Is there a good Bard rotation out there?
Flaming Arrow and EA/Barrage feels so clunky to me. I have no idea where to weave them in to make them 'fit'
Empyreal Arrow should be cast as soon as it's available, first priority, it's your strongest attack. If Barrage is up, use Barrage with it (don't use Barrage anywhere else). While it is counter-intuitive that you end up clipping GCD with it, it's a DPS gain. If you have a Straighter Shot proc before EA is about to come off cooldown, use them in conjunction as Straighter Shot is instant.
Bard rotation is basically keep straight shot up, keep dots up (Iron Jaws when dots have 2s remaining), use the best OCGD available each GCD. For instance, here's the opener I use
(-10) Foe Requiem
(-6) Quelling Strikes
Blood for Blood
Hawk's Eye
Raging Strikes
Battle Voice
(Pull) Empyreal Arrow
Bloodletter/Rain of Death (the latter if your healers are DPS happy)
Straight Shot + Internal Release
Windbite + Flaming Arrow
Venomous Bite + Blunt Arrow/Repelling Shot (or Bloodletter if it procced)
Heavy Shot + Sidewinder (SW is delayed for the same reason Fester would be - server takes a few moments to realize both dots are up)
Heavy Shot
Empyreal Arrow
Iron Jaws (If 600+ skillspeed, this will recast the dots right before the buffs fall off, extending the opening burst, if you can't make it in time with this GCD, don't use it here and let the buffed dots tick in full then reapply them manually)
The priority for OGCD is basically Empyreal > Sidewinder > Bloodletter > Flaming Arrow > Repelling Shot > Blunt Arrow
Always delay Blood for Blood by 10 seconds so that it goes together with Hawk's Eye.
Flaming Arrow is a bit tricky since it takes its sweet time to draw the targeting circle but I manage to fit it in the second alotted by already pointing the cursor at where I want it to land when I press the button.