Alternatively, it's yet another thing that would have been interesting to see the effect if it was in there at launch. Just a lot of mistimed things in general when it comes to 3.0 - 3.15 period.
Agreed, at launch (when most players are going to be busy for the next two to six weeks the the main story campaign,) or at the end an expansion, (when there's a healthy and complete end-game, and people need a few distractions to get by til the next expansion,) are probably the best times to introduce major side-games.
IF they just aren't capable of putting together better controls then that however, it probably should have been scrapped early on in favor of something simpler.
On this subject, I'm not sure how realistic this is, but I kinda hope that they're folding the remaining members of the XI team over to XIV development, for things like seasonal events, side quests, etc. I know the two games are dissimilar enough that their skill-set can't entirely carry over, but a few more people handling side-activity development in XIV would probably help a lot!
Again, I have no idea how realistic that is, and I'm not really expecting it.