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Final Fantasy XIV Beta Discussion + Media

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nataku said:
Seems to have worked. Guess it doesn't like me having my shadow settings at highest. The download speed fluctuates so much.... anywhere between 4Kb/s and 200Kb/s. Better than the 400 bytes/s it was going at before I did the port forwarding, but still. I wish I could at least disable the music the stupid thing plays.

Just minimize it, either that or just download the stuff from Gromph's link for now.


Londa said:
Never did I say that was a WoW only control. I like how people insist on putting words in my mouth while you all get butt hurt that you can do the same thing you do in WoW. I'm talking about keyboard and mouse controls and how people want crafting in WoW to be in FFXIV. There are many more examples of you guys crying over not having what you are so use to having in a game unrelated to FF.
Same moronic argument always from the SQE peanut gallery. I guess since it's FF it can break the rules of every PC game? Maybe it should not allow keyboard/mouse at all! Maybe it should disable access to the internet while in use. That'll stop those casual noobs that insist on looking recipes up! Quite shocking how people could dare to ask for a game to not insist on being blatantly obtuse without adding any intrinsic value!


Probably a long shot, but if more people post about the ideal keyboard config OR just letting players customize keyboard/mouse controls similar to gamepad config screen, maybe S-E will implement it.

It's worked for everything else, but I dont think anyone has spelled it out for them.

EDIT: On the feedback forums I mean.


Targeting system could use some work. Going from mob target to self or party is a bit rough. Wouldn't F1 be self target in a party?


Teknoman said:
Probably a long shot, but if more people post about the ideal keyboard config OR just letting players customize keyboard/mouse controls similar to gamepad config screen, maybe S-E will implement it.

It's worked for everything else, but I dont think anyone has spelled it out for them.

1)Hardware mouse (should be top priority everything else is just icing)
2)Left + Right mouse moves camera/player at sametime like in most games (half way there with the right click for camera they implemented)
3)Keyboard bind whatever to whatever

Chris R

Kintaro said:
If over-tedious, esoteric vague game design is your idea of "challenge" then so be it. But keep on overgeneralizing other MMOs to shoehorn your point. Having to go online to get a list of recipes I can craft for my skill level is not a challenge. It's archaic. Instead, about about the player automatically learns the list in a recipe book that updated every time you gain a rank? Then the challenge is mastering the goofy crafting system along with gathering the materials? It takes a stupid step out of the way, making it simpler, yet the "challenge" remains.

How about a simple system where the game remembers your last complete set of skill points for a given weapon? That way, you don't need to stop, assign skills to your bar every time you want to switch from, say... miner to marauder?

How about a guild leves system where you can pick up the same leves at that specific camp...instead of running back to Limsa to pick them back up once again? Or something basic such as not causing leves to fail if you lag out or crash? That part of the challenge? Or, maybe having leves that do drop equipment...drop the right kind of equipment for the class you're doing the leve on? Too easy mode?

How about tutorials that accurately describes each process of the crafting process? Or, better yet, show you via a cutscene or even a video (like in Aion...wait, that was "easy mode").

How about responsive controls? Is that part of the "challenge?"

I can go on and on...
I fucking agree with everything in this post. Game is still in beta, but if SE hasn't "learned" that things have gotten much better in MMO land the game will only appeal to a very niche market (who knows, maybe they are just hoping to get most of the FFXI vets to move over to FFXIV instead of pushing to make their game appeal to a larger number of people, increasing their profit???)


leveloring is teh hardkore

Seriously, I love being scolded by hysterical people on what FF Online is as a multi-year FFXI veteran.


Just getting started right now. I've tried to avoid learning too much about this game to lessen my anticipation. Checking out a Thaum, I'm assuming he can be a healer? Was hoping for a RDMey job in XIV but I'm keeping an open mind.


-Red_Mage- said:
Just getting started right now. I've tried to avoid learning too much about this game to lessen my anticipation. Checking out a Thaum, I'm assuming he can be a healer? Was hoping for a RDMey job in XIV but I'm keeping an open mind.
After ranking up a class you can use pretty much any ability earned with any other class, just buy a weapon for whatever class you want to play.

individual class rank = abilities
physical level = more stat points for you to allocate

#1 tip: if you can't figure out how to interact with something open the menu (home or - on numpad)


Just some general settings questions:
I currently at Full Screen, 1920x1080, 4xMSAA, Resolution, Shadows High, Tecture High, Texture Filtering Highest. Ambient Occ and DoF are turned off.

Does any of the above stand out as performance killers to anyone? Im smooth as butter outside but I sometimes in town I quickly drop to 15-20 FPS before catching back up to 30. This usually happens near shops where a lot of gathered. Will adjusting my graphics settings even help much with this?

It rarely happens but my concern is for the final release when theres more people and auction houses and stuff like that. It might end up being worse. Its kinda dissapointing because I really thought an i5 750, Radeon HD5850, and 4GBs of ram would own this game.

I doubt SE is optimizing the graphics anymore.


Worships the porcelain goddess
For all the shit I give SE about this game right now (all of which is deserved), I want to see them do well. However, it's frustrating as FUCK to see them do shit that just boggles the mind.

I already love my Galka (ITS A GALKA, FUCK THE NEW NAMES) but I have no problems dropping my pre-order.


As much as I bitch, I'm planning on keeping my preorder. I need something to keep me busy until Cataclysm so this will do just fine...at least for the free month.


notworksafe said:
As much as I bitch, I'm planning on keeping my preorder. I need something to keep me busy until Cataclysm so this will do just fine...at least for the free month.

I'm sorta starting to feel the same way, however I'm starting up school and since FFXIV isn't too raid heavy when it comes to end game, XIV is more ideal for my play time. Time will tell.


I too plan on sticking with it, maybe a little longer than you guys :lol

EVE - 4 years of fun the game really lost its fun when drama broke up my Corp.
Cataclysm beta - been there done that, I'll probably pick up retail eventually. I really hate the overall direction blizz is going in general with the game, but I love the world they have created.
Every other MMO I was really into was driven into the ground by SOE =/


Valru said:
please explain to me how this works?

you want him to close the window without exiting the game, that would be minimizing :lol

minimzing(or alt-tabbing) in fullscreen mode crashes the game & playing in windowed mode reduces performance...

When......... I........... said......... that........... I............ was........... talking....... about.......... playing......... in ....... window........... mode.......... because .......I...........play.........in...........window.........mode....... so......... that........... is........ why....... I(keyword "I")........ close..... /...... minimize.......... the..... game...... window........

Had to break it down for you.

I don't really care or know what he does. Just saying there is a solution in window mode.

Jinko: oh I do? ok, if you say I do.


Its like you have a blind hate for anything I say that doesn't go along with most of the people who are waiting for Cata, who also want features from Cata on FFXIV. Not everyone will want "mainstream everyone one does it in all MMO of 2010" features. I like different things not the same copied bull crud I can get if I buy this or that game. I and others that feel that way shouldn't feel bad for not wanting it either.

Don't call me a moron. Because if you really want to get down to it. You are a moron for arguing with someone you think is a moron. I don't call any of you guys names and you need to stop the personal attacks on me.

Kintaro: you said you dropped (or want to drop) your preorder like 2 times before. No one will be surprise if you do it once more. :D


Mister Zimbu said:
Honestly, I think we all want this game to succeed. Blindly defending every shitty point of the game with downright insane justifications like the alt-tab thing and how usable UIs make the game easy mode and cater to casuals isn't going to make the game actually better.

I'd like you to go through my post and find where I said that.

If you aren't talking about me then ignore this.
Londa said:
When......... I........... said......... that........... I............ was........... talking....... about.......... playing......... in ....... window........... mode.......... because .......I...........play.........in...........window.........mode....... so......... that........... is........ why....... I(keyword "I")........ close..... /...... minimize.......... the..... game...... window........

Had to break it down for you.

I don't really care or know what he does. Just saying there is a solution in window mode.

Jinko: oh I do? ok, if you say I do.

Did you know that closing and minimizing are two completely different things? Closing the window means you would be shutting the game down. Minimizing it means you're minimizing it to the taskbar.

Londa, I'm with you in that I'm not really a fan of people going around saying certain things are "today's standards" when really they're just player preferences, but arguing back and forth on that matter doesn't get anyone anywhere. I never found FFXI difficult to figure out, but I admit that when I started playing it I had a lot of time on my hands, and I'm generally more patient/more willing to invest into something than any of my friends.

FFXI was and still is a great game, and both sides are overblowing this whole "FFXI was full of awful problems and was unplayable"/ "no you just want easy mode" crap. In some cases I agree with you, and in some cases I think things could be a little more "intuitive." (more on this little gem of a word later)

But honestly it took me about an hour, if that, with fishing to really figure out how it works. The fishing tutorial was just helpful enough to get a vague idea, and then the player has to explore the mechanics to figure out how to be really successful at it. I like this, and I hope it stays this way. It will result in a lot of people saying "this game sucks" but then that just means the game was never going to be for them. If they want a game that holds their hand, then there are games for that.

People like to throw around the word "intuitive" in the context of video games all the time these days, and most of the time I think its misplaced. Intuitive doesn't mean giving the player an arrow showing them where to go for a quest (which is, incidentally, one of my biggest issues with the guildleve system, but I'm not gonna suggest they do it differently since I'd be crucified) or showing the player exactly how to be most successful at a craft/gathering job. The player goes into any given task with a set of tools and a knowledge (which will increase dramatically over time played, mind you; one of the beautiful things about MMOs that impatient gamers don't understand) of basic gameplay mechanics and has to use his/her mind to figure it out. If the player wants, he/she can look up a guide for just about anything out of game on the web, but I actually prefer it that way, because oftentimes I get tons of enjoyment from figuring it out myself.

"Intuitive" also has nothing to do with giving a complete craft recipe book right there in-game. That's hand-holding, not intuitive. Intuitive would be that the game follows a certain consistent logic for crafting different items, and the in-game NPCs will give you recipes and hint at other recipes, so the player can use his/her mind to figure out how to make stuff. Then maybe give the player a recipe journal that automatically records recipes the player has successfully crafted.

When you obsess over "intuitive" then you start making the game far too transparent. That's one of my biggest issues with a lot of games these days. If I want to get something done in a game, I want to spend some time figuring it out so I feel I've accomplished something. It's like when you get to a puzzle in a Zelda dungeon and (an offender in recent titles in the series) the game pans a camera around and gives you text saying "OH HEY JUST DO THIS TO WIN LOL." This pissed me off so many times in Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, and honestly it's no different in my mind from an MMO that streamlines everything for the player so they the player is just mechanically performing actions dictated by the game's "intuitive" (hand-holding) systems. It just leaves me feeling like "why am I doing any of this?"

So I started out trying to mediate, but I ended up leaning more towards Londa's views. :lol Oh well. Kintaro does offer a few great points on things that could be improved. I mean, something like a system that remembers your equipped skills/skill points when you change jobs just makes sense. If they don't implement something like this then it's a step back from FFXI. Here, there's nothing to figure out. Just mechanical crap to bog the player down every time he/she switches jobs. I don't see how that's fun or challenging for anyone.

There are different types of games out there for different types of people. FFXI was by no means a commercial or critical failure, so people saying it made mistakes are just voicing their preferences really. Same with people like me who don't care for a lot of what, say, WoW does. Neither game is bad. At the end of the day, SE will do what they want. If the game ends up being something you don't care for, then that's how it is. No use going around telling people they like shitty game mechanics, or that they want "easy mode." That just sparks meaningless conflict over a trivial subject.


Worships the porcelain goddess
HappyBivouac said:
"Intuitive" also has nothing to do with giving a complete craft recipe book right there in-game. That's hand-holding, not intuitive. Intuitive would be that the game follows a certain consistent logic for crafting different items, and the in-game NPCs will give you recipes and hint at other recipes, so the player can use his/her mind to figure out how to make stuff. Then maybe give the player a recipe journal that automatically records recipes the player has successfully crafted.

Intuitive means natural. When applied to games, it means its a mechanic that a player can naturally pick up and use. Then practice to master. A recipe book is hand holding? GTFO with that. Yes, master chefs around the world got their "hand held." No, they were taught how to perform the tasks naturally then left to perform and master it. They all also had cookbooks and recipes. This concept doesn't mean any different in games.

If the game went out of its way to get the bullshit out of the way of its systems, then taught the player correctly, and still didn't like it? Yesh, it's not the game for them. But if the game piles bullshit on top of its systems, then fails to properly teach a player its systems? That is the games fault and never the players fault.

BTW "hand holding" is a term that is complete bullshit.


HappyBivouac said:
"Intuitive" also has nothing to do with giving a complete craft recipe book right there in-game. That's hand-holding, not intuitive. Intuitive would be that the game follows a certain consistent logic for crafting different items, and the in-game NPCs will give you recipes and hint at other recipes, so the player can use his/her mind to figure out how to make stuff. Then maybe give the player a recipe journal that automatically records recipes the player has successfully crafted.

Even the best chefs in the world have cookbooks and recipes at their disposal. A recipe book in an MMO is by no means hand-holding because the only thing that it serves to do is to remove the "go look it up" step of doing the process.

Consistent logic doesn't exist in MMO crafting, it didn't exist in FFXI and it won't exist in FFXIV beyond the most vague of ideas. That's why you have NPCs telling you the recipe to craft something in every MMO there is. That's no different than giving the recipes to the player from the get go other than it's a lot more frustrating.
For some people, putting their mind to figuring out how the system itself works is enjoyable. Not everything in games has to be "Okay, here's how everything works. Now accomplish tasks within this system." Call me crazy or whatever, but I enjoy a "Here's a few vague hints at how stuff works, now test the waters and use your head to figure out how to make it work best" approach. The crafting and gathering systems are already intuitive in their mechanical operation. The player simply must figure out how to get the best results out of it. Myself and a lot of players like this, and you don't. That's okay. Who knows; it could very likely change completely by release.

"Hand holding" itself is not a bullshit term. It refers to when a game crosses the line of when and how much a player wants to be told how to do something, or helped with something, or given hints. Different players place this line at different points. What I see as hand-holding, you may not. I'm simply voicing my own preferences. All I'm asking is that people stop saying "your opinions suck" back and forth, and stop positing that certain gameplay design decisions are "standards" when they're really just preferences. They may be the most common preference among players of the genre, but there is a market of people out there with the opposite preference. Find the game you like best, and play it. :/

EDIT: To be perfectly honest, I'm indifferent about crafting recipe lists in-game. I think it could be a nice feature, because as you said, if there isn't one I'll just end up looking stuff up elsewhere. I don't mind either way. I just don't think it's a matter of intuitiveness. It's a matter of streamlining, which I could get behind in this case. I retract my use of the term "hand holding" in that paragraph.


I wish crafting was a little more forgiving. Having gone through the Goldmine quests. A shame we can't redo the quests that we fail (unless that can be accomplished after the 2 day cool down). Only thing now I'm having a hard time finding is the tools for the gathering classes. Mining and whatever it is I need to get items for weaving.
Fishing could also be a little more forgiving, at least on low-level fish. Even after I figured out how to fish reasonably well, it was still very much a luck-based race against time trying to do a couple of the fishing leves.


Worships the porcelain goddess
HappyBivouac said:
"Hand holding" itself is not a bullshit term. It refers to when a game crosses the line of what a player wants to be told how to do something, or helped with something, or given hints. Different players place this line at different points. What I see as hand-holding, you may not. I'm simply voicing my own preferences. All I'm asking is that people stop saying "your opinions suck" back and forth, and stop positing that certain gameplay design decisions are "standards" when they're really just preferences. They may be the most common preference among players of the genre, but there is a market of people out there with the opposite preference. Find the game you like best, and play it. :/

So tell me then. Did you ever read a guide for FFXI? Any of them? On any mission or quest? How to create mythic/dynamis weapons?
Of course I did, but not all the time. I did tons of quests and missions without looking up a guide, and it was a lot of fun. I figured out how to play my jobs without looking up guides, and I think I did a pretty good job of it. Never did mythic/relic weapons.

I think what a lot of players want from an MMO is to just get the levels and the gear they want, and any thinking or reading or figuring things out just seems like an unnecessary obstacle to those goals. I'm not saying that's wrong, but I'm saying there are other ways of doing things. I played FFXI for 6 years and only got 2 jobs to 75, never got to rank 10 in any nation, and never completed any expansions other than zilart. I barely took part in endgame stuff. Most of my enjoyment in the game came from hanging out with friends, helping them with stuff, and doing random quests around the world, often without a guide. That's just how I like to play. I didn't feel any need to rush things, and so the game never really tested my patience.


anyone know how i can set the camera/movement to the analog sticks on ps3 controller?
all the other buttons registered fine
just not the analog ones ; ;
what am i doing wrong?


HappyBivouac you argument is kind of like saying you would rather go get water out of a well than turn a tap on.

Sure we can all search the internet for whatever it is we need, but whats the point ? when they can add those details in game.

Here's an example: I was looking for an NPC yesterday called Bango Zango which I needed to pick up some items from to complete a blacksmithing leve, could i find it ? could i fuck.. I spent over an hour looking for him, so i asked in LS, I asked in Shout .. nobody had seen him.

Now if they had put a marker on my map or one of those guildleve circles I would have been able to find him.

This is not enjoyment this is bullcrap, its the same stuff we had back in FF11, it seems some of you would rather live in the past were things were done the hard way, ie getting water from a well.


jiggle said:
anyone know how i can set the camera/movement to the analog sticks on ps3 controller?
all the other buttons registered fine
just not the analog ones ; ;
what am i doing wrong?

You need to change the settings in motionjoy to (Analogue Gamepad 2) click enable then go back to the FFXIV control set up and apply the 2 analogue sticks.
Your line for what is too much hand-holding is just at a different point than mine. The well analogy is a poor one. I like being forced to explore and look around for things on my own. If I'm told exactly where to go and then just go there, it's like "Well then hell why don't you just plop the NPC in front of me when I need them? Why am I even doing this?" It just exposes the meaninglessness of the whole game experience: "Here's a marker. Go to it. Yay you went to it; here's your quest reward."


HappyBivouac said:
Your line for what is too much hand-holding is just at a different point than mine. The well analogy is a poor one. I like being forced to explore and look around for things on my own. If I'm told exactly where to go and then just go there, it's like "Well then hell why don't you just plop the NPC in front of me when I need them? Why am I even doing this?" It just exposes the meaninglessness of the whole game experience: "Here's a marker. Go to it. Yay you went to it; here's your quest reward."

Yes and if i am forced to look online for his location they may as well have put him in front of me also.

The quest is called Got Ingots its a blacksmithing leve, go try it :)

I'm all for exploring but wondering around Limsa Lominsa aimlessly is not fun from anyones standards, sure I found some little cavern like place but there was nothing there anyways.
I know exactly where Bango Zango is from memory after having explored town.

Wandering aimlessly is fun by a lot of people's standards. You just don't have it in you. Different people enjoy different things, etc.

I dunno, they may very well put in markers for quest NPCs. I would be kinda sad but it wouldn't kill the game for me. I don't think a quick wiki check would ruing the game for you either though, if that's what you're inclined to do. For whatever reason I still like that better than the game telling me, but I am willing to admit that I'm weird in that regard.


HappyBivouac said:
For some people, putting their mind to figuring out how the system itself works is enjoyable. Not everything in games has to be "Okay, here's how everything works. Now accomplish tasks within this system." Call me crazy or whatever, but I enjoy a "Here's a few vague hints at how stuff works, now test the waters and use your head to figure out how to make it work best" approach. The crafting and gathering systems are already intuitive in their mechanical operation. The player simply must figure out how to get the best results out of it. Myself and a lot of players like this, and you don't. That's okay. Who knows; it could very likely change completely by release.

"Hand holding" itself is not a bullshit term. It refers to when a game crosses the line of when and how much a player wants to be told how to do something, or helped with something, or given hints. Different players place this line at different points. What I see as hand-holding, you may not. I'm simply voicing my own preferences. All I'm asking is that people stop saying "your opinions suck" back and forth, and stop positing that certain gameplay design decisions are "standards" when they're really just preferences. They may be the most common preference among players of the genre, but there is a market of people out there with the opposite preference. Find the game you like best, and play it. :/

EDIT: To be perfectly honest, I'm indifferent about crafting recipe lists in-game. I think it could be a nice feature, because as you said, if there isn't one I'll just end up looking stuff up elsewhere. I don't mind either way. I just don't think it's a matter of intuitiveness. It's a matter of streamlining, which I could get behind in this case. I retract my use of the term "hand holding" in that paragraph.

That is how I feel. That once you know how to do the craft. Its up to you to be good at it by practicing, or be subpar by never trying to understand it and just spamming the actions to make what you want.

Your line for what is too much hand-holding is just at a different point than mine. The well analogy is a poor one. I like being forced to explore and look around for things on my own. If I'm told exactly where to go and then just go there, it's like "Well then hell why don't you just plop the NPC in front of me when I need them? Why am I even doing this?" It just exposes the meaninglessness of the whole game experience: "Here's a marker. Go to it. Yay you went to it; here's your quest reward."

agree with you here. Isn't a MMO suppose to feel like a real adventure. If they show me a line all the way to the npc that is when the adventure is gone.


Worships the porcelain goddess
HappyBivouac said:
Of course I did, but not all the time.

Then you're a hypocrite. You like your hand to be held in one way or another. The moment you look at a guide, a recipe, an anything, your "hand is being held". Instead of the game doing it, it was done by a person who played the game who wrote the guide because they wanted to make it easier for the player to cut through some bullshit and get to the good stuff. When you read the guide, you wanted to do the same thing.

The "hand holding" argument is complete bullshit.

Also, the one thing you continue to forget is people have lives. The FFXI player of the past (especially if you started early) is now 7 years older. They may have a family, a live and may no longer put up with the shit they had to in FFXI. For these people (aka, the overwhelming majority of potential players), a streamlined (and not just a "easy mode" one or whatever) experience would be much more important than having to play in windowed mode because SE made it a bitch to get basic recipes for its crafters. Hell, keeping it simple and sleek should be the goal of all designers.

What if Jinko only had an hour to play before he/she had to pick up their kids? "Oh, it's just one more quest..." and they couldn't find the NPC for over a hour. SE could have used the same indicator they use for leves to locate the NPC. You sit there and say "why didn't they put it in front of me! I know where he's at because I wandered around!" They sit there and say "Well, fuck you game. I just wasted a hour trying to find this asshole. I had to look him up in a guide to finally find him." Either way, Jinko would have learned where the NPC is at, just the same as you.

Or, I don't know, SE could always offer the OPTION to its players. But that's too much to ask I guess...

Anyways, in game stupidity... why the fuck can you only move around the map with IJKL? You're using the mouse for the camera...but you can't use the mouse to move the map around? The simple things escape SE so badly...


Kintaro said:
Also, the one thing you continue to forget is people have lives.

Oh do they now? So what do you want? To be able to 'beat' an MMO in 2 months with 8 hours a week of gameplay?

Come on, don't be ridiculous trying to sound all responsible and busy. If you don't have time to play an MMO, then don't play it. If you don't have time to play a RPG of 80 hours, then don't play. If you don't have time for games because you have work, school and have to go out to the pub to get pissed, then don't play games.

A MMORPG is far from being a short experience, if you have to play one then you have to dedicate time to it, and it well can be over a long time with short periods of play time, or just spending all the time you are awake on it.

The way FFXIV has been made is very friendly for those that don't have too much time on their hands. Leves can be completed quickly which will give decent rewards and players will feel their short 2 hours were well spent in the game after obtaining rewards such as items, gil and exp. SE were aiming for this sort of situation, and I believe they hit the nail with the system and with what we have seen so far. If you have more times on your hands, then there are many more things to do, there's something there for everyone, even those who have "lives".

Deal with your own circumstances, and don't come blaming the game or the developers for not targeting 30 to 40 year olds with kids, pets, mortgages and shit.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Khrno said:
Oh do they now? So what do you want? To be able to 'beat' an MMO in 2 months with 8 hours a week of gameplay?

Yeah, because that's what I said. Really dude?

Deal with your own circumstances, and don't come blaming the game or the developers for not targeting 30 to 40 year olds with kids, pets, mortgages and shit.

Other companies get the fact that the average age of gamers has shifted (I'll make this easy mode for you. The average age is 35.). Why can't SE? Did I ask for a short MMO? No. I'm asking they trim the bullshit that gets in people's way of enjoying the game. After playing the beta, it's begging for the fat to be trimmed so that it can be played and enjoyed fully. Especially since it will be one of the few left requiring a monthly subscription.

Streamline your shit. Make it easier to understand and hard to "master." Oh, and communicate with your customers and don't release expansions and not finish them even after 3 years (cheap shot).

Oh yeah, Leves need work.


Kintaro said:
Streamline your shit. Make it easier to understand and hard to "master." Oh, and communicate with your customers and don't release expansions and not finish them even after 3 years (cheap shot).

Oh yeah, Leves need work.

Not a cheap shot, it's the truth. I really don't know what the hell they were thinking with that.


Clearly you want the challenge removed from games. Psh, damn casuals.

I thought WoW "hardcore" were jerks, but at least they don't argue for broken/halfassed systems and software.


fizzelopeguss said:
This is going to be such a trainwreck at launch, i can't wait.
hah so like any other mmo? :lol

notworksafe said:
Clearly you want the challenge removed from games. Psh, damn casuals.

I thought WoW "hardcore" were jerks, but at least they don't argue for broken/halfassed systems and software.
None of the people in this thread are XI "hardcore" just a bunch of odd comments from people with who dare not to try other games.

There are clearly people in this thread who actively dislike and hate on this game every chance they get, gtfo.

This game is fun and will do well, however there are so MANY interface improvements and controls scheme options that could be added that would get a lot more people to try this great game.


Valru said:
This game is fun and will do well, however there are so MANY interface improvements and controls scheme options that could be added that would get a lot more people to try this great game.
Yes. Hopefully after launch Square sees this and starts adding them, even if it's only as an option.


Reason I don't get all up in arms about the current UI is because I'm certain they will fix that before launch. You guys just like speaking doom and gloom all day.

I can't wait to see what people say during the first version update when they take away or add stuff. The same 5 people in here are going to doom the game unplayable and keep talking about I'm only here to waste time for Cata. Then Kintaro is going to say he wish he canceled his preorder.:lol


Shouta said:
Pulling the douchebag card out, I see.

Oh, am I now? Sorry, didn't want to offend your mate who does have a life and wants SE to change and do what everyone else does.

You know like all those FPS in the market right now, that are basically the same re-skinned shit.

But yeah, you might be right. I'm not the only one tho.


Londa said:
Reason I don't get all up in arms about the current UI is because I'm certain they will fix that before launch. You guys just like speaking doom and gloom all day.

I can't wait to see what people say during the first version update when they take away or add stuff. The same 5 people in here are going to doom the game unplayable and keep talking about I'm only here to waste time for Cata. Then Kintaro is going to say he wish he canceled his preorder.:lol

You have too much faith in SE, not something anyone should have really after thier last handful of games.
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