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Final Fantasy XIV Beta Discussion + Media

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Jinko said:
Are people still using this shitty excuse ? I think we are all aware of what this beta test is aiming for by now and I think SE should be thankful they have a lot of rabid and patient fans that they can dick about.

It's not an excuse, it's the reality of testing. No one is being forced to keep playing the beta. So if people don't like it and don't care enough to make it better, then that's fine, but don't act like they're entitled to something they didn't have to pay to use. Honestly, complaining about a lack of content in testing is kind of retarded and missing the point.


Jinko said:
Lag in the menu's is terrible I agree, it wasn't half as bad as this the first week of beta testing, it takes a really long time after clikcing sell/buy to get an actual screen, I expect this to get ironed out.

I duno what to say to you Londa, although there is no sense in comparing an MMO to a single player game the development process is completely different.

I'm sure SE have a shit load more leves and quests for us in release, its not really the conent thing that bugs me it the restrictions on that content.

The fact they limit us to 8 leves every 48 hours is ridiculous, part of the games selling point is the guildleves and they have basically made them a backseat in the beta test, perhaps they did this purposely, the alpha only had 2 hour cooldowns, maybe they plan to adjust them back to the way they were for release or something else, who knows.

But people complain with what they have, not with what they might have.

You believe that the beta is most/all of what they have after working on the game for 5 years? Excluding what you expect they have?


Ok pretend I never said anything because you are obviously taking my (or anyone elses) critism out of context. :lol

but don't act like they're entitled to something they didn't have to pay to use.

I see this a lot on FF14 forums, explain to me how anyone in this thread has acted in a way they feel self entitled ?

The testing works both ways, SE provide us with a free game/part of a game and we give them feed back for FREE, they are getting as much (or more) than they give to us.

Sure we aren't being made to play this but some of us are actually trying to make the game better, people are entitled to whine as much as they want when they are using their free time to do this.

Ploid 3.0

The fact they limit us to 8 leves every 48 hours is ridiculous, part of the games selling point is the guildleves and they have basically made them a backseat in the beta test, perhaps they did this purposely, the alpha only had 2 hour cooldowns, maybe they plan to adjust them back to the way they were for release or something else, who knows.

If it will be like this or worse in the final game I wouldn't be surprised. Assaults, and other activities were limited like that. 1 assault per day, or save up to 3 tickets to do 3 in one day. Dynamis and limbus, 2 per week. Oh and you want to do that 100 floor tower thing? You have to use the assault tickets for that so you have to choose between assault and nyzul tower.

I'm sure SE will have a lot of time sink nuggets in there. Too bad MMORPGs seem to be based around this stuff (from what I can tell. Only played FFXI).


So anyone online I wana smack some Goobbue and salamanders about... or at least try :lol

Edit ok maybe not they hit for 600+ :(


Neo Member
Theres very little things we're able to fight... Even once we reach the level cap these mobs will still 1 shot us.

Oh btw... Any of you guys think this is what mob placement is going to be like in the finished product? Thats something I've been a little concerned about. I'm hoping they're just sprinkling mobs here and there just to give us a taste.


As of now I am done with the beta for a few reasons.

For those that are saying it's a beta which isn't going to reflect the finished game I say to you that you are underestimating the experience some of us have with MMORPGs. It is fairly easy to make a judgment call of what the release gameplay will be like after seeing what's in the beta. I simply do not want to play a game that ignores the changes we have seen in MMORPGs the past four years, even though I use to argue things which WoW did took away the challenge I now agree that it is for the better. I do love the art direction and the music and if my premonitions are correct maybe that will be enough to keep me playing. That all being said I am still going to be playing the game come launch and I'm still excited because I can totally see how great FFXIV could be.


Honestly, I don't think leves are suppose to function like quests, at least not in terms of level progression. Maybe they are more like dailys from WoW. A controlled system that offer nice rewards but can't be exploited constantly. I fully expect to have to balance it with grinding in order to progress consistently. Maybe it's people's expectation that needs adjusting.


Half the mining and lumbering nodes are glitched, thought I would have a peaceful couple hours gathering and its turned out to quite stressfully, loads of nodes are still flashing but when you get there it says you can't log/mine anymore from this area.

Then you press the tracking ability it glitches out and you fall through the floor (countless times) which requires a game restart as no buttons/menu's work.

SE you are wasting my time now :p (oh thats right, I don't have to play this)

Edit:- on a more serious note I just checked the guildleves and they have reset.


This actually is a funny thread. It's like a battle between people who know what a beta is supposed to be and the people who just want to fellate SQE. I sorta wish that Square would actively shit on players just to see people defend them. Having old FFXI people as their testers was a bad call, and this is the result of it.

At this point any comparison between a WoW/Aion/STO/whatever beta is totally valid. The retail release comes out in less than two months and there hasn't been any proper content testing. Hell, they only managed to stabilize the servers a week ago. It's almost like SQE hasn't done this before. The fact that people can actually praise them for a product like this is mind boggling.


I haven't had the fall through floor glitch happen to me yet, but have run into mining points that have been used by other people/you cant mine from anymore.

I think they'll cut back on alot of the restriction timers (not completely on leves, since those are supposed to work into the whole casual-hardcore mix of having quick rewarding solo quest, but also difficulty settings to make them more rewarding for parties before real exp fights).

As far as enemy population, they just need to adjust how difficult the monsters are in the area, not how many there are. S-E wants to make the game focus on moblie exp, not just standing in one spot, camping. Of course to do this, and support the number of people in the area, the enemies shouldnt be so strong that even a decent party cant fight them...especially monster populations near the city. No way should I go right around the corner from the city and encounter insanely strong red monster crabs.

I think theres 3 groups: Rational testers, people who act like it has no faults whatsoever/ every decision S-E makes is the best decision, and those that act like its the worst game anyone could possibly make, with no redeeming values whatsoever. Basically two sets of over exaggerators , one set of rational testers. Not just speaking about this topic, XIV beta tester in general.


That's true. I forgot about the third group. They were the ones that made the topic on the forums that demanded the game turn into a direct WoW clone.

I suppose I'm being a bit harsh. The game is very good looking, and the battle system is much improved from the previous game. I understand the crafting is good as well, but that's never been my thing so I didn't bother to test it. However a lot of things still haven't been changed. That and the lack of proper content testing have me worried about this game. I'm actually hoping for a delay so that this game can get a good launch, not a halfway decent one.
OK I have an actual question not related to beta whining. How much weight should the S-E/Nvidia partnership have when I'm picking a video card if this is the main game I'm going to be playing? My friend recommended the ATI Radeon/sapphire 5770 which seems like a good deal ($150ish) but I figured I'd get some opinions here as well. I'm going for a midrange rig somewhere in the area of $800 or less. There any ~$200 Nvidia cards I should have my eye on?


MomoPufflet said:
OK I have an actual question not related to beta whining. How much weight should the S-E/Nvidia partnership have when I'm picking a video card if this is the main game I'm going to be playing? My friend recommended the ATI Radeon/sapphire 5770 which seems like a good deal ($150ish) but I figured I'd get some opinions here as well. I'm going for a midrange rig somewhere in the area of $800 or less. There any ~$200 Nvidia cards I should have my eye on?

I would say not a lot of weight at all really, go with what you prefer, there is no doubt in my mind though that the game will run better on an nvidia card and there will most likely be developer support for 3D vision and such.

I will probably get a Nvidia card for this reason, but the difference will be negligible in the long term especially in a year or so.


Jinko said:
Half the mining and lumbering nodes are glitched, thought I would have a peaceful couple hours gathering and its turned out to quite stressfully, loads of nodes are still flashing but when you get there it says you can't log/mine anymore from this area.
Then you press the tracking ability it glitches out and you fall through the floor (countless times) which requires a game restart as no buttons/menu's work.

SE you are wasting my time now :p (oh thats right, I don't have to play this)

Edit:- on a more serious note I just checked the guildleves and they have reset.

This happened to me, but I figured out that some of the nodes are guild leve gatherling nods. The game doesn't let anyone else use them but the guildleve starter. If they haven't gotten to the nod yet. You can not mine from it.

not towards Jinko:

some of the people in here scare me. All I have ever been saying is wait til release, THEN YOU CAN JUDGE. That doesn't make me a FFXI fangirl. I haven't even played it in 2 years.

Some of the comments in here, have actually made people change their mind in giving the game a try.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Londa said:
some of the people in here scare me. All I have ever been saying is wait til release, THEN YOU CAN JUDGE.

In general, you are absolutely correct. In terms of MMO betas to retail? You are not absolutely correct. Probably not even generally. The state of the beta when its a month away from launch will be the most telling because after that, that's your launch game in addition to a day one patch. So, SE has 23 days unless they delay.

Personally, I've canceled my CE pre-order and will wait to see who from the forum is picking up the game day one, how impressions are going and the condition of game 3 months after launch (usually, SE's first actual patch). I'll see by then. There's just too much coming down the pipeline to worry about this game in its current and launch state. Especially when I also play WoW and its expansion is looking pretty darn good as well. I have no issues playing multiple MMOs though. :D


Londa said:
This happened to me, but I figured out that some of the nodes are guild leve gatherling nods. The game doesn't let anyone else use them but the guildleve starter. If they haven't gotten to the nod yet. You can not mine from it.

not towards Jinko:

some of the people in here scare me. All I have ever been saying is wait til release, THEN YOU CAN JUDGE. That doesn't make me a FFXI fangirl. I haven't even played it in 2 years.

Some of the comments in here, have actually made people change their mind in giving the game a try.

I think what a lot of people are saying is, that in comparison to other MMOs, what is beta tested -2 months till release, is usually very indicative of the final product. It's just implausible to believe you can make that many changes in a MMO in that short of time. And when you factor in SE's track record of making changes... you can see why people are concerned.

My question to you, is why do you believe SE is the exception in this case. I'm not arguing whether or not the game is good, just your notion that the release game will be a lot different compared to what beta players are playing now.


Yeah, with less than 2 months until release (even less if you count the time it takes to manufacture the discs), I really think that launch day is going to be very bare bones and that its almost going to feel like an extension of the beta except that we are now paying for it.

Unless SE has a lot of content ready that they just have to hit a switch and release it to download in the updater, I think we are screwed. I also wouldnt doubt it if the disc we get on 9/22 is going to just contain the updater and some basic stuff and then we are forced the download another 5GB file in their shitty program...preventing us from playing right away.

Im not even in the beta but based on what Im reading and hearing, I hope they delay it just so they can have a complete launch.


Londa said:
This happened to me, but I figured out that some of the nodes are guild leve gatherling nods. The game doesn't let anyone else use them but the guildleve starter. If they haven't gotten to the nod yet. You can not mine from it.

I think you are right, since those are the red nodes used for GLs. I do have seen some of the white nodes glitch tho, just earlier I was by some cave, quarried a node twice, I had 6 more attempts left, then it moved to another wall, went next to it and then I didn't get the Quarry option anymore from the menu. Maybe logging out would have rectified the problem as they recommend that for many of the current problems, but was just finishing a combat GL so didn't bother.

some of the people in here scare me. All I have ever been saying is wait til release, THEN YOU CAN JUDGE. That doesn't make me a FFXI fangirl. I haven't even played it in 2 years.

Some of the comments in here, have actually made people change their mind in giving the game a try

I do find it funny how some people here goes from: "I cancelled my CE for SE version" and someone that said that, came back later to say "I cancelled my SE and will just wait for impressions after release", and I believe he didn't even try the beta yet.

But well, whatever. Many people here are fixated with the thought that if 100% of the content isn't beta-tested then SE is in the wrong. They just need a sample to test the general features, and I believe they have gotten enough feedback about bugs, problems, etc, this way. For the rest of the content that's why they have their internal QA for.

The real issue is not the content we are given to for test, but the pace they are working on the changes and fixes. We should be getting a big patch in around 2 weeks for the phase 3 of the beta, since basically we haven't gotten any patches at all regarding the gameplay since the start of the beta, everything has been towards servers and stability of the ATI cards.

And coming back to your comment Londa, you are right, most people should actually wait until release and that first critical month before making any decision based on some old beta build, or not even bad but on the whiny and biased comments of all the forums, blogs, etc.


MomoPufflet said:
OK I have an actual question not related to beta whining. How much weight should the S-E/Nvidia partnership have when I'm picking a video card if this is the main game I'm going to be playing? My friend recommended the ATI Radeon/sapphire 5770 which seems like a good deal ($150ish) but I figured I'd get some opinions here as well. I'm going for a midrange rig somewhere in the area of $800 or less. There any ~$200 Nvidia cards I should have my eye on?
I general I would rather recommend the GTX460 over that ATI card. Find more about the card here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=400933&page=14
Jinko said:
I would say not a lot of weight at all really, go with what you prefer, there is no doubt in my mind though that the game will run better on an nvidia card and there will most likely be developer support for 3D vision and such.

I will probably get a Nvidia card for this reason, but the difference will be negligible in the long term especially in a year or so.

I see, thanks.

desu said:
I general I would rather recommend the GTX460 over that ATI card. Find more about the card here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=400933&page=14

Oooh, this looks good. I will definitely check out this card, thanks.


Zalasta said:
It's not an excuse, it's the reality of testing. No one is being forced to keep playing the beta. So if people don't like it and don't care enough to make it better, then that's fine, but don't act like they're entitled to something they didn't have to pay to use. Honestly, complaining about a lack of content in testing is kind of retarded and missing the point.

I think you'll find that when they have more issues with content like "too many people escorting Sissipu, and the game will crash, our deepest apologies!" you'll likely eat those words.

The game lacks in it's current state both content and more importantly balance. If you think a beta, for an MMO, is only there to test stability and controls, you'd be mistaken. But hey, sit on that high horse and tell folks like me that I don't know a thing about game testing.
I think you're pretty much delusional if you think the game is going to significantly change between now and release, besides adding more zones and whatnot. I do think they are withholding from us at this point, but this is a really bad idea, given people have already found critical bugs and worse in what little content there already are now.

Less than two months, in development terms, is a VERY short period of time; at this point they should really just be doing things like fine-tuning balance and correcting UI quirks (both of which are direly needed at this point, by the way; this game's UI is easily one of the worst UIs I've ever seen in a game). The underlying mechanics of the game should be mostly set at this point. I honestly doubt we're going to see any major changes to the grind, or the combat system, or anything like that. It's fair enough to judge the full game based on what we have at this point.

If anything I'm going to wait until the PS3 release, as I'm pretty confident that unless there's a sizable delay this game isn't going to launch very well. Unfortunately I'll be knee-deep in Cataclysm at that point, so I don't think I'm going to be able to spend as much time with this game as I'd like.

It's really disappointing because I was really looking forward to this game, and enjoyed FFXI a great deal. Unfortunately from what I've seen so far this game is uninnovative, dumbed down, and feels dated and clunky.


Salaadin said:
Unless SE has a lot of content ready that they just have to hit a switch and release it to download in the updater, I think we are screwed. I also wouldnt doubt it if the disc we get on 9/22 is going to just contain the updater and some basic stuff and then we are forced the download another 5GB file in their shitty program...preventing us from playing right away.

LOL I never want to see a WotG again :S


falastini said:
I think what a lot of people are saying is, that in comparison to other MMOs, what is beta tested -2 months till release, is usually very indicative of the final product. It's just implausible to believe you can make that many changes in a MMO in that short of time. And when you factor in SE's track record of making changes... you can see why people are concerned.

My question to you, is why do you believe SE is the exception in this case. I'm not arguing whether or not the game is good, just your notion that the release game will be a lot different compared to what beta players are playing now.

One reason why I believe the beta isn't even the final product because of how the alpha went. Look at how they changed the game play. Do you really think they pull that out of their asses that quick before E3? As slow as SE goes in making their games I believe in alpha they gave us a battle system that was closer to FFXI. To ease players in and not give away the suprize at E3. Then when it was shown in E3 they claimed they listened to the testers but I can't see how they changed almost everything in such a short time. We haven't even been in testing from alpha 1- beta 2 for very long. SE knows how to hold back info and surpress leaks.

edit: why are people comparing WOW EXPANSION beta to FFXIV beta that is a game being made from the ground up on a whole new game engine with the crystal tools? An EXPANSION is a addition to a game that was already release. A new game is not going to have the glitch free, content full experience that a game + an expansion will have.

For the boring complant:
Since people want to compare games, all three of the games listed (Aion, WoW, the other game) are grind feast too, so why are you bored with grinding in a MMO. Isn't that the base of all MMO's?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Londa said:
edit: why are people comparing WOW EXPANSION beta to FFXIV beta that is a game being made from the ground up on a whole new game engine with the crystal tools? An EXPANSION is a addition to a game that was already release. A new game is not going to have the glitch free, content full experience that a game + an expansion will have.

Uh, to be fair, Cataclysm, while working with an establish base, is basically blowing up the entire old world 1-60, then providing content for 80+ It's not quite as simple of an expansion as you make it out to be.

If Tanaka is to be believed, they have been working on FF XIV for five years. In five years, this is what they have to show? It's only natural some would feel a bit underwhelmed up to this point. Especially since they ripped every race from FFXI and mobs from the game and gave them a spit shine.


Londa said:
For the boring complant:
Since people want to compare games, all three of the games listed (Aion, WoW, the other game) are grind feast too, so why are you bored with grinding in a MMO. Isn't that the base of all MMO's?

Because quest grinding is almost like not grinding at all, monster grinding is very out dated and can become extremely boring.

I was hoping that guildleves were going to be similar to WoW quest, of course they aren't because 1 you don't get XP from the actual completion of the leve and they are repeatable.

Of course there are ways that they could work around this like.

First time completed you get money and an item
second time money
Third + you just get to perform the instanced fight so still gaining XP.
Londa said:
edit: why are people comparing WOW EXPANSION beta to FFXIV beta that is a game being made from the ground up on a whole new game engine with the crystal tools? An EXPANSION is a addition to a game that was already release. A new game is not going to have the glitch free, content full experience that a game + an expansion will have.

Ok, then. World of Warcraft's original public stress test, approximately a 8 months from release (if I recall), had far more content and was much more polished than this game is 2 months from release. What we're saying is that this game is empty even for a new MMO release.

Londa said:
For the boring complant:
Since people want to compare games, all three of the games listed (Aion, WoW, the other game) are grind feast too, so why are you bored with grinding in a MMO. Isn't that the base of all MMO's?

WoW's grind is completely different - you're always going new places and doing new things during your grind. You level up fast enough to have new abilities to play with during this time. Contrast this with FFXI and FFXIV, where you're just killing the same Crab or Roseling over and over again.


Mister Zimbu said:
Ok, then. World of Warcraft's original public stress test, approximately a 8 months from release (if I recall), had far more content and was much more polished than this game is 2 months from release. What we're saying is that this game is empty even for a new MMO release.

WoW's grind is completely different - you're always going new places and doing new things during your grind. You level up fast enough to have new abilities to play with during this time. Contrast this with FFXI and FFXIV, where you're just killing the same Crab or Roseling over and over again.

I mostly agree with your points but the public stress test was most certainly not eight months prior to release. Closed beta, however, ran for a very long time before they announced a release.


I don't take issues with the lack of content in the beta, it's mostly the interface and gameplay mechanics. So I guess I'm really screwed because that is something that most likely doesn't get fixed quickly.

Chris R

Are all of the complaints for this part of the beta really just related to content??? If there was 10x the content in the game right now, just in that zone (imagine that there are other zones as well, but you are only playing in this zone) would the game be 100% complete and ready to go? I was under the impression that there were BIGGER issues than a lack of testable content.
LaneDS said:
I mostly agree with your points but the public stress test was most certainly not eight months prior to release. Closed beta, however, ran for a very long time before they announced a release.

I'm referring to the first public stress test that ran for about a week... I wanna say it was in March or April (the game released in November), but I could be mistaken.

A quick Google Search gives me a press release in July (though that might be from the second stress test).

rhfb said:
Are all of the complaints for this part of the beta really just related to content??? If there was 10x the content in the game right now, just in that zone (imagine that there are other zones as well, but you are only playing in this zone) would the game be 100% complete and ready to go? I was under the impression that there were BIGGER issues than a lack of testable content.

It's part of it. My key complaints are actually mostly regarding the UI (yes I've voiced most of these to SE on the forums :)):

Off the top of my head:

  • Lack of alot of content. This is definitely not the full game (once city and it looks like just one zone outside of it). But...
  • There isn't a whole lot to do, and I'm guessing in the one city that is open, they pretty much have most of the meat of the game in there. They may add some quests here and there, but most of your time will still be spent grinding the same mob over and over again, waiting to level so you can do it again. To compare with FFXI, this game really only has "Missions" implemented - there are literally no sidequests to do besides doing the same meaningless levequest fillers over and over. All and all, the game feels very empty.
  • The entire interface is laggy. There's a significant delay between doing anything and getting feedback when navigating in any menu. It also takes upwards of 10-20 seconds to open an NPC vendor window.
  • The interface itself is confusing and cluttered. The equipment window is a random scattering of boxes. The action assignment window is overcomplicated.
  • There's confirmation boxes EVERYWHERE. "Do you want to equip this item?" "Are you sure you want to sell this?", etc. etc. It takes somewhere along the lines of 5-10 clicks to accept a levequest. In general, everything requires too many clicks and too many window transitions to do anything. When you combine it with the interface lag it's extremely clunky and slow.
  • Squeenix still keeps making up words. I hate it. "Levequest"? That's fucking stupid.
  • One could argue that the combat is pretty dumbed down. Every spell is an AOE - no targeting required. YET--
  • The targeting system is still required and targeting still sucks. To cast "Cure" on yourself, you have to deselect the mob you're fighting, then select yourself, then click "Cure", then select yourself again (and then resume fighting by deselecting yourself, selecting the mob again, casting "Fire", then re-targeting the mob).
  • My previous caster vs. melee balance complaints - there is no mana regen component early in the game - caster have to run back to town to refill their MP (whereas melee can just sit still to regen HP when needed). To level up your character, you actually have to use offensive abilities on enemy mobs. Because the amount (seems to be) based entirely on how much damage you actually do, melee can just spam a big attack over and over without penalty to get massive amounts of experience, compared to casters who have to use spells with cast times and MP costs to get comparable amounts. One example from a few days ago; I was grouping with a melee and I was soloing down a blue or green mob when he was AFK. I was OOM (because that's what Conjurers do), so I could only spam my spirit dart (low damage melee) attack. I soloed the mob down from 100% to 5%. My partner came back at that point. Swung once and killed the mob. He got as much skill points for that one swing, as I did in getting the mob from 100% to 5%.

Granted, alot of the UI stuff is fixable, so I'm optimistic that in that regard the game will still be playable and more streamlined near the end. Still, the complete lack of content is disheartening, and there are still severe balance issues.

In the end, you're more than likely going to be doing the same thing as you were in FFXI - just killing the same crab over and over again.


FFXIV Core just got a new article in.

I think this quote will lessen the amount of frustration I'm seeing in here...

So we’ve finally moved into phase 2 of beta testing. The focus will be adjusting things server-side as well as optimizing the game for various graphics cards. You can look for overhauls in the game system in the upcoming phase 3.

Bold part are for those complaining about content and no updates. FYI SE already said Beta 3 will start early August.


Londa said:
Bold part are for those complaining about content and no updates. FYI SE already said Beta 3 will start early August.

Thats good news. Lets hope it gives everyone (myself included) some faith in that 9/22 release date.


notworksafe said:
That's true. I forgot about the third group. They were the ones that made the topic on the forums that demanded the game turn into a direct WoW clone.

I suppose I'm being a bit harsh. The game is very good looking, and the battle system is much improved from the previous game. I understand the crafting is good as well, but that's never been my thing so I didn't bother to test it. However a lot of things still haven't been changed. That and the lack of proper content testing have me worried about this game. I'm actually hoping for a delay so that this game can get a good launch, not a halfway decent one.
I don't get why anyone would want yet another wow style game, it's not that wow is horrid, it just it seems like plenty of games exist in that style, and of course wow has plenty of people to play with still.

I would be lying if I said the facts that this is such a short beta, comments about the beta so far, and release is very close doesn't has me concerned with it's launch. I think this is the sort of product that is almost fail proof, a lot of people will play it regardless. I do think SE will be missing a chance to really expand user base form the first and make more money if they release a game that is not really ready. It could still all come together in time, but I hope if it isn't going too they delay release rather then extend beta to a pay for phase.


Londa said:
Bold part are for those complaining about content and no updates. FYI SE already said Beta 3 will start early August.

Haven't seen that article but it's probably from Komoto's letter in the beta site:

Also the development is operating at full steam to add more new features, make a number of adjustments and address various issues and server load problems, so that the next phase of beta test (Beta 3) can begin somewhere between early and mid-August. With all the feedback provided on the forums and elsewhere, we are doing our very best to make sure that as many of your opinions as possible are heard. Please look forward to Beta 3!

That's why I was saying before that we'll get a big patch fixing and changing many things in around 2 weeks.


I don't think you can make an online game about walking forward and watching anime.

That said, I'm not even adverse to grinding if the combat is good enough to support that specific style, I just don't want it in the classical method. They have cool systems in place to completely deter this so I dont even know why it has to be a problem. The quest system seems like a nice, unique blend of traditional and more Japanese fare like Monster Hunter.


But you can make a game that requires no grinding, with no dificulty at all, with auto-respawn before the previous battle where you died, with a fighting system that does everything for you, etc.


Khrno said:
That's why I was saying before that we'll get a big patch fixing and changing many things in around 2 weeks.

Lets hope there will be significant changes! If its not fixed to some kind of playability by mid august, then I lost all my hope.


I think I'm finally tired of making fun of Final Fantasy XIII, it's like playing "stop hitting yourself" with an opponent that doesn't struggle.


Jinko said:
Laugh all you want, but a monster grinder is not what I expect from an mmo in 2010.



desu said:
Lets hope there will be significant changes! If its not fixed to some kind of playability by mid august, then I lost all my hope.

That's true, if they don't get right the combat, ui and controls by then, it'll turn out to be what many people here are expecting for launch.

Alex said:
I think I'm finally tired of making fun of Final Fantasy XIII, it's like playing "stop hitting yourself" with an opponent that doesn't struggle.



Coldsnap said:
I don't take issues with the lack of content in the beta, it's mostly the interface and gameplay mechanics. So I guess I'm really screwed because that is something that most likely doesn't get fixed quickly.

Well they've still got one more phase, which i guess will implement alot of different things. It seems they've always got one build ahead of the one currently out...and i'd expect a decent sized day 1 patch both for collectors editions and of course for standard.

Also I bet most keyboard/mouse config problems will be alleviated once we have the full config menu to work with.
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