I'm out. I'm done.
Was it a good loot chest at least.
Are you high rank fflogs BRD.
It was a goddamn BLM staff that nobody can use.
I did it on MCH
Kagari i am still waiting for your bloodborne stream
now that you got A4 down you got time till 3.2
i completely forgot tempered will is even a skill paladins have
i completely forgot tempered will is even a skill paladins have
I've not tanked like 80% of the end-game content in this game, but I forgot it existed when I was running Levi EX. Levi EX dreams were shattered when I ran it for 4 hours one night and not even one person got a ponySomeone clearly hasn't paladinned T13 or Leviathan lately~
I just forgot it existed until I was going through all my Paladin abilities and noticed itI would not mind a skill I'd press in more fights in place of Tempered Will, but it's still a cute cooldown especially for getting rid of Heavydoom in A2 or negating the Wash Away in A3.
DRK just laughs at both with Plunge though.
I probably need to find a new group, I said I'd do that after the new year. Hmmm....
What do you mean I can't use Platinum Triad Cards when I'm in a fucking inn room. So much for finding out if I will get Tidus before sub ran out >.<
I'll be back for 3.2
I'm out. I'm done.
- the only thing that was annoying in the stream was your bard's blatant DPS padding. I see that Flaming Arrow positioning. I know what he's doing. -
I do 1 to 3 roulettes (50/60/Expert) depending on how I feel to make tiny progress towards anima. Maybe do some A4N too and then I spend the rest of my day cycling through ventures or looking at my character's thighs while listening to FC play Civ V.
Isn't your character a lala?
the only sane choice
(also congrats)
What is wrong with this legacy of Allag quest? The stopping the shakes FATE never shows up, thankfully i need to also wait and queue for the Moogle king.
Does this usually take this long? normally i see FATEs everywhere.
Are they going to nerf Alexander before 3.2? Or they only nerf the raids after the new raid is available? Apparently, I'm in a static now (I wasn't looking for one, but some internet friends started playing and conveniently had the need for a SMN), but I really don't want to do A4S in it's current state. As they're still doing Heavensward storyline, I'm hoping they can't get to Alexander Savage before the nerf patch D:
At this point I could do both, I was just getting tired of having to run in from Kenya every pull.
Everyone is (temporarily) leaving!
Rip ultros
Huh, so the art book's name for Imdugud is actually Verge Dragon. It being a dragon would make more sense than it being a random Couerl in a facility of captured dragons.
Also The Spear card is cute.
Embarrassing.Everyone is (temporarily) leaving!
Rip ultros
Well, my group might lose our SMN if 3.2 sucks. Do you have a deadline you want a group by?
Great animation, postmoogle quests.
There's both downsides and upsides to MCH compared to BRD.
Getting quarantined is absolute cancer since you have to redeploy the turret twice and certain phases mean you have literally nothing to give your tank besides a prayer.
On the other hand, it's easier to do support and you don't completely lose Foe Req due to Whirbelwind.
At this point I could do both, I was just getting tired of having to run in from Kenya every pull.
I also run basically the entire map to pick up Discoids from leg 4 on, which colors my opinion. Sounds like a pain in the ass on bowmage.
We don't do that, healers pick up all the orbs.
We don't do that, healers pick up all the orbs.
I'm out. I'm done.
So, what is everyone up to in game while waiting on 3.2?
I've been spending more time with Fallout 4 since I can't log on for more than 5 minutes without getting bored.
Relic still sitting at 40+/80 since Christmas. Lol.
I punch the boss really hard
Doesn't it strike you as odd to be trying to kill a giant metal robot with your fists?
Logged on for the 1st time since July, started MSQ's from right after HW. What's the new "most hated job" now? Is it BLM?
Logged on for the 1st time since July, started MSQ's from right after HW. What's the new "most hated job" now? Is it BLM?
odd... or AWESOME?
a.) your job sounds super boring do you bring a book
b.) if you want to be awesome punch through his protective plating on his hiding place so everyone can skip six minutes of legs. The worst part of the fight is we all waste so much time when he's RIGHT THERE
If he wanted to do mechanics he'd play the coward classes.
I mean ranged.
Ranged is what I meant.
If he wanted to do mechanics he'd play the coward classes.
I mean ranged.
Ranged is what I meant.
Hey man. REAL thrill-seekers throw themselves face-first into damage with no self heal options. With Blood for Blood up. Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like sub1k HP.
If he wanted to do mechanics he'd play the coward classes.
I mean ranged.
Ranged is what I meant.
We make our DRG do mechanics while the BLM turrets![]()
I unironically almost miss the days when I had to pay attention to blood for blood in t10/13.
Server hopping to chat with friends and drinking Fantasia potions weekly.So, what is everyone up to in game while waiting on 3.2?
I've been spending more time with Fallout 4 since I can't log on for more than 5 minutes without getting bored.
Relic still sitting at 40+/80 since Christmas. Lol.