I don't know which was worse: the macro or the amount of Tornado Kicks he was doing.
I'm Keira Welch o:
I don't know which was worse: the macro or the amount of Tornado Kicks he was doing.
Actually the patch cycle stuff was about the 3.0 series, this is what I was referring to at least. They already failed the 3months a patch goal so their roadmap may not be trustworthy anymore though.
I'm guessing Ala Mhigo on next expansion, if not there then we probably leaving Eorzea as I think the only two remaining large scale areas left are Ala Mhigo and Garlemald. I do I think the main focus will be on the Empire no matter what, as unless we go to Merycidia I think every other major continent/country is under their control. And I don't know why we'd go to Merycidia since focusing on dragons again would feel like a rehash of Heavensward.
Looking for a release cycle appropriate for today's lifestyle
Are you also looking at trends in other MMORPG expansion packs?
Y: I've been watching trends for expansion packs for MMORPGs released around the world, but the number of titles for sale in the first place has dropped. The sale pace of expansion packs might be a problem, so maybe by having the 3.0 series of Heavensward a bit shorter, we could move up to the 4.0 series earlier than we originally planned.
For the expansion packs for A Realm Reborn, do you have a model case for the release cycle that you're going by for their development?
Y: No, nothing like that, we think we should follow the play cycle and life cycle of our customers. It wasn't so long ago that the amount of entertainment choices around were more limited and people had more free time on their hands so there was more time for things like MMORPGs. Right now, with all of the different entertainment options available and limited amounts of free time, not to say that there's no room for fun, but it's tougher to decide how to spend your free time. Since a game is entertainment, you have to feel that way when you play it. However, a game isn't passive entertainment, it's entertainment that you get from your own actions, so it takes some time before you get the satisfaction from playing. These days, if you feel like you dont have enough time for the game, you'd probably wind up deciding to never try it out in the first place. Taking that into account, rather than spending a lot of development time preparing a large volume of content, it might be better to prepare the next expansion in a relatively shorter amount of time, with the thought that it might be better to have a more episodic nature which better matches today's lifestyle. In the past, people were able to wait and look forward the launch of expansion packs every two years, but I don't think that fits well anymore. That said, since Heavensward was our first expansion pack, we felt that we had to prioritize really building it out rather than getting it out quickly.
Large-scale patches will continue releasing every three months in the future.
After the release of Heavensward in spring 2015, will the time between patches remain the same or change?
Y: I don't think there would be much benefit to changing it. Taking minor patches into account, we'd like to add as much as possible every month, but I don't think we'd be able to shorten the interval of major updates any shorter than it currently is without reducing the volume. Reducing the interval of the major patches by reducing the volume doesn't make much sense so we have no plans to change that cycle at the moment. Our plan is to continue to release a major update every three to three and a half months and have two small updates released between them.
What about the patches in between?
Y: To be honest, the current pattern of releasing two content updates between each large patch is still one that we're barely getting out in time. I've been wondering if there is a way we can adjust this so that we have a more reasonable development cycle.
At the Fan Festival held in Japan in 2014, we heard you mention patch 3.1 for the first time. Any more on that now?
Y: I've been intentionally avoiding talking about it, I'd like to stay away from that topic (laughs).
But you have said that you already have the road map for the patch 3.0 series completed.
Y: We have the story roughed out and the content conceptualized for up to about patch 3.5, I think.
So the patch 3.0 series won't be completed in 2015?
Y: That would be impossible (laughs). Earlier I mentioned that we wouldn't be changing the pace of updates, so if you figure when Heavensward is being released... you might be able to imagine how long it would take.
Still mad about that.Moenbryda
Such a awesome character, great design and all I am sad.
what i pretty much did all evening :
Still mad about that.
In any content where you don't have access to true thrust->vorpal thrust->full thrust it's more efficient to press impulse drive over and over while reapplying heavy thrust whenever it's about to run out. It's 10 less potency to use true thrust->vorpal thrust than using impulse drive twice.That's funny because overtime I have a Dragoon in my party they all seem to be doing that sum thrust thing lol.
Right, the distance between patches would be the same, but not necessarily the expansion itself. The 6 month wait would be where they cut/shortened the most, while eliminating the delays we saw on some of the 2.x stuff. In the very part you quoted he says the 2 year per expansion thing is not a good idea anymore, they made an exception because it was the first one. Combine that with comments about perhaps moving on to 4.0 faster(which are indeed less definitive then the reddit post made it out to be), and I don't know how you read that thinking 3.0 to 4.0 will be same length as 2.0 to 3.0, with any speed changes coming 4.0 > 5.0 on wards. Pretty much that whole section seemed to be about wanting to get the future expansions out faster but with similar planned patch update cycles.Since he said the actual distance between the patches would be relatively the same and we are getting patch 3.5 then it holds that amount of time between releasing the next expansion would be the same with maybe it actually releasing a bit earlier after 3.5 compared to the 6 month wait we had going from 2.5 to 3.0.
After a Duty is complete someone will type "jg". What does it stand for? I assume it means "thanks for not being a moron"
gauss barrel feels so weird
if you mean "gj", it means "good job"
This is why you should have leveled bard.
No GB -> GB = "What in the hell is this?"
Minuet -> GB = "Ohhh, that's what this was supposed to be like."
Learn to love your ammo, procs, and Rapid Fire. I spent most of my post-50 MCH leveling experience laughing at how often I got to skip cast times after bowmage. It's hard to appreciate how well it fits together in the context of the game's combat system without also seeing it implemented absolutely horribly.
LNC has to be one of the worst designed classes leveling wise. The order you get skills just doesn't make sense and it's pretty boring to play because of it.
Right, the distance between patches would be the same, but not necessarily the expansion itself. The 6 month wait would be where they cut/shortened the most, while eliminating the delays we saw on some of the 2.x stuff. In the very part you quoted he says the 2 year per expansion thing is not a good idea anymore, they made an exception because it was the first one. Combine that with comments about perhaps moving on to 4.0 faster(which are indeed less definitive then the reddit post made it out to be), and I don't know how you read that thinking 3.0 to 4.0 will be same length as 2.0 to 3.0, with any speed changes coming 4.0 > 5.0 on wards. Pretty much that whole section seemed to be about wanting to get the future expansions out faster but with similar planned patch update cycles.
You can't just turn around and talk shit about Yda. Her and Papalymo are two of my favorite characters.Why would you do that, such a cool character seriously and that silly, good for nothing Yda still thrashes about.....meh.
BLMs have this issue as well. It sucks.My one gripe is that sometimes the time between proc and next GCD after using a skill with a cast time can cut a little close. Definitely had a couple of times where after using Split Shot the proc for Slug was delayed and had already committed to split shotting again.
ITT people that don't understand BRD.
ITT people that don't understand BRD.
ITT people that don't appreciate LoV!
That's funny because everytime I have a Dragoon in my party they all seem to be doing that sum thrust thing lol.
tbh I can't take people who think post-WM bard is well-designed seriously
ITT people that don't appreciate LoV!
I did the LoV tutorial tonight. Didn't seem like much fun![]()
ITT people that don't understand BRD.
Iron Jaws is great.
Castbars are whatever.
The problem is Empyreal Arrow but for a 660 potency attack I don't even care.
The only thing that's real trash is Paean.
We can make this our new PLD vs WAR, guys.
tbh I can't take people who think post-WM bard is well-designed seriously
The day has finally come!!!!
The day has finally come!!!!![]()
After I saw that 0% wipe I knew you could do it!The day has finally come!!!!![]()
The day has finally come!!!!![]()
After I saw that 0% wipe I knew you could do it!
You have my condolences for the A4S you are about to endure.
It's a trash design ripped from Machinist because they couldn't let one physical range be a caster and one not because reasons.
And yeah, Paean is worthless.
If you like 3.0 bard, cool but it doesn't mean others can'tdislike it and criticize its problems.respond with lol and dismiss would could have been a discussion about the job
Fixed that for you
...i just got my bard job >_>.
Well I know going in what its like. If i don't like it I'll probably just swap to ninja
Fixed that for you
For what it's worth, if you don't have much experience with pre-3.0 Bard, you might not miss the old one just from leveling? Maybe? I didn't Bard at all really pre-3.0 so most the big issues with it, at least personally, is less so much the change / "caster!" but it has a lot of off-global cooldown abilities to use that don't play nicely with cast bars. From a min/max perspective, it's a lot of awkward watching buttons you push cause a loss of damage due to how those interact; much of their priority system comes down to minimizing loss of damage rather than outright maximizing damage dealt.
basically technical problems, it's clunky
yeah im aware they turn into casters basically. I'm not really going to try to min/max. I did that during WoW TBC/Wrath and was in a top guild before as a ret pally for sunwell and arms warrior for wrath. Got so burnt from it that I quit MMOs basically
Just looking to do some normal raiding and maybe try some of the harder stuff casually if I happen to be good and geared enough.
Gonna try and reignite interest in this game for myself. I'm a BRD main, but am looking to switch it up. I toyed with the idea of other DPS, but I want something with a bit more responsibility. I have ACN leveled via SMN, but I'm thinking of going back through every dungeon from scratch on SCH to try and learn that organically, and hopefully learn to appreciate a different side of the game. I actually started out as a PLD at 2.0 launch. I might return to that one day as well.