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Final Fantasy XIV Beta Discussion + Media

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Is it just me or has Phase 3 completely ruined everything?

My framerate reached a good 30~ phase 2 but now in phase 3 I'm STRUGGLING to reach 10-15 outside of town. It's unplayable and I'm sitting on a i7, 8gb RAM, 275gtx 2gb video memory and Win7 OS...

It even drops in the frikkin boat where I had like 60 fps in phase 2.


They added more texture settings, not sure what phase 2 settings were, so thats probably the reason.

They don't seem to have fixed much in phase 3 and added a bunch of new stuff with new bugs.


Yoshichan said:
Is it just me or has Phase 3 completely ruined everything?

My framerate reached a good 30~ phase 2 but now in phase 3 I'm STRUGGLING to reach 10-15 outside of town. It's unplayable and I'm sitting on a i7, 8gb RAM, 275gtx 2gb video memory and Win7 OS...

It even drops in the frikkin boat where I had like 60 fps in phase 2.

Ambient occlusion on, maybe? Phase 3 messed a lot of things up but I think a performance hit that significant is due to something else. Maybe.


Yoshichan said:
Is it just me or has Phase 3 completely ruined everything?

My framerate reached a good 30~ phase 2 but now in phase 3 I'm STRUGGLING to reach 10-15 outside of town. It's unplayable and I'm sitting on a i7, 8gb RAM, 275gtx 2gb video memory and Win7 OS...

It even drops in the frikkin boat where I had like 60 fps in phase 2.

Had exactly the same problem, didnt change my setup nor the game settings, everything stayed the same between B2 and B3. But B3 is broken for me fps wise. Changed the window buffer to half and the game became playable (but also looked shitty suddenly).


Jinko said:
You have too much faith in SE, not something anyone should have really after thier last handful of games.

I happen to like their last handful of games.

Why do people play a game by a developer they believe makes crappy games to their standard?

That is like me playing Mario when I only like FPS. I go into the thread and demand Nintendo to put Mario in first person mode and give him a gun. Doesn't make sense.

Well its an extreme example.


I'm not sure if I like this Mining/Botanist gathering ideal. Just let me chose to mine and mine. Not play some mini game. :lol WTF, seriously.


desu said:
Had exactly the same problem, didnt change my setup nor the game settings, everything stayed the same between B2 and B3. But B3 is broken for me fps wise. Changed the window buffer to half and the game became playable (but also looked shitty suddenly).

Do you and he have similar rigs? Bummer it's working less well.

As much shit as I give this game, thankfully the performance has steadily gotten better at least on my end. It's still pretty terrible, mind, but it's improving.


Londa said:
I happen to like their last handful of games.

Why do people play a game by a developer they believe makes crappy games to their standard?

That is like me playing Mario when I only like FPS. I go into the thread and demand Nintendo to put Mario in first person mode and give him a gun. Doesn't make sense.

Well its an extreme example.

JRPG's are my favourite genre, SE makes JRPG's, I also like MMO's and they are making one of those aswell.

Just because they make my favourite genre doesn't mean I will instantly like what they make.


Londa said:
I happen to like their last handful of games.

Why do people play a game by a developer they believe makes crappy games to their standard?

That is like me playing Mario when I only like FPS. I go into the thread and demand Nintendo to put Mario in first person mode and give him a gun. Doesn't make sense.

Well its an extreme example.
Like most large developers, Square makes both good and bad games. The World Ends With You is one of my favorite RPGs of the last few years and Final Fantasy 13 is one of the most disappointing to me.

Your example is both overly extreme and also has no relation to anything people are saying in this thread. No one is demanding that this game be turned into a different type of game entirely. We're just suggesting that SQE shouldn't ignore the refinements to the MMO genre that have occurred since their last game.


Jinko said:
JRPG's are my favourite genre, SE makes JRPG's, I also like MMO's and they are making one of those aswell.

Just because they make my favourite genre doesn't mean I will instantly like what they make.

If you know them as a developer doesn't make good games as or late, why continue on, and proceed to tell people who actually like these games that they are brainwashed followers of a dying company?

If I have faith they will fix the problem and I also like their recent past games, you have no right to say I am wrong or crazy for that.


fizzelopeguss said:
This is going to be such a trainwreck at launch, i can't wait.

Trainwreck is a little much dont you think?

Anyway, for settings/performance, i'd reduce MSAA to just 2. Leave buffer at resolution. The game doesnt seem to need AA that much so just 2x should do. Lowest fps i've had so far was around 30, highest has been low 60s.


Londa said:
If you know them as a developer doesn't make good games as or late, why continue on, and proceed to tell people who actually like these games that they are brainwashed followers of a dying company?

If I have faith they will fix the problem and I also like their recent past games, you have no right to say I am wrong or crazy for that.

LOL I never said you were brainwashed or crazy.

Chill out Londa. :lol


Londa said:
If you know them as a developer doesn't make good games as or late, why continue on, and proceed to tell people who actually like these games that they are brainwashed followers of a dying company?
Weren't you complaining earlier about putting words in people's mouths? :lol


Londa said:
If I have faith they will fix the problem and I also like their recent past games, you have no right to say I am wrong or crazy for that.
You have faith that they're going to make sweeping changes based on what exactly? It can't be their track record with MMOs, bc they were notorious for taking forever to address certain issues in FFXI. Those of us, who have reservations on SE's ability to provide the kind of changes needed, have a more legitament claim then your blind loyalty that's based on "faith".

Hey, I could be wrong (and I hope so), but their history says otherwise.


It's not really an SE thing anyways its a FF11 team thing, from what we know the majority of 14's team is made up of FF11 members, there seems to be a huge lack of PC development knowledge in the team, I mean they can't even get simple things such as mouse control and alt tabbing to work.

There really isn't any faith to be had, there is plenty of hope though :lol

falastini has it right, you look to a developer at what they did in the past, I don't paticularly like WoW but i dont' fault what Blizzard have achieved from a development stand point.

SE need to buck up fast, because once Blizzard bring out their next MMO they don't stand a chance, just as well its guna take 10 years to make :)


Azrael said:
Got my key today =). Now to download and see if it's as bad as everyone says :lol .

Going by the Cata waiter's its doomed to fail.

It's a shame people will read this forum and in the words of Kintaro "cancel their preorders" just because someone they have never meet dislikes it.


I think the problem is, while some people are viewing the problems objectively, some are just saying its going to be HORRIBLE and DEATH at release.

That seems to be in any GAF game topic before it releases though, which is sort of a problem. People will say something is shit, when using shit to describe something, should only be reserved for the lowest quality gameplay/music/graphics period. Of course the scale tips both ways, so im not saying the game doesn't need improvement in certain aspects...but as things are now, its nothing like XI and while it has many improvements original to the game, its also got problems all its own.

This same issue is even occurring in most of the Metroid Other M topics.


Londa said:
Going by the Cata waiter's its doomed to fail.

It's a shame people will read this forum and in the words of Kintaro "cancel their preorders" just because someone they have never meet dislikes it.
Again with the putting words in people's mouths. Especially adorable since I posted right above you that I don't believe that is the case.


botany is so relaxing, the botany version of the minigame vs fishing is night & day.

with fishing everything seems so stressful, but with bottany you dont have to manage much and the minigame makes much more sense if you think about how hit an axe at a tree would work in real life.

+ the track they picked for the DoL levequests is very mellow :D
Teknoman said:
Trainwreck is a little much dont you think?

Nope, the shitstorm of confusion on forums across the net is gonna be immense. MMO's are hot shit these days and every tom, dick and harry is gonna want to try this out.

The game they likely came from (like it or not) is games like WoW and LotRO and they're gonna be greeted with a title that plays in a lot of ways like something from 10 years ago.


fizzelopeguss said:
Nope, the shitstorm of confusion on forums across the net is gonna be immense. MMO's are hot shit these days and every tom, dick and harry is gonna want to try this out.

The game they likely came from (like it or not) is games like WoW and LotRO and they're gonna be greeted with a title that plays in a lot of ways like something from 10 years ago.

As in the way the game controls (keyboard style) or the basic gameplay concepts?


Londa said:
do local leves provide the materials? if so, how do I get them?

The npg involved in the quest gives you the materials (name written in the Reward section). You have a little-hint in the quest journal where he/she is.


So decided i want to try a mage/craft character but I already put a few levels into a melee character? Does resetting points reset all my points or just the last level up because i'm wondering if I should remake a character or not.

Also, does anywhere explain what you're supposed to do during the mini-games or is it trial and error until you understand it. Are mages still kind of broken or have they been fixed now?


demonkaze said:
So decided i want to try a mage/craft character but I already put a few levels into a melee character? Does resetting points reset all my points or just the last level up because i'm wondering if I should remake a character or not.

Also, does anywhere explain what you're supposed to do during the mini-games or is it trial and error until you understand it. Are mages still kind of broken or have they been fixed now?

You should be able to reset all points, but theres a timer on how often you can do so. Not sure if thats been shortened since last phase.

Havent seen any mages complain about a lack of MP recently (they do crazy damage) but not sure if thats because they are restraining magic use, or use that MP regen weaponskill now.

As far as crafting goes, they sorta give you a tutorial during local leves, where you're asked to make certain items for people and they give you the materials. Only problem is, it happens during the crafting process and in the chat log. Doesnt seem that hard, but sometimes the materials used start going crazy, and people miss that warning...which makes them mess up the synthesis.

Im guessing thats what the wait option is for.
fizzelopeguss said:
Nope, the shitstorm of confusion on forums across the net is gonna be immense. MMO's are hot shit these days and every tom, dick and harry is gonna want to try this out.

The game they likely came from (like it or not) is games like WoW and LotRO and they're gonna be greeted with a title that plays in a lot of ways like something from 10 years ago.

See this is the kind of exaggeration that leads to outbursts and stupid arguments that get nowhere. It doesn't even make sense to say the game plays like something from 10 years ago. It just has its share of problems that need to be fixed. (personally I have my eye on a December release, but I like the game enough that I'd buy it right now in its current state knowing it'd be fixed.)


Borderless Window Utility

I've created an extremely simple script with AutoHotKey that will give FFXIV a borderless window. Borderless Windows are extremely popular for people with multi-monitor setups, and those who want to quickly switch between windows in games like TF2.

What it does:
Gives you that look of being full-screen mode while being in windowed mode
Unfortunately because you are in windowed mode you will see the usual fps hit compared to full-screen mode

How to use:
1)Set FFXIV to Windowed Mode in the config
2)Run the exe of your choice depending on resolution, you should see a H icon in the traybar
3)Launch FFXIV, and once ingame hit CTRL+ALT+F to go to borderless window mode

I've included 5 exes for five common widescreen resolutions: 1280x720, 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080 & 1920x1200

I have also included the script & the autohotkey installer for you to edit if you need a different resolution.

WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, A
WinMove, A, , 0, 0, 1680, 1050
;WinActivate, A

Download 2.9mb


Wow, why don't you wait for the game to come out before you make mods for it. How do you even know if SE won't put in a alt tab for full screen?


what the hell, man

The dude spent the time to make something work how he wanted it to. It doesn't hurt your experience of the game. How do you find that offensive?


Londa ... !!

Awesome stuff Valru thanks very much. this is exaclty what i want.

Edit- Works perfectly, thanks again :D


Teknoman said:
Off-topic but cant you already alt-tab TF2 safely?
you can however its extremely slow switching to and from a fullscreen window which is why borderless windowed mode is preferred if you can handle the fps hit. (also you cannot use other windows on other screens if in fullscreen mode on a multi-monitor setup)


Valru said:
you can however its extremely slow which is why borderless windowed mode its preferred.

Oh, guess I usually just end up using the steam overlay for messaging and stuff. Probably wouldnt want to take the fps hit though, great for multi tasking of course.


So yeahhhh not really feeling this game. Idk why, it just doesn't appeal to me when I'm playing the beta right now. For some reason, I'm really bored playing it =/
It just feels so slow in combat.


Londa said:
Wow, why don't you wait for the game to come out before you make mods for it. How do you even know if SE won't put in a alt tab for full screen?
Douchey Fantasy 14
(Today, 03:16 PM)


asdad123 said:
So yeahhhh not really feeling this game. Idk why, it just doesn't appeal to me when I'm playing the beta right now. For some reason, I'm really bored playing it =/
It just feels so slow in combat.

How so? You can attack as many times as you have stamina (well with default attacks), which seems alot faster than most auto-attack systems. As far as just being generally bored, its still a very restricted beta test. There isnt much to do but check out the combat system/quest system/etc. and supply feedback with what you think works great/what needs fixing.

Nakazato said:
you got in pics or vids coming up tek

Been posting shots in the main XIV topic since the NDA is up on screenshots. Have a few videos, but I havent put them together yet.


So... after I spent every gil i had (7g left), focused the entire day leveling WW, Smithing and Botanist, gathered every material i needed to make that freaking shield (probably spent around 100k total :lol ) and guess what?, failed it:lol


asdad123 said:
So yeahhhh not really feeling this game. Idk why, it just doesn't appeal to me when I'm playing the beta right now. For some reason, I'm really bored playing it =/
It just feels so slow in combat.

It's understandable. The stamina and delay system is in place there to keep the game into the FF RPG territory and not into an Action game as they have said before.

But if you really find it so slow, then you probably didn't play XI, right? Still, just before you give your last judgement, remember that the beta is still in the early levels, with lack of haste buffs or gear.

If you compare FFXI at level 30 and at level 80 is like a totally different game combat wise, so I would suggest on giving the game a chance until you reach cap (not in the beta but after release) and then see if it really suits your taste or not. Of course if you really can't digest the early levels, or don't want to spend the money on something you won't enjoy until reaching cap, that's a totally different and acceptable decision.

Kandinsky said:
So... after I spent every gil i had (7g left), focused the entire day leveling WW, Smithing and Botanist, gathered every material i needed to make that freaking shield (probably spent around 100k total :lol ) and guess what?, failed it:lol

Hope you at least got some exp from the synth.

Those broken Imp. Wootz Ingots always made me smile after seen those 0.1 inbetween the failed synth message.


Kandinsky said:
So... after I spent every gil i had (7g left), focused the entire day leveling WW, Smithing and Botanist, gathered every material i needed to make that freaking shield (probably spent around 100k total :lol ) and guess what?, failed it:lol

What shield were you trying to make? That Maple shield?


Khrno said:
It's understandable. The stamina and delay system is in place there to keep the game into the FF RPG territory and not into an Action game as they have said before.

But if you really find it so slow, then you probably didn't play XI, right? Still, just before you give your last judgement, remember that the beta is still in the early levels, with lack of haste buffs or gear.
its not an action game, but its not that slow! :lol

I went from WoW to the alpha (which was closer to XI) and that was a bit of a shock, but in beta 3 its orders of magnitude faster! I guess comparing to WoW it would be closer to fighting a lowlevel elite mobs in barrens which while isn't that slow is pretty lengthy in WoW time.
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