting the job done in leveling you up unless things change in the mid to endgame.


nataku said:
Probably a bad idea to mention WoW around Londa... it really sets him off for some reason.

As far as I can tell... yeah, that's pretty much it. You could help people with their levequests, but other than that grind away. You could also just try your hand at crafting.

It's casual friendly, the SE way.

Thanks! Just started Lancer and WOW ... my favorite class so far by a lot. Think i'll roll this class on release

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
careksims said:
I don't know what they did but mouse is working great now. I'm not using any mods. Maybe there's just no lag right now?

Speak for yourself, no such thing here


nataku said:
Probably a bad idea to mention WoW around Londa... it really sets him off for some reason.

As far as I can tell... yeah, that's pretty much it. You could help people with their levequests, but other than that grind away. You could also just try your hand at crafting.

It's casual friendly, the SE way.

It also sets her off by calling her a dude. :lol

I'm def. maining either pugilist or Archer when game starts. Leaning more towards Pug, because I don't want to manage arrows. :lol


I just know that I'm beginning to really like Lalafell, approaching the degree I did Tarutaru. (Voice 3 all the way for me, though.) Would start off as either Gladiator or Marauder, I think, spending a fair portion of log-in time having fun with crafting.


Neo Member
Kintaro said:
Lag causing accuracy issues make absolutely zero sense unless the mob moves out of an "optimum" distance for your archer (if such a thing exists). I read the whole post and like Kuro said, your findings are inconclusive.

There are MANY factors as work here. No food, no accuracy on weapons or equipment (shitty equipment in general), mob type or even just a random modifier on accuracy and your shots vs. types of mobs.

I know I used FFXI as an example, but I honestly believe that's find. It's the same company taking many elements from their previous game. Equipment stats, food, mob type and level, etc.

There will be a shit of growing pains while we all learn what influences our classes and combat in general. Right now, there's no reason to worry about it. Archers hit hard, they will miss more and yeah, you pay for that damage when it comes to arrows. Tough shit. :D

That's it. You can party up with others to xp and use their leves. Later in the game, there will be much harder leves that require a group. Crafting also increases your physical level too (which is proving to be very important). Quests and such? They won't be getting the job done in leveling you up unless things change in the mid to endgame.

Yeah man. The whole thing about Lag effect ACC came off to me as "HEY GUYS! DIRECTION YOU'RE FACING EFFECTS CRAFTING."

Please... Let's not start that again.


You must be an idiot to think lag causes accuracy issues. Stay within the distance is the main issue u been having.




I'm 100% sure I'm going Marauder on release. I'll main Assassin if the dat files for those unreleased jobs is real.

Chris R

valenti said:
Anyone know if we can keep the open beta files for isntalling the retail? Or do we have to delete them :(
You should have a pretty recent copy of the game on DVD though so you won't have to redownload the bulk of the client, just whatever they patch between pressing and launch.
Thorhald said:
Getting back on track with a real question:

Being spoiled with WoW where there are quests that take you from lvl 1 to 80 ... in FFXIV, once you do your daily leve's [which is only a few at low level], do you just grind on mobs at that point to level up or is there something else i'm missing?
You're missing the fact that if you group with other people, you can keep doing Leve's. You are only limited at the number of Leve's that you personally start (and of course as a group you can go after higher-difficulties, which gets you better rewards).
Dreamwriter said:
You're missing the fact that if you group with other people, you can keep doing Leve's. You are only limited at the number of Leve's that you personally start (and of course as a group you can go after higher-difficulties, which gets you better rewards).

I had a friend playing solo today, and when he did his leve he chose higher difficulties, yet he still completed them. What gives with that?


LivetoFollow said:
I had a friend playing solo today, and when he did his leve he chose higher difficulties, yet he still completed them. What gives with that?

Balls of steel! :lol

Actually most leves are easy at a variety of ranges. I can do level 20 leves on my Marauder at LV17, and have been since I hit 15 or so with it.

I was also able to boost Level 10 leves up to 3 star difficulty for my pugilist and solo them.

I'm actually having a hard time figuring out why anyone WOULD want to group up for leves with how they are right now. I get all the monsters to myself + more exp per mob if I go it alone, but with people I'd have to share the experience.

The FFXI method of exp on monsters was much better. Everyone in the party got X amount once the monster was defeated, but here you get more experience as a melee class if you were doing more damage/hitting monster more. Also there is a real lack of consistency on experience even if you are grinding in FF14. I can fight a blue con puk let's say, and sometimes I get 300 exp or sometimes I'll get 50, but the fight was JUST as hard both times. The game needs to change the exp system to if you fight X mob, at Y level, you get Z experience points. The randomness now is idiotic.

Oh and another thing worth complaining about is the idiot who designed 90% of the monsters in this game to come sit next to you and watch you fight a different monster. This is HORRIBLE if you are a marauder, because almost all of your weapon skills are some form of AoE. It's like trying to fight with both hands tied behind your back as my level 18 marauder right now around Limsa. Those stupid goats always come in packs of 2+ to watch the fight hindering me from using my TP. I try to reposition myself and it won't work.

They need to fix that ASAP.
Just my luck... ordered the CE edition on amazon and it's release on 22nd. I'm moving to Hong Kong at 1am on the 22nd. ;___;

What are the chances of me getting it on the 21?

wishful thinking
Yes, the party XP and SP system is horribly broken. It's much faster to solo than party if all you want is XP and SP.

The new patch really, really smoothed things out in the client. It used to hitch and pause constantly when loading people in memory, now it's very smooth and much more playable. They need to add hardware mouse but other than that they have really ironed out one of the biggest technical issues bugging me. I haven't crashed at all today, though I've spent all my time in Limsa where I rarely crashed, for some reason the client always crashed a lot on me when I was in Ul'dah region.
50/50 on getting this at the moment, GAF guild will be the swinger.

What server will it be on? And what character is need the most? I prefer tank/healer, but I'm tempted by the crafting side!

Romana Kilchkov - Lindblum
Nurblik Kilchkov - Lindblum


Kintaro said:
That's it. You can party up with others to xp and use their leves. Later in the game, there will be much harder leves that require a group. Crafting also increases your physical level too (which is proving to be very important). Quests and such? They won't be getting the job done in leveling you up unless things change in the mid to endgame.
So has Square confirmed that there won't be any HNMs or anything at max level? I guess spawn camping isn't exactly casual friendly, but it'd be better then nothing.


Worships the porcelain goddess
notworksafe said:
So has Square confirmed that there won't be any HNMs or anything at max level? I guess spawn camping isn't exactly casual friendly, but it'd be better then nothing.

I'm sure they will be come into play during bigger mainline quests, battleleves and factionleves. Maybe even randoms? Who knows. Forget HNMs, the LS just needs to worry about equipping ourselves with good weapons, armor and food. :lol


god i hope there's no more time spawned HNMs at all
make them all leve-spawned so no LS can monopolize them
but seeing as SE are modeling this game after the early days of FFXI
i wouldn't be surprised if they were to add them


notworksafe said:
So has Square confirmed that there won't be any HNMs or anything at max level? I guess spawn camping isn't exactly casual friendly, but it'd be better then nothing.

The did say last year that they won't forget the "hardcore" gamers and keep some of the HNM open world system but with viable alternatives for the casual, don't ask me for sources, just google last year's interviews.

Of course last year there wasn't supposed to be any levels for the characters, or stats for the races, but I see having a King Behemoth or Tiamat spawn around in a timed basis on some high level area, while having some Kaizer Behemoth and Ouryu for the "casuals".


Anyone having a problem with the latest update?
About 1/2 way through the install phase, it quits with an error "20524"... :/

edit: nvm :lol
It was because of that hardware mouse patcher...


Londa said:
I'm 100% sure I'm going Marauder on release. I'll main Assassin if the dat files for those unreleased jobs is real.

I missed this. What were the other classes in the DAT files?


Time to upgrade my video card. I'm oriented to nvidia card (i know ati are almost better for some aspects) but not the over-the-top one. Some suggestions?


Anyone know where to get the canvas cloth material? I need to make myself some gear, just don't know where to get the raw materials.


Munba said:
Time to upgrade my video card. I'm oriented to nvidia card (i know ati are almost better for some aspects) but not the over-the-top one. Some suggestions?

I'm kind of in the same situation at the moment. I'm running a Core 2 Duo and 4 gig of RAM with an 8600 GT with I think 256 mb.

I can play the game.... Its just not pretty framrate wise and just overall performance wise. Textures and resolution are fine. I can do anything in the game but there are delays.

Im still hoping retail will show improved performance to everyone but Im not being unrealistic to think my imperformance will improve greatly.

What I'm wondering is, and please dont suggest a GTX 460 as that seems high end and would require CPU and power supply upgrades as well, can I get a 9800 GT for example and expect significant performance increase or would it be more effective to upgrade CPU now and vid card down the road?

Keep in mind I dont need max res 100 FPS to be happy. I would just like a cost effective upgrade.
For those wondering what video card to upgrade to, this is a great upgrade chart - any upgrade less than three tiers generally isn't worth it.

zlatko said:
Oh and another thing worth complaining about is the idiot who designed 90% of the monsters in this game to come sit next to you and watch you fight a different monster. This is HORRIBLE if you are a marauder, because almost all of your weapon skills are some form of AoE. It's like trying to fight with both hands tied behind your back as my level 18 marauder right now around Limsa. Those stupid goats always come in packs of 2+ to watch the fight hindering me from using my TP. I try to reposition myself and it won't work.

They need to fix that ASAP.
I dunno, it makes up for the fact that so few creatures actually aggro. That's my biggest beef with the game so far, the lack of aggro. You have to go *way* out of the way to find something that will attack you first, while in FFXI there were aggro monsters just outside the total newbie zones. I mean, you can run from one of the main towns to another, through level 20 areas, and never worry about anything. That's just boring.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Londa said:
How did you get the buffalo leather strap??? Urg I want this :(

Easy. The mats for making this was rewards for Leatherworking Localleves. You need the skill to make them.

Dreamwriter said:
I dunno, it makes up for the fact that so few creatures actually aggro. That's my biggest beef with the game so far, the lack of aggro. You have to go *way* out of the way to find something that will attack you first, while in FFXI there were aggro monsters just outside the total newbie zones. I mean, you can run from one of the main towns to another, through level 20 areas, and never worry about anything. That's just boring.

When you venture away from the roads, to the more out of the way camps...you'll find your aggro mobs.


Dreamwriter said:
I dunno, it makes up for the fact that so few creatures actually aggro. That's my biggest beef with the game so far, the lack of aggro. You have to go *way* out of the way to find something that will attack you first, while in FFXI there were aggro monsters just outside the total newbie zones. I mean, you can run from one of the main towns to another, through level 20 areas, and never worry about anything. That's just boring.

Thats fine IMO, there is a lot more aggro in Coerthas and pretty much every monster in Mor Dhona aggros.

Those antling diggers will one shot you no problem going from Ul'dah to Gridania, we don't know if the mob placement is final either, where are the goblins :p ?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
So for the GAF linkshell it seems more and more obvious that the best way to get ourselves organized is to have designated armorers and weapon suppliers. Not to say it should be free, but members that we can approach "oh hey, can you make me this weapon and Ill hook you up" etc

After a while looking for the next bow in the market wards, I was waiting to heal out on the field and some random dude next to a goat had a rank 8 bow for sale :lol So that worked out.


Raging Spaniard said:
So for the GAF linkshell it seems more and more obvious that the best way to get ourselves organized is to have designated armorers and weapon suppliers. Not to say it should be free, but members that we can approach "oh hey, can you make me this weapon and Ill hook you up" etc

After a while looking for the next bow in the market wards, I was waiting to heal out on the field and some random dude next to a goat had a rank 8 bow for sale :lol So that worked out.

Rank 8 bow can be bought in gridania for 14k btw.

Deffinately agree with what you are saying though, think we need to make a list of people who are willing to craft.

Add ya name to this list.
Jinko Jinko - Mining - Alchemy - Armorer


Has anyone else noticed the updater working flawlessly now? Now I just have to work out why character models occasionally flicker out of position... This never used to happen before open beta, but now I get this weird glitch. Honestly it's not such a big problem, but it's distracting when it happens in a cut scene.

Edit: Oh, I can't even get into the character select screen now. I get an error. Oh dear...


Ronok said:
Has anyone else noticed the updater working flawlessly now? Now I just have to work out why character models occasionally flicker out of position... This never used to happen before open beta, but now I get this weird glitch. Honestly it's not such a big problem, but it's distracting when it happens in a cut scene.

Edit: Oh, I can't even get into the character select screen now. I get an error. Oh dear...

Yeah, I think its fixed finally.

Also, thanks Jinko~
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