I remember back when you scoffed at VerminionLike Verminion.
I remember back when you scoffed at VerminionLike Verminion.
Go back to the job trainer in Ul'dah, that should lead you to new job quests at 52, 54, 56, 58, and 60.Where do I grab my new paladin skills? I see no paladin trainer in the city, do I go back to Ul'dah? I am 55 at the moment.
Have you no shame?Day 4 of Odin and Ravishan is already in trouble for hitting on someone's Catboyfriend.
Sargatanas was awesome until euro servers came out, now it's just dead.how is ultros population? I'm on sargatanas and it doesn't seem that populated? feels like a med server at best
Day 4 of Odin and Ravishan is already in trouble for hitting on someone's Catboyfriend.
Go back to the job trainer in Ul'dah, that should lead you to new job quests at 52, 54, 56, 58, and 60.
how is ultros population? I'm on sargatanas and it doesn't seem that populated? feels like a med server at best
Last I saw Sargatans and Ultros were like a few spots apart on the census, mildly in Sargatanas' favour.
Sargatanas was awesome until euro servers came out, now it's just dead.![]()
Seen waaaayyy too many people using the mount count as the actual clear count. The clear percentages are likely unchanged by much, but the clear count is higher than many people seem to think it is after looking at that.
Hey guys and gals. Does anyone know how to write a macro? I'm interested in writing a macro for my Bard to perform buffs. But I don't know how to write it. I want to perform 3 buffs - Internal Release, Featherfoot, and Hawk's Eye in one macro. These buffs enhance my critical hit, speed, and DEX.
If there's one thing I've learned in my many years of reading this thread it's don't do this!!!
Hey guys and gals. Does anyone know how to write a macro? I'm interested in writing a macro for my Bard to perform buffs. But I don't know how to write it. I want to perform 3 buffs - Internal Release, Featherfoot, and Hawk's Eye in one macro. These buffs enhance my critical hit, speed, and DEX.
If there's one thing I've learned in my many years of reading this thread it's don't do this!!!
Yup. The short answer is don't do this.
Even if you were going to macro, these three skills make no sense to macro together. Featherfoot is a purely defensive buff (increases your evasion) that you'd only pop when being attacked and has nothing to do with the other two.
Internal Release is on a 60 second Cooldown timer and Hawk's Eye is 90 seconds, so you will activate both at close to the same time on pull but they become staggered after that. Macroing them together is a mistake for a number of reasons, but the most obvious one at this point is that you don't use them together every time.
You used to be able to get away with macroing Hawk's Eye and Blood For Blood together (since you hold B4B for HE every time), but even that's sloppy now with cast times since you can't double oGCD.
The only good macro is the Flaming Arrow macro due to the way FA and cast times work together like motor oil and peanut butter:
/micon "Flaming Arrow"
/ac "Flaming Arrow"
/ac "Flaming Arrow"
/ac "Flaming Arrow"
/ac "Flaming Arrow"
/ac "Flaming Arrow"
/ac "Flaming Arrow"
/ac "Flaming Arrow"
lets you fake queueing FA if you hit it at the end of the cast.
IF YOU INSIST on macroing (seriously, don't do this. Please. Please don't.), the above is basically how it works. /ac "Skill Name" and it will fire off the lines all at once. add a <wait.1> to the end of the line if you want it to fire off lines sequentially; without the wait it'll usually do the first thing and then fail to do all the other ones because you're animation locked. However, the waits are full second waits. With a cast time you don't have multiple full seconds in between GCDs, so it's a bad fit (it's always been bad, but in the post-Minuet world it's worse.)
I really appreciate the tip. I understand that Bard is a support role and I don't want to let my party down. I usually try to buff my party at the beginning with Swiftsong and debuff a group of enemies using Foe Requiem. Then buff myself. I'm level 50. But I'm only at lvl 33 story quests. I won't be using macros. And I appreciate any other advice y'all have.
Thank you.
I remember back when you scoffed at Verminion
I understand that Bard is a support role
So my friends were able to pull me back into playing this game and man am i loving it now (some reason i didnt feel it the last time) So this brings me to a question which i didnt see on the main page. Is there a way to make the keyboard useful for this game? (we usually chat via discord and whatnot so typing to chat doesnt suit me much) since i'd like to be able to get things done more effectively, I've really never played mmos much (i do understand roles and whatnot) but keybinds and that stuff usually goes over my head, i've been switching on and off arcanist (going to be summoner) and Con (going to be a WHM ) depending on our group setup since i feel like Arcanist feels like a Debuff/support like class (while doing good damage)
To sum it up, is there a guide or anything so i can set up a keyboard on the ps4 and be effective in playing with my friends while also using controller?
I played on controller and had a keyboard for communication only. Controller was sufficient enough on its own, but I'm not really sure what you're asking.
oh, i thought there was a way to use all of the keyboard to use different attacks outside of the 8 on each shoulder button. (like pressing W would activate Cure or something) if thats even possible.
basically using a keyboard as attacks or whatever while using controller to aim/move
You could but that sounds really inefficient, versus just doing all your attacks on controller. You'd also have one hand off the controller so you could only move OR aim. You might be overthinking the utility of a keyboard with controller.
Have you dug into expanded hold controls? That gives you another 16 crossbar slots to use.
The days when I said I'm playing Verminion in game and your answer wasI didn't even enter Verminion until this week!
let's play
Out of curiosity I checked my post history for Verminion and LoV and I didn't scoff at it much at all!
The days when I said I'm playing Verminion in game and your answer was
Like always
Eh, they're first and foremost a DPS. Bringing up "support role" often seems like a way for players to write off or justify their own low DPS as something intrinsic to the job. Not to say you're doing that but just a thought.
/busythat moment when you pop a favor than the door rings and than the phone RIP
Seems like EU datacenter has just gone down. Was disconnected during last boss in Castrum and can't log in anymore. People can't access EU servers.
I've not even been here a week and the data centre blows up ;-;
Oh well, did get those goblin veteran rewards.
A Japanese site posted these census numbers taken from lodestone recently. I believed the rankings here are based on lv. 60 players. http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/luckybancho/imgs/0/1/015a1b82.png
It seems like the number of people logging on the GAF FC has been down, especially during the week, but I'm still seeing way more pf's especially since relic started.
seems like something up your alley ken
seems like something up your alley ken