You can gain 30%-50% of your exp before patch just by doing whatever the GC turn-ins are every day. You can also check to see if the HQ armor for leves are cheap on the market board. I remember asking GAF to buy their quest rewards when expansion came out for that WVR power-leveling... and then Felix caught on to my schemes and bought out the same markets.
If you have a MIN 60 retainer, you can also send them out to gather a bunch of the different metals slowly over the next few weeks until you decide to start crafting stuff.
Found some links...
A lot of the leve options are not that great because you need to make grade 1 dissolvents for battle gear. However, if the armor options are cheap on the market board... just buy them out! GSM gets blessed with WVR needles, crafting earrings, and some rings that require fewer materials. I think 75% of my ARM 50-60 exp came from buying shit for decent prices from the market board for leve GC turn-ins. The other 25% was from grinding nuggets and ingots while I had the exp buff up from the scrolls they gave at level 50 quests.